Review: Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Omega Rich Botanical Night Cream

好耐都無被燒到護膚品,之前見到Kiehl’s出左呢個深夜奇蹟修復雲朵面霜,入面有Omega 3可以幫助皮膚抗發炎同埋98.6%天然成分,我覺得我應該用得到,所以即刻碌出去入手! 我都用咗好一段時間,今日同大家分享一下用後感先。

It’s been awhile since I got new skincare, I saw Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Omega Rich Botanical Night Cream online and found out that it contains Omega 3 which is great for anti-inflammation and 98.6% natural ingredients, I thought I could give it a go, so I got my hands on it quickly! I have been using it for quite some time, now it’s time for a review.

Kiehl’s 深夜奇蹟修復雲朵面霜 HK$400/50ml LINK
Midnight Recovery Omega Rich Botanical Night Cream


A deeply moisturizing botanical face cream formulated with Omega 3 Oil, Omega 6 Oil, and Fatty Acids that visibly renews the appearance and plumpness of skin while you sleep.


Kiehl’s深夜奇蹟修復雲朵面霜主打Omega 3同6幫皮膚做抗炎修復但係一聽到Omega都會諗咁會唔會有魚腥味~無㗎! 因為佢入面有薰衣草精油,所以係薰衣草嘅香味,搽緊個時好香好relaxing。 個味一陣都散咗。 我初初聞到佢咁香我都驚我可能用唔到,但係我又無事喎! 佢個質地超級討好,好似雪葩嘅質哋,一推好快吸收。 佢話入面有月見草油同優質橄欖油,但係個質地一啲都唔似有油份,搽完吸完之後皮膚係柔軟同埋唔會覺得笠。 我本身乾底又係敏感肌,我初初用第一兩個星期覺得唔錯,當時濕度又好高,所以呢個cream唔笠係好吸引。 嗰一兩個星期我覺得皮膚比較明亮同有光澤。 但係,過咗兩個星期,我覺得我皮膚開始有啲乾,第二日化妝出多咗紋同埋某啲位置卡粉,所以我覺得佢保濕麻麻地同埋對偏乾皮膚嚟講長期用係唔夠保濕。 濕度高既日子都咁樣,秋冬濕度低更加唔洗諗! 我覺得如果油性皮膚係用到亦都應該會鍾意個質地,但係如果係混合肌,乾肌,沙漠肌個啲就有機會唔夠保濕越用越乾喇。

Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Omega Rich Botanical Night Cream contains Omega 3 and 6 for anti-inflammation and repair, however, it also brings a concern – would the cream has fishy scent? Nope LOL. It also contains lavender essential oil, so when you apply the cream, it smells wonderful and relaxing. The scent fades quite quickly. At first, I thought I might not be able to use this due to the “strong” scent, but it didn’t irritate my skin at all. The texture is amazing, it feels like sorbet and it’s very easy to absorb. It says it contains primrose oil and olive oil, but you cannot tell from the very friendly texture. After application, skin feels soft and light. My skin is dry and sensitive, for the first 1-2 weeks using this cream, the weather was really humid at the time, I love how it felt on my skin and it made my skin more radiant. However, after 2 weeks, I noticed my skin started to feel dry. When I applied makeup the next day, more lines were showing and my powder went a bit cake-y, so I knew this cream wasn’t hydrating enough for dry skin type even during humid seasons. I think this would work for oily skin type, but for combination, dry and super dry skin types, I don’t think this cream is hydrating enough on the long run.

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