[Reporter] Estee Lauder全新CyberWhite新品發佈會

又到春夏天, 即係話又到咗要好勤力美白既季節喇! 雖然我唔係想要變白既女生, 但係我都要好好保護皮膚唔希望唔好有斑出現丫! 所以我覺得無論你係想要變白,定係你好enjoy你既健康膚色(不過要留意唔好有斑), 美白都係不少得既環節。 我之前就被邀請出席咗Estee Lauder既全新Cyberwhite系列發佈會, 等我同大家報告下有咩新鮮產品丫。

(English:  Spring has finally arrived and not long till Summer time!  That means the whitening season has officially begun!  Even though I am not those girls who literally want to turn white, I have to take care of my skin as I want to avoid spots on my face!  So I feel that no matter you are in the mission of whitening your skin or you really enjoy your tanned skin (but be mindful of the dark spots), whitening process cannot be omitted in your skincare regime.  A week ago, I was invited to attend Estee Lauder’s New Cyberwhite Product Launch Event, let me become the beauty reporter here and tell you what I have found!)

Estee Lauder Cyberwhite Brilliant
Perfection Collection


Estee Lauder Cyberwhite HD Advanced Spot Correcting Collection


今次新出既Cyberwhite產品共有兩個系列。 白色包裝既係美妝產品, 藍色包裝既係護膚產品。  我對佢兩個系列都好有興趣,因為我覺得佢產品都出得好全面。 除咗護膚品要美白之外, 最好當然係化妝品都可以保護到皮膚唔好受太陽伯伯傷害啦:

(English:  There are two main new lines for Cyberwhite products this time.  The ones with white packaging are the makeup items; whereas the blue ones are the skincare items.  I am very excited to see both lines of products because I like the fact that they cover everything we could possibly think of!  Apart from skincare products (at night), makeup products used in the day can protect our skin from harmful UV rays:)



(English:  The Makeup Artist showed us how to effectively use each new item:)


(English:  Newbies on the table for us to play around – how can we miss that?)

不如我分享一下新品包括d咩,同埋我當日玩完既即時感覺丫。 雖然唔係詳細既review, 但係我成世人試過咁多產品, 我既即時感覺都唔差得去邊。 我講一講我覺得佢地既特別之處同埋價錢, 你地對個別產品有興趣起碼有個基本reference丫。 先講佢既美妝系列:

(English:  How about I share the products included in the new range and my initial reaction after playing with each product that day.  Even though it’s not going to be a full on review, I feel that my gut feeling couldn’t be too far off (since I have been testing products almost all my teenage and adult life).  I will talk about their specialty and the prices, then if you are interested in a particular item, you have my initial feeling as a reference point.  Let me start off with its makeup range:)

Estee Lauder CyberWhite Brilliant Perfection Full Spectrum Brightening High Cover Concealer SPF25/PA++ 

高清亮白淡斑遮瑕筆 SPF25/PA++


呢個個賣點係佢有防曬, 可以特別照顧cheekbone既位置同埋可以遮斑遮暗瘡印得黎又可以保護皮膚唔好再受紫外線傷害。 加上佢經過皮膚科醫生測試,不會引起暗瘡,不含香料,咩皮膚都適合。 我當日試過覺得佢遮瑕度好好之外, 仲係超級持久, 我搽完係手,隔咗一陣, 我就係咁捽佢, 佢都仲係度。 完咗event, 又去食飯行街, 之後返到屋企佢都面不改容咁係我隻手上面。

(English:  It’s special because it contains sunscreen, it takes care of cheekbone areas and any pigmented areas by protecting them even further from UV rays.  Plus, it’s Dermatologist tested, Non-Acnegenic and Fragrance-free, so it’s suitable for any skin types.  I played with it on the day and I found that its coverage was really good and it was super long-lasting.  After it was dried, I started rubbing my hand and it was still there.  After the event, I went for dinner, window-shopping and when I got it, it still stayed perfectly intact on my hand.)

Estee Lauder CyberWhite Brilliant Perfection Full Spectrum Brightening Cool Sensation Loose Powder SPF 13/PA+ 

高清亮白淡斑防曬碎粉 SPF13/PA+ 獨有冰涼觸感

價錢(Price):HK$320 (Including the Brush)

呢個好得意呀!! 搽落皮膚度係有少少冰涼感覺呀!! 佢既賣點就係佢有60%注水功能, 好啱呢個悶熱潮濕天氣用!  再者,佢有虹彩珍珠漾光學粒子同埋玫瑰紅色素粒子, 搽出黎既時候帶粉紅色珠光。 我試個陣真係有少少凍凍地感覺好舒服。 如果你愛比較閃既碎粉, 你會好愛呢個, 如果你將佢mix你既胭脂當highlight, 個效果都好靚。 但係如果你唔好閃既碎粉, 呢個唔會係你既菜丫!

(English:  This item is really fun because when it touches skin, it has a cooling sensation!!!  The most special point is that it has 60% water infusion and it’s really suitable for this humid and hot weather.  Also, it contains iridescent pearlescent optics and rose-colored pigments.  It brings a rosy golden finish to skin.  When I tried it, I could feel the cooling sensation!!  If you are into shimmery loose powder, I am sure you will love this.  If you mix it with some of your blush, it can be used as a highlight as well, the result is very nice.  But if you are not into shimmery loose powder, you can definitely pass this!)

Estee Lauder CyberWhite Brilliant Perfection Full Spectrum Brightening GelCreme Makeup SPF21/PA+

高清亮白淡斑防曬保濕粉底 SPF21/PA+ 締造水潤亮肌


美妝產品點少得粉底呀!! 呢個粉底有迷迭香葉精華抗刺激同埋有透明質酸加強保濕。 佢亦都有玫瑰紅粉末黎針對亞洲人常見的暗黃膚色,特具柔焦美顏效果,隱沒粗大毛孔及細紋。 我一試既時候覺得佢遮瑕效果幾好同埋個finish唔會好乾。

(English:  Makeup products cannot go without a new foundation.  This contains Rosemary Leaf Extract which protect skin from external aggressors and Hyaluronic Acid to boost hydration.  It also has Rose Marsh Marrow Powder which helps to target the dull, yellowish look that can be found in Asian skin due to the loss of clarity.  It brings a soft focus effect helps blur the look of pores and fine lines.  When I tried it, I found that its coverage is quite nice without drying out skin.)

講完佢既美妝產品, 又講下佢新出既護膚品。 主打有三樣產品啦(左至右), 精華素,化妝水同埋BB保濕底霜。 等我又逐樣講下先:

(English:  Finished with its makeup products, what about their skincare range?  There are 3 core items (from left to right), namely essence, toner and BB balm.  Let’s go through each one:)

Estee Lauder CyberWhite HD Advanced Spot-Correcting Essence 


價錢(Price):HK$720/ 30ml

呢個最特別係可以媲美醫藥外品,佢有濃縮配方,配合最尖端的HD-90超高清美白淡斑激活科技,為皮膚帶黎美白亮肌功效,顯著減淡色斑,並有助防止色斑形成。 哈哈, 即係話令你係近距離之內都白白淨淨啦!! 我玩過個質感, 好似lotion咁, 亦都好容易被皮膚吸收!! 佢有少少花香味, 搽上皮膚感覺都幾舒服清香。我要詳細試下先知佢去斑效果點樣, 呢個我暫時comment唔到啦。

(English:   This is the most advanced whitening essence, this concentrated formula features the highest level of HD-90 Technology to help whiten skin.  It visibly reduces and helps prevent dark spots, it’s called the Quasi-Drug Whitening essence which reveals “high definition” clarity.  That means after using this, people would still notice your white/ spotless skin within a close proximity.  I tried the texture and it felt more like lotion, very easy for skin to absorb and it has a light floral scented, so it was quite soothing when I applied it on skin.  I cannot comment on its anti-spot function for now.)

Estee Lauder CyberWhite HD Advanced Spot Correcting Moisture Lotions

 價錢(Price):HK$400/ 200ml 

佢有兩款可以揀, 一隻係清爽, 另一隻係滋潤, 你可以睇翻你皮膚狀態去選擇。 用佢都係為護膚作好準備,同埋令之後用既產品更易被吸收。 我試過清爽, 感覺好舒服同埋好水!! 都係有少少花香味!!

(English:  There are two types for this toner to choose from, one is fresh and the other one is intense.  You can choose based on your skin condition.  This is used to prep skin and enhance the absorption of the later-used products.  I tried the fresh one on my hand.  It feels rather nice and moisturizing.  Again it contains a light floral scent!!)


Estee Lauder CyberWhite HD Advanced Brightening BB Balm SPF 30/PA++ 

價錢(Price):HK$380/ 30ml

呢個我覺得最特別最搶我眼!! 呢個係新一代既BB cream呀!! 不過係compact狀!! 我覺得佢超方便丫!!! 佢話係底霜, 我試過覺得佢令膚色均勻, 如果皮膚好既日子或者唔想搽太多野既日子用佢就得(又有SPF30添), 但係如果要多d遮瑕既話, 用完佢再用粉底!! 呢個我超心動丫!!! 玩過又滑又貼, 同埋我buy佢係護膚品。 遲d我可以線手帶佢翻屋企!!

(English:  I found this one to be the most interesting product!  It’s BB cream in compact format!!  Very convenient!!!  It’s said to be a base.  I tried it and it did even out skin tone.  If you have a “good skin day” or you don’t want to apply too many products on your skin, using only this product will do the trick (yea it has SPF30 as well), but if you want something with more coverage, then use a foundation on top!  I am really tempted by this particular product.  It’s smooth and it’s really close to skin.  The best part is that it’s a skincare product!!  I might get this later….!!!!)

最後我有以下呢兩個產品返屋企慢慢試用。 如果你對下面呢兩個產品(精華同埋粉底)特別有興趣, 就等我分享啦:

(English:  Finally, I got the following products to try out.  If you are very interested in the following products (foundation and essence), then you might want to wait for my full on reviews:)


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