[Reporter] Sisley 2013 秋季彩妝系列 City Muse

前兩個星期我去咗Sisley秋冬彩妝既預演,Sisley既護膚產品我以前都有用過(貴婦級!不竟佢都係法國殿堂級品牌~),好多我都覺得唔錯! 反而我自己就無用過佢既彩妝,所以都有興趣去睇下望下佢地既秋季新產品!

(English:  A couple weeks ago, I went to Sisley’s 2013 Autumn Makeup Collection Preview, I used some of their skincare products before (pricey, well yea, they are a very reputable French brand), and I quite liked many of those!  However, I have never tried their makeup before, so I was quite interested to go and take a look!)

Sisley 2013 秋季彩妝系列 City Muse
Autumn Makeup Collection – City Muse

今次佢地既主題係帶你係繁忙既城市中尋找創意同活力! 其實佢地呢個系列既設計方向都係想令都市女性sexy得黎又硬朗,同埋因為都市女性都生活忙碌,無太多多餘時間,所以佢地既產品係以實用易用方便為大前題,希望可以幫都市女性慳翻d寶貴時間!

(English:  The theme for this collection is to bring creativity and energy back into your busy city life!  The direction of this collection is to strike a balance between sexiness and toughness.  And also, they understand that busy women don’t have all the time in the world and they are on the go all the time, so they make the products easy to use (yet effective), hopefully, they make the ladies look good without having to spend too much time!)


Sisley Phyto-Ombre Glow


呢個眼影系列都好吸引! 因為顏色好實用之餘,仲要閃得黎唔誇張! 當然,佢最好既地方係佢粉質好幼細唔飛粉得黎仲好creamy!

(English:  This 4 eyeshadows really caught my eye!  I love the colors because they are all very subtle, they have shimmer, but not excessive.  Of course, the best part is that their powder is very fine, very creamy and won’t fly everywhere when it’s in application!)



(English:  See…how focused I am when I come to playing and understanding the products!)


(English:  Hmmm…Indeed, Sisley does have quite a bit of makeup products:)



(English:  I am quite interested to try their base makeup someday, the reason being is that all of their makeup products contain skincare ingredients, and as I always say, if the base is right, everything else would follow without too much effort!!)

仲有呢個系列既lipgloss (HK$360),係City Muse入面都有兩隻新色,我係現場有玩過個lipgloss,真係好出色,我覺得佢個出色度同lip lacquer有得比! 哈哈,之後佢地話我聽原來呢隻lipgloss有豐咀咀效果,但係就唔係好吉/好熱令個咀漲咗個feel既!

(English:  Oh and I have to mention this lipgloss series (HK$360).  There are two new colors in the City Muse series.  I played with them on that day and I have to admit that they are super pigmented (comparable to lip lacquers)!!  *Laughs* Guess what?  The beauty of this is that it has plumping function, but it doesn’t irritate your lips in the stupid way!)

另外當然唔少得佢地既護膚品啦! 我之前用過佢地一d basic既產品同埋mask,感覺都唔錯! 遲d要再買翻用翻去同大家分享先得!

(English:  How can we miss their skincare lines!  I used some of its basic items before and my thoughts were good.  I may go back some time to get a few things, so that I could share my thoughts with you all.)

自己玩完一輪,有化妝師同model示範最新彩妝就更加好啦!! 咁可以即時睇到上面既效果!

(English:  I love it when there is a makeup artist demonstrating the products on the model, because then, I could see the instant effect on the face and make my own judgement!)

First Look – Day Time Look:



(English:  The L’Orchidee can be used on the whole face to create a healthy glow, or you could just used the deeper colors as blush!)

用City Muse個紫色眼影!

(English:  Ultra Violet from City Muse series!)


(English:  It’s done and I feel that the look is very clean and natural.  The hint of purple on the eyes bring out the girly-ness and sexiness!)



Second Look – Evening Look:

用頭先既日妝做base,on top加多少少野就可以轉成晚妝! 其中一樣就係用隻帶bronze既眼影加係紫色眼影既附近喇。另外就當然係加深個咀既顏色啦! 非常簡單就轉咗個晚妝出黎喇!

(English:  Add a couple of things and you can change it into an evening look!  One of the things is to use Amber around Ultra Violet area, and the other thing is to use a deeper lip color!  Voila!!  Done!!)

當日走既時候,PR有產品俾我地拎返屋企試用! 我就用咗幾次,所以我唔想分享住! 等我用多幾次再另外分享啦!! 唉~~~ 我知我試野真係好慢~~

(English:  At the end, PR gave us a few products to try so that we could share our thoughts with you.  I have only used them a few times, so I will leave my thoughts till later.  I know… I am quite slow when I come to trying different products~~~)

Sisley Phyto-Blanc Lightening Compact Foundation SPF20 PA++






Sisley Phyto-Ombre Glow




Sisley L’Orchidee





(English:  No worries!  I will give them a few more trials and then I will share my thoughts ASAP!)

Special thanks to MJPhotographyHK for the event photos!



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