Review: Chantecaille Compact Makeup Foundation Powder

之從帶口罩我就一直只係用粉餅既物體,因為貪佢質地爽啲無咁焗同埋就算甩都比較易補唔會一舊舊。 我用用下見到我呢個Chantecaille粉餅都見底,係時候同大家分享一下我覺得好唔好用。

Since wearing face mask, I have only been using powder foundation. It’s just easier for the skin to manage because it feels lighter and also it doesn’t melt in patches. I recently hit pan on this Chantecaille Makeup Foundation Powder and it’s time to share my thoughts with all of you whether this is a good buy.

Chantecaille Compact Makeup Foundation Powder

我用緊Camel呢個顏色,我覺得都唔錯,唔會太白又唔會太黑或者太黃。 佢下層有個puff,我通常都係搽完護膚品上埋base就用佢個puff乾上呢個粉餅做底妝。

I use the colour Camel. I think it’s a nice shade for me, it’s not too fair and it’s not too dark nor yellow. It comes with a puff underneath and I usually use my skincare first, then a makeup base, and then follow by this powder dry with the puff as my base makeup.

我覺得佢粉質好好,真係好滑,滑到有啲上面既時候覺得佢好緬有少少似cream咁,唔會覺得好乾。 我自己就好鍾意呢一點,因為我本身都乾,如果個粉好鞋既話,上面會見到一粒粒粉,成件事會變得好粗糙。 反而用Chantecaille呢個粉餅上完面個效果係無粉感,望落皮膚亦覺得好細緻! 另外一樣我覺得要讚既地方係佢遮瑕度真係中高。 因為帶口罩,我無再特別用遮瑕膏(唔想溶到一舊舊),所以我呢期都係靠粉餅自己本身個遮瑕力。 我覺得呢個好好,因為一層就已經遮到晒啲紅,如果有印既位置就再局部上多一層咁個印就會變得唔明顯。 但係就算上多一層粉都唔會一達達同埋好粉感, 呢點係好good! 我眼位都比較乾,我用佢都唔會走好多乾紋出嚟say hi同埋就算好乾既日子我用成日都無覺得再乾咗!正!持久度方面就一般啦,帶口罩焗焗下都係會出汗出油會甩,但係我覺得呢個好正常丫,佢係化妝品唔係面具,甩唔緊要,但係個問題係有無甩到一達達同埋再補個下會唔會好厚粉一舊舊!答案係唔會,甩得都均勻,再補個下都係好fresh好靚,無一達達! 唔錯!

I really like the powder quality, it’s very smooth. It’s so smooth to the point that I would call it “buttery smooth”! I have dry skin to start with, if a powder is not smooth and finely milled enough, I would end up with a pixel face and the whole texture would look so rough. This Chantecaille Compact Makeup Powder Foundation looks really natural on skin with a wonderful smooth finish! Also, it has a medium to high coverage. Due to wearing face masks, I don’t use any concealer because I don’t want it to melt on my face in weird patches, so I solely rely on the coverage that comes with the powder. I love this because a thin layer can conceal the redness, and for the pigmentation area, another thin layer on these designated area would help to cover them up even further. I love how you can apply two/ three layers to certain area and it’s still not cake-y! My under eye areas are quite dry as well, and this powder won’t make my fine lines even more visible! Even after a whole day of use, I don’t feel the areas have gone even dryer! Thumbs-up! For it’s longevity, it’s so-so. When wearing a face mask, the area gets steamy (hence oil secretion) and sweats, the powder does come off. I think it’s perfectly normal because it’s makeup at the end of the day. Coming off is not a problem, the problem is if it would become patchy when you retouch! The answer is NO. When I retouch, the makeup freshens up again and it doesn’t look patchy at all. This is wonderful!

佢個finish係matte finish所以唔會有水潤肌效果,我自己就好鍾意,但係呢個好個人。 我覺得呢個粉餅好多人都啱用,無論油肌至乾肌用都無問題,反而油肌係要留意佢係無控油,所以你要先用一個控油打底先會持久啲。 其他膚質都唔洗擔心會越用越乾,無呢個問題。 價錢方面都貴貴地婦啦,但係我覺得都值嘅,因為用HK$710買唔緊要,最緊要係我用到可以用完為止,呢度都用咗幾個月,而各方面效果我都覺得好唔錯,所以呢HK$710我覺得係值得。 如果想試真係可以去counter試下個質感再決定呀!! 我自己就好推喇,我都會回購!

It’s a matte finish, so if you enjoy the Korean dewy look, you probably don’t like this, but I do! LOL. I feel that this compact powder suits a variety of skin types, from oily to dry. For oily skin, the only thing you need to watch out is that it doesn’t have oil control function, so you probably would want to use an oil control makeup base first to make everything a bit more long lasting. For other skin types, you don’t need to worry about “the more I use powder, the more drying it is for my skin”. Price-wise, it’s on the high-end side, but I feel that it’s worth it. Using HK$710 to buy a powder foundation is not the concern, the concern is whether I would enjoy using it and hit pan on it. I have been using this for a few months and I think it performs well on many levels, so I think HK$710 is worth it. If you are curious, go to the counter to give this a try before you decide! I personally love it and I will repurchase again!

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