[Reporter] Marks & Spencer 2013 Fall/ Winter Collection

我最開心就係被邀請去Fashion Show或者係新系列既press release! 原因係可以慢慢欣賞產品,了解新系列既風格,同你地分享之餘,又偷偷地準備加邊d入自己既購物清單入面~ 不過當Marks and Spencer請我去既時候,我因為有其他野做走唔開,所以無緣親眼欣賞產品,但係我派咗個好熟我既代表去,等佢揀d佢覺得我會鍾意既風格同大家分享! 唔好講咁多, 今季d野有型格又多變,快d用眼睛跟我進入Marks and Spencer既角度啦!

(English:  I really love going to Fashion Show or new collection fashion release!!  The reason is really simple, because I could appreciate the products slowly and understand where the inspiration come from.  Apart from sharing the pieces with you, I could secretly work on my wish list *laughs*!  Sadly when Marks & Spencer sent me their invitation, I couldn’t attend the event due to other engagements, so I sent someone whom I could trust there!  Right, enough with my mumble, let’s dive into Mark & Spencer edgy and sophisticated fashion world!)

我好私心地將呢兩張相放係頭位,你地都應該知點解啦!! 就係我見到佢呢個look,我覺得簡直為我而設!! 好型好有風格得黎又不失女人味!! 成個look我都愛,最愛更加係對豹紋boots!

(English:  I put these two photos as the first two photos, I am sure you know why!  When I saw this, I was like, “this is for me!!”  Edgy but feminine at the same time!  I love the whole outfit, especially the leopard booties!!)

我見到呢個look個陣,我覺得我好想有party去,咁我就可以有好大理由即刻飛去M&S買哂成個look返屋企! 太靚喇!!
又高貴,又有性格!! 成個look襯得好簡單但係又好有自信!! 對鞋既design更加係簡單得黎夠特別!! 大愛呢個造型!

(English:  When I saw this, I really wanted to get an invitation for a party, so that I could have a big excuse to spin to M&S and get the whole outfit!  It’s really pretty!!  It screams elegance and personality!  It’s simple yet confident!!  I especially love the design of the ankle boots!!  I am in love with this!!  So tasteful (so hard not to be a fan of UK brands)!!)

呢條裙一定要著上身先睇到係靚! 你望下下面張相同呢張比較下就明白喇~

(English:  This dress definitely looks its best when it’s on a body, you will understand why when you compare it with the photo down below~~)

我對blouse情有獨中! 我覺得望落好似好簡單利落既cutting,加埋飄逸既布料,就女性化得黎有少少硬朗!

(English:  I am a super fan of blouse!  It looks simple, plus the light fabric, it screams sexuality plus a hint of boyishness!)


(English:  This jacket makes me think of the snowing UK!  I really want to go back to this lovely country!!!)


(English:  I have briefly praised M&S underwear series before, of course, we can’t miss that in the Autumn and Winter time as well!!)

係我個代表好清楚我定係本身M&S今季係衫係為我而設? 上面全部既衫同裙我都好愛~ 我亦都見到自己著呢個系列既衫! 我鍾意簡單既設計,因為我成日覺得係人著衫,唔係衫著人! 人先係主角,如果你著件簡簡單單既衫,人地都覺得你著得好好睇,呢個就係自信既表現! 衣服係幫你著出自己既自信同風格,我覺得今季M&S真係surprise咗我,因為我覺得佢做到!

(English:  Is it my representative or is it M&S?  I love all of the above and I could actually see myself wearing them!!  I love simple designs because I believe humans are the focus, not the clothes.  If you wear something simple and you receive a compliment, then that’s a sign of self-confidence and self-love!!  Fashion are there to help you a bit to get there!! I truly find M&S 2013 AW Collection surprising! I feel that it has the right balance between simplicity and sophistication!)


(English:  Apart from the clothing items, their accessories are eye-catching as well:)

豹紋呀!!! 太強喇!!所有豹紋既野我都愛!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Leopard!!  Very nice!!  I love everything in leopard!! *Laughs*!!)

呢對鞋都好靚呀! 記得我講過M&S既鞋係非常舒服同埋價錢好合理嗎?

(English:  This pair of shoes are lovely!!  Remember I have mentioned before that their shoes are very comfy and their prices are very friendly?)


(English:  Of course, I have to put the beloved leopard items at the very end!!)

Special thanks to MJphotographyHK for the photos!


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