Review: Sofina Primavista自然光感持久粉底液

自從帶咗口罩之後我就好少用粉底液類既產品,主要係怕焗同埋甩到成個口罩都係。 但係我都會有悶既時候同埋抗疫都真係抗咗太耐,我唔想再俾佢支配我嘅生活。 所以有一日行開見到呢枝見個質感都好薄,而我又好耐無分享過Sofina嘅產品,咁我就入手。 用咗都一個月,同大家分享一下究竟呢枝Sofina Primavista自然光感持久粉底液好唔好用先。

Since wearing face masks, I hadn’t used any liquid foundations. The main concern was it might clog the pores and it came off everywhere on the face mask. However, I got really bored using the same thing and we have been in this Covid situation for way too long, I don’t want to let it control my life anymore. So, I saw this awhile back and thought the texture was really light and it’s been a long while since I last talked about anything from Sofina, so I got one to try. I have been using this for a month, so it’s time for this Sofina Primavista Natural Glow Lasting Liquid Foundation review.

Sofina Primavista 自然光感持久粉底液
Natural Glow Lasting Liquid Foundation (Link)


Before and After

Sofina Primavista自然光感持久粉底液主要sell清爽持久,無油光自然亮澤,遮毛孔呢啲妝效。 我覺得佢係好清爽,好薄好推得開,用少少就可以搽曬全面同埋薄得黎唔焗身又唔會痴笠笠,但係我唔覺得佢有自然光澤感,用喺我度都係比較matte!同埋酒精味㗎。 咁清爽嘅質地我都預咗,我自己無酒精敏感,用咗成個月都無唔舒服,不過如果你皮膚唔受得或者你唔鍾意呢個味道你可以skip。 雖然佢好薄身,但係我覺得佢遮瑕度都中度有多,遮到毛孔或者一啲粉紅色同淺斑。 如果太深紅或者深色斑就唔得。 以呢個質感黎講有呢個遮瑕度真係好值得讚! 我用完佢都會用少少碎粉定妝。 因為帶口罩焗住而我哋又咁潮濕,所以佢係會甩㗎,會甩落個口罩度同埋會溶呀,鼻位會溶到變白色點點! 但係somehow我可以理解,我估其實呢個質感如果係正常情況底下(唔洗帶口罩),皮膚出油都會有溶既狀況但係一定唔會咁誇張!如果唔想甩咁多就last step加個makeup setting spray就可以。 用完一輪,我喺呢個大熱天時都幾鍾意用呢枝粉底,佢唔保濕嘅,所以我覺得油肌或者中性皮膚比較適合。 如果乾肌或者沙漠肌, 佢有機會令你乾嘅地方更加明顯。 有興趣自己去望下啦,我係cosme買嘅,而Sofina都有online shop,可以撳呢條link去8下先。

Sofina Primavista Natural Glow Lasting Liquid Foundation’s selling points are light-weight, long-lasting, offers natural glow without being greasy and can cover pores. I agree that it’s very light-weight on skin; it’s really spreadable. A tiny bit goes a long way. It doesn’t clog pores and it’s very breathable on skin. However, I don’t find any glow after using it, it looks more matte on me. Plus, it has an alcohol scent. I somehow anticipate the alcohol scent because it’s so light-weight. I am not allergic to alcohol, so my skin is still fine after 1 month’s usage. But if you are allergic or you don’t really like this particular scent, you can skip this product! Though it’s really light-weight, I find that it offers medium plus coverage, it covers the pores, some pink areas and some light pigmentation. For deep red patches or dark pigmentation, you need something more. Well, for this texture to offer a decent coverage, I think it’s good enough. After using this foundation, I would still use a bit of loose powder to set the makeup. Since we are still wearing face masks in Hong Kong and our humidity is beyond belief in summer, it does come off! It comes off onto the face mask and it looks quite patchy. However, somehow I could let this go a bit because wearing face masks is not exactly a normal circumstance. I actually suspect that if under normal situation (no face masks), and when skin secretes oil, it does come off or melts after a while but I don’t think it would go this patchy. If you want it to stay put a bit more, you can always add a makeup setting spray in your last makeup routine. I have to say, I quite enjoy using this foundation in this weather. It doesn’t hydrate though, so I think it would be more suitable for oily/ normal skin types. For dry skin or super dry skin, it might make your dry patches even more visible. If you are interested, go have a look, I got mine from cosme. Sofina has an online shop too, you can click this link to research a bit more.

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