Review: Chanel Rouge Coco Baume

自從要帶口罩之後,化妝真係少咗好多樂趣。 我自己都無乜買化妝品,所以都少咗分享。 就算買咗我又會諗唔知你哋有無興趣睇,所以搞搞下就無分享! 早前Chanel啱啱出呢款Rouge Coco Baume嘅時候,我好燒所以買咗,又係一直無特別去分享佢好唔好用,直至有位你哋IG問我,咁不如我嫡起心肝寫個短短哋嘅post分享一下。

Since we started wearing face mask, some of the joy from makeup has been taken away. I haven’t been getting much makeup these couple of years and hence you don’t see much sharing from me with regards to this aspect. Sometimes, even I do get the “occasional” makeup items, I am still not too sure if you are interested in the review. Well, I got these Chanel Rouge Coco Baume when they were first launched and I wasn’t motivated to “review” them until one of you asked me. Now here comes my thoughts.

Chanel Rouge Coco Baume HK$305

Swatches 試色

Chanel Rouge Coco Baume主打係有色潤唇膏, 本身我對呢啲唔太大興趣,因為好多都太淺色,搽上咀得個啲啲咁多嘅色,咁真係唔洗買咁貴,因為有好多平價開架選擇。 但係當日我去試個陣都有好多色揀,同埋我見佢比平日嘅有色潤唇膏顯色,所以就入手咗兩條拍片嗰陣可以搽下。 顏色出黎比較透色,亦都令身,有滋潤感但係唔會過份肥膩或者痴咀。 而且滋潤感都維持到大半日唔會乾,所以真係唔洗用潤唇膏打底,直接搽呢個一take過可以喇。 當然亦都因為佢潤身,所以佢係唔持久啦,食野飲野一定甩。 好正常! 我自己用得好開心,914就係自然路線,想有少少nude色但係唔會病樣我就用呢枝;924就精神色,呢類嘅實色我自己都好鍾意,不過如果搽唔慣鮮實色嘅話,呢個透啲無咁sharp,都係一個好嘅過渡選擇。 本身呢款透色唇膏我覺得係好襯春夏天,易用易襯揀啱色就好常會用得到, 但係我哋都仲係帶住口罩,所以我自己用嘅機會都唔多。如果唔帶口罩既話我應該係日日都會搽佢哋! 推介!!

Chanel Rouge Coco Baume is basically a hydrating tinted lip balm. I am not a super fan of these tinted lip balms as I find many of them not pigmented enough, sometimes the colours are not even that visible on the lips and if that’s the case, drugstore options are a better choice. The day that I went to give these babies a go, I found them more pigmented than usual and there were many colours available, so I got two to try. The colours on lips are sheer and glossy, they give a sense of hydration without being too greasy. The hydration lasts around half a day, so you don’t really need a lip balm underneath, just use this as your lip balm and colour in one go! Since it’s hydrating, it’s not long-lasting. It does come off when I eat and drink, which is perfectly normal for tinted lip balm! I am happy with the quality and the colours. 914 is more on the natural side, I use this whenever I want some nude colour on my lips without looking pale; whereas 924 is a cheerful colour, I love the matte version of this type of colour too, however if you are not used to the solid colour block, I think this is a great transitional shade. I feel that these tinted lip balms are perfect for spring and summer, they are easy to use once you pick a suitable colour for yourself. However, due to the fact that we are still wearing face masks, I haven’t been using them as much as I would love to. I think when the face masks are gone, I probably will wear them everyday! Recommended!!

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