Review: AMOREPACIFIC TIME RESPONSE Intensive Renewal Masque

初初唔敢試AMOREPACIFIC產品,因為我以前試過太多韓國品牌都同我唔係好夾,而AMOREPACIFIC價錢都係貴婦級,所以我唔想浪費。 但係間唔中都有你哋同我講佢啲野好好用,咁搞到我又好奇, 我係試佢哋facial先,因為可以即時睇到皮膚有無大反應同埋效果。 哈,點知試完facial唔單止佢有好多野我用得,仲要我越試越多同埋有啲我都好愛! 呢個TIME RESPONSE煥采活膚面膜係其中一個我好鍾意嘅單品,我都回購咗幾次,今日同大家以文字方式去分享一下。

At first I wasn’t interested in AMOREPACIFIC products, because I had tried so many Korean brands before and I didn’t feel they work for me. Plus, AMOREPACIFIC’s prices are on the high side, which made me even more hesitant. However, some of you told me from time to time how much you loved their products, which made me curious lol. I tried their facial first and I found out most of their products didn’t irritate my skin, so I started to try different items from the brand and quite a few have become my favourite. One of the good examples would be AMOREPACIFIC TIME RESPONSE Intensive Renewal Masque, I repurchased quite a few times and today let me share more of my thoughts with you.

煥采活膚面膜 HK$1,300/6pcs LINK


使用從早春嫩芽中萃取的濟州第一綠茶細胞水Green Tea Cell Water™, 將高效抗氧綠茶力量輸送至肌膚, 賦予肌膚源源水份, 促進細胞再生。
蘊含專利配方Advanced TIME RESPONSE Complex™, 預防水分流失並強化肌膚保護屏障, 令肌膚重拾柔嫩膚色與瑩潤彈性。
綠茶中的茶氨酸與綠茶咖啡因能強化及賦活肌膚, 讓肌膚保持細嫩、飽滿狀態。
由植物發酵而成的纖維面膜緊貼肌膚, 讓高濃綠茶精華迅速滲透肌底。

Contains first harvested green tea from early spring which rejuvenates the skin.
Green tea theanine and caffeine boost skin’s anti-aging power and provide special care on problem areas.
The bio-cellulose sheet contains fermented botanical agents that gently adhere to the skin, quickly delivering the active agents.

Before and After

面膜剪裁都好貼面,而面膜紙本身都唔會好厚好焗,我覺得透氣度係OK。 精華都多,亦都係比較厚身,好似lotion狀咁,唔係水滴滴個種,所以敷緊個陣唔會周圍滴。 我無P圖而夜晚係屋企自然影比較多shadow,你見個before and after唔係啲咩好驚為天人嘅效果,唔會由黑變白,唔會啲斑無晒! 但係細心睇係見到敷完皮膚少咗乾紋同質感再細緻咗,我敏感玫瑰痤瘡底敷完無起紅無敏感。 我鍾意用佢嘅原因係我覺得佢唔止保濕仲滋潤,用完皮膚多翻水份同營養之餘仲要第二日起身都好滑好線手化妝好貼。 而且我用咗幾次,我覺得皮膚彈性度有提升同埋膚色均勻咗。 效果都持久,我基本上一個星期敷一次都得。 有時想慳家啲就覺得皮膚好乾開始鞋鞋地先用。 每次敷完個效果我都好滿意! 加上,敏感玫瑰痤瘡肌根本有好多野唔用得,所以用得無敏感自然會加分。 我覺得呢款面膜比較適合乾性或者沙漠肌多啲,如果油性中性混合性皮膚你可能會覺得過潤。我見佢哋有時有啲套裝會有一張呢個面膜係入面,如果覺得第一次買一盒唔肯定自己鍾唔鍾意,你可以留意下佢啲套裝,咁又可以試多幾款產品,真係鍾意先一盒盒咁入手!

Cutting of the mask fits onto face quite nicely, and I love that the “paper” itself is not too thick, it’s still very breathable, which is a plus for sensitive skin. There is quite a lot of serum on the mask and the serum is more of a lotion texture, it’s definitely richer than what I am used to. Due to its thicker texture, it doesn’t drip everywhere during the self-care process. I haven’t photoshopped any of the photos and I took these at home at night, so I can’t avoid the shadows on my face. When you check the before and after photos, the results are not “overwhelming”, like your skin won’t be 10 degree fairer and the pigmentation won’t be magically disappeared. However, if you look closely, you can see the fine lines are less and the texture is more refined than before. Also, there is no allergies on my face after using this. The reason I love this mask is because it’s not just hydrating, it’s moisturising too. I feel that my skin got some hydration and nutrients back and I love how smooth my skin is and how lovely the makeup goes on the next day. Moreover, after using a few times, I feel that my skin elasticity improves and my skin tone is more even. The results last quite well. I basically use this once a week; or sometimes, I only use this when my skin start to feel dry. I love using it and I love the results every time. Plus, there aren’t many options available for sensitive skin with rosacea, so when I CAN use something without allergies, I would give a high score. I feel that this mask is more suitable for dry and super dry skin; if you have oily, normal or combination skin types, you probably would find it too heavy. I see that they offer promotional sets from time to time and sometimes they would include a piece of this mask, if you are not sure whether you are going to like it or not, I think it’s best to start with these promotional sets. You will get more items to try and also you can find out if it’s suitable for you before committing.

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