Repurchased Item: Helena Rubinstein REPLASTY AGE RECOVERY Day Cream

Repurchased Item: Helena Rubinstein REPLASTY AGE RECOVERY Day Cream

一看價錢,這個面霜真是名副其實的貴婦級保養品。 如果我看不到它的好,我一定不會回購! 會回購都是好東西,今天跟大家分享一下~

Looking at the price tag, we can quickly comment that this is one of the high end skincare items. If I don’t think it’s good enough, I wouldn’t have repurchased. Well, since every repurchased item should be a great product, let me share my thoughts with you on this day cream~

Helena Rubinstein Replasty Age Recovery Day Cream 修復日霜 HK$3,000/50ml

起初買這個是因為Replasty這個系列是針對醫美療程後的皮膚。 這個又名叫白繃帶,而黑色那瓶叫黑繃帶。 白色的是日霜有消炎效果,而黑色的是晚霜有修復效果。 我覺得兩款都可以早晚用(日霜都沒有防曬,所以可以安心晚上用),最重要的是你皮膚究竟要消炎還是要修復還是兩者都需要。 以我前陣子的皮膚而言,消炎是最重要,因為皮膚經常都在發炎狀態(又紅又出痘),所以我就日夜都用白繃帶。 皮膚沒太問題的時候覺得它的質感不錯,易吸收又不會黏, 但當皮膚瘋狂發炎的時候,我就當它是寶! 用完一整瓶之後我亦回購! 它的消炎效果真的非常好,如果皮膚發紅,搽完之後兩三個小時之內,紅會被消失;而痘痘的話,我就用這個厚敷在痘痘的位置,第二天痘痘都平了很多。 而且我覺得它做到滋潤而不膩。 有一段時間,我皮膚瘋狂地甩皮,好恐怖,基本上全面都會見到甩皮狀態! 用了這個之後,沒有在甩皮啦! 但它就是有一個不好處,如果你晚上用它厚敷某個位置的話,它會黏到枕頭上,會弄髒枕頭套。 如果要這樣做的話,建議用毛巾墊一墊!

I got this Replasty Age Recovery Day Cream because Replasty line is targeting the “after-beauty-treatment” skin conditions. The white one is a day cream and it has anti-inflammatory properties; whereas for the black one, it’s a night cream which focuses on repairing. I actually think both can be used for day and night time (even the day one doesn’t contain SPF, so you can use it at night no problem). The only thing that matters is that which function your skin needs most. For my skin, it inflames a lot (redness and bumps), so anti-inflammatory function is my priority. I use this day cream both for day and night. When my skin doesn’t have much issues, I appreciate the texture is nice, easy to absorbed and not greasy. Well, but when my skin is acting up, this cream is my absolutely treasure. I am onto my second jar now! It’s anti-inflammatory function is great. If I have a sudden red patch, it will disappeared after 2-3 hours of application; if I have a few pimples, I leave a thicker layer on the affected areas, usually the next day, I would find them minimised. Plus, I think it’s moisturising but not heavy. There was a time when my skin went really flaky, I mean, my whole face, not just one area. Imagine the horror I had every time I looked into the mirror. After using this, the flakiness disappeared!! Every good thing has a down side, if you use a thicker layer at night, it will dirty your pillow case, so I suggest you have a towel in between your pillow case and your face to avoid the issue!


這個白繃帶雖然好貴,但我早晚用可以用兩三個月,什至是空瓶,而且它的消炎效果好讚,所以我好推薦它。 當然如果皮膚沒有問題,你根本就不需要買,你不會感受到它的好啦。 但是如果你是痘痘肌,皮膚經常無情地發炎的話,你會見到效果! 有興趣自己去Helena Rubinstein的counter試試!

Though this day cream is pricey, I can use this consistently for 2-3 months (both day and night time). I could even finish it (being able to finish something means everything)! It’s anti-inflammatory function is wonderful, so I highly recommend it. Of course, if your skin doesn’t have any issues, you don’t need this in your life because you will never be benefited from its functions. However, if you have acne prone skin or inflamed skin, then hell yes! If you are interested, go check it out at the Helena Rubinstein counter!

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