[Reporter] 韓國品牌Innisfree係香港開幕

韓國品牌Innisfree fans有福喇,佢地嚟咗香港喇! 即係話以後要買呢個天然品牌既產品就唔洗去到咁遠啦!! 我上個星期被邀請去佢地既開幕禮,你睇下我幾興奮(因為我有張media sticker, 所以好興奮! 哈哈)!!

(English: If you are fan of Korean brand, Innisfree, you would be really happy to hear this piece of great news – they finally arrived at Hong Kong!  That means you don’t need to travel too far to get your favourite products from this natural Korean brand.  Last week, I went to their opening ceremony and you could probably tell that I was really excited (because I was wearing the media sticker *laughs*)!!)

當日我係去Convention Centre出席呢個開幕禮!

(English:  The venue for that day was in Convention Centre!)

我地睇咗幾段片,亦都有唔同幾位人事上台講下品牌concept,方向等等! 其實innisfree係韓國頭號天然護敷品牌,佢地係濟州島遠道而來。 佢地品牌除咗天然之外,亦都好著重環保,所以你見佢地品牌既主打顏色都係綠色!

(English:  We watched a few video clips and a few of the brand representatives went on stage to explain their brand concepts and direction.  Indeed, Innisfree is No.1 Korean natural beauty brand and they come from Jeju!  Apart from using natural ingredients, they are a very environmental friendly brand as well.  Therefore, its theme color is green!!)

哈哈!! 當然聽品牌故事好吸引亦都好多資訊,但係都唔夠見到品牌代言人李敏鎬咁吸引啦!

(English:  *Grins*  Of course I love listening to brand story and all the brand information, but it’s never as exciting as seeing the brand spokesperson Mr. Lee Min Ho!)

佢一出場要企定定俾各位去影下相, 亦都唔少得同佢地品牌既star item既合照啦!

(English:  Yea when he came out, he had to stand still to let us take photos and of course a photo with their star item as well!!)

完成開幕禮,我地就出去食少少野玩下d產品! 你睇下佢地d cupcakes同macaroons都係綠色㗎!!

(English:  After the ceremony, we went out, got some sneaks and played with the products.  You see…green is their theme color!!  Cupcakes and macaroons turned green!!)

我發現佢地真係有好多產品,亦都分開唔同功能,好仔細!! 唔同既皮膚需要都照顧到! 

(English:  They have some really extensive lines of products, which are also divided into different ingredients and functions.  Very impressive!!)

我之前對呢個品牌無咩研究(因為香港無得賣),但係佢都黎咗香港,我就當然要去認真咁研究一下佢既產品啦。 淨係係個場到玩下佢既產品就滿足唔到我既要求喇,所以我前兩日拉咗Mr Honey同我去Innisfree銅鑼灣店度8下。 要排隊呀, 不過都好快入到去。 我見佢既產品多數都係百令二百蚊,好經濟!! 有好多野我都好想試,其實除咗你上面見到既護膚品,佢都有化妝品!! Mr Honey自己想買一兩件Innisfree Forest Men系列既產品, 咁無理由佢買我唔買,佢就sponsor我喇(我禁敗丫!!!)。 但係我今日唔分享我敗咗咩先, 我五月頭會拍片再同大家分享一下(好掛住拍haul video呀)。

(English:  I didn’t really investigate this brand before (coz it’s not available in HK).  Now that it’s here, it’s time for my serious research (including reviewing their different products).  Playing with the products at the venue surely couldn’t give me the satisfaction that I would need.  So, guess what?  I dragged Mr Honey to the store in CWB with me.  Right we had to line up but that didn’t take long for us to set foot in the store.  Their price range is between HK$100 – HK$2xx, very reasonable!!  There are so many items I want to try, apart from the above skincare products, they have makeup products as well.  Mr Honey wanted to get something for himself from the Forest Men line but he couldn’t bear the thought that I was getting nothing, so he sponsored me (yea I wasn’t supposed to get anything due to my spending ban).  However, I am going to keep my haul a secret for now as I am waiting to shoot a haul video in early May (I miss shooting haul video so much)!!)


(English:  On the other hand, I want to share their April promotions with you, see if I could tempt you):)

Green Tea Seed Serum Special Kit / HK$210


Green Tea Seed Serum x 80ml

Green Tea Pure Skin x 70ml

Green Tea Pure Lotion x 70ml

Volcanic Pore Clay Mask Special Kit / HK$110

Volcanic Pore Clay Mask (soft) x 100ml 

Jeju Volcanic Toner x 25ml

Jeju Volcanic Pore Cleansing Foam x 30ml

Volcanic個set我都有買呀(錯,係人地買俾我)。 聽過好多人話好用,同埋我真係覺得超級平!! 哈哈!! 當然我仲有買其他野啦,要等我拍片分享呀!!  四月份買滿指定金額仲有野送。 如果你地對個品牌有興趣,都快d去望下!!

(English:  I got the Volcanic set as well (not I got, but someone got me it).  I heard rave comments and I felt the price was ridiculously friendly.  *Laughs*  Of course I got other products too but yea I will share when I shoot the haul video.  Oh, btw, you will get free gifts after purchasing over a certain amount!!  So, if you are interested to check out the brand, go take a spin!!!)

Store Address:

G/F, No. 54 A Yan Ping Road, Causeway Bay

Ginza Plaza, 2A Sai Yeung Choi St South, Mongkok

Innisfree Hong Kong Facebook:


Photos Taken By MJPhotographyHK


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