[敗家] 這兩個星期的敗家成果 Recent Two Weeks’ Haul

我知, 我講過話要用完屋企既所有產品, 照計我就應該唔再敗家既! 但係呢, 因為上兩個星期返工真係太瘋狂,所以我俾自己敗下家, 再加上Mr Honey成日話敗啦敗啦(佢而家反而覺得我唔敗家係有病添丫!), 咁又敗咗以下既東東返屋企! 今次出文唔拍片喇, 因為分開咗好多日敗同埋都有d濕碎丫!!

(English:  I know!  I said that I should really use up the stuff at home and I shouldn’t really be hauling anything!  However, work had been extremely crazy in the past two weeks, so I allowed myself to enjoy the retail therapy a bit, plus Mr Honey asked me to haul all the time (I guess now he sees abnormality when I don’t haul?), hence this blog post and all the stuff below!!  I write a blog post about the haul instead of a video because I bought these on different dates and things are of variety!!)

Maybelline Baby Lips Color 

Color: Berry Crush/ HK$29

呢個好耐之前見外國Blogger都講緊, 而我又好鍾意用Baby Lips(用完3條!!), 見到香港有得賣呢隻有顏色既就即刻乖乖俾錢!! 佢有3隻色, 我敗呢隻係Berry Crush, 紅少少, 而另外個兩隻係粉紅色同埋橙橙地色。 但係出嚟個色好自然! 下面就係個效果喇!

(English:  I have been reading some of the foreign bloggers talking about this, and I really love Baby Lips (used up 3 tubes already!!), so when I see that this is available in HK, I am happy to pay!!  There are 3 colors to choose from, the one I got is Berry Crush, a bit on the red side.  The other two are in pink and orange!  The effect is very natural, as follows:)

哈哈!! 我係Facebook post咗張相見你地有d已經即刻去敗咗, 有d問我好唔好用, 我用咗幾日喇, 不如我分享埋個用後感啦!

(English:  *Laughs*  I posted a picture on Facebook and I saw that some of you had already gone to get it and some of you have been asking me if it’s good.  I have been using it for a few days and let me share my comments here as well!!)

用後感: 我係超愛用有色潤最膏,因為佢夠方便! 但係可惜唔係隻隻都夠潤丫! 我覺得呢隻真係好夠潤, 我用佢成日都唔洗點補搽同覺得咀乾! 當然啦, 中間會飲野食野, 呢d就要補翻搽啦, 但係整體黎講, 真係潤大半日係無問題呀!! 我覺得佢個色自然得黎都係幾上色下(有色潤咀膏黎講), 掂!!! 超愛呀!!! 好推!! 懶人好物!! 如果你鍾意用有色潤咀膏, 我超推呢隻丫!!

(English:  Product Review:  I really love using tinted lip balm because it’s very convenient to use!!  However, not many of them are moisturizing enough!!  I love this because it’s absolutely moisturizing, I use it for the whole day and I don’t need much touch-ups.  Of course, when you drink and eat and such like, you would need the touch-ups, but overall speaking, it moisturizes the lips for half a day, no problem!!  Also I find the colors natural yet quite pigmented (when compared to tinted lip balms), wonderful!!!  Super in love with it and highly recommend this!!!  Perfect for “lazy” people and if you enjoy using tinted lip balm, I highly recommend you try this one out!!!)

有日又無啦啦想敗開架野, 所以走咗去Sasa!!

(English:  Suddenly one day, I had a thought of getting some products from drugstore brands, so I went to Sasa!!!)

Lip Care Essence/ HK$55

Kanebo Media UV Protect Makeup Base SPF27 PA++/ HK$53

Kanebo Media Makeup Base SPF27 PA++ 

(Color: Orange) / HK$58
Kanebo Media Cheek Color (Color: OR-2)/ HK$49
Kate Powderless Liquid For Cover SPF20 PA++/ HK$129

哈哈!! 敗咗好多Media既野呀! 太平喇!! 試完再同大家分享啦!! 另外Kate個Foundation真係好用到無得頂!! 今個/下個星期我會出video review講下佢有幾好!!!

(English:  Yay!!  Got a few Media’s products!!  Very reasonably-priced!!  I will share my comments after trying them out!!  Also, you all should know by now that I found Kate’s foundation really great!  I will post a video review this week or next week to talk about how great it is!!)

無啦啦有日睇Facebook都會燒親? 好耐無敗過Kiehl’s, 見佢出咗個Overnight Mask, 好心動下又帶咗佢返屋企!

(English:  OMG!!  I got tempted by Facebook someday….it’s been awhile since I last hauled Kiehl’s items, I saw that there is a new released Overnight Mask and I just had to get it home!!)

Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Overnight Hydrating Masque/ HK$320

呢個系列我之前都用過Facial Cleanser, Toner同Cream, 感覺好良好, 所以見佢出咗呢個Overnight Masque真係忍唔住丫! 我即晚都開咗黎用,用多幾次再同大家分享啦! 我知你地等緊我, 唔會太耐!! 嘻嘻!

(English:  I used this Ultra Facial series before – Facial Cleanser, Toner and Cream.  The feelings were great, so when I see this new product – Overnight Masque, I couldn’t resist the temptation!  I used it the night that I got it, and I will share my comments with you soon!  I know some of you are waiting for me before making your own decision, believe me, I won’t be long this time!!! *grins*!!)

如果你對呢個系列有興趣, 可以睇我之前既文章(唉,d相壞咗丫, 因為當年d文章係由Yahoo搬過黎, 我諗時間耐過頭, d相食左!! 唔緊要啦, 睇d字丫!!):

(English:  If you are interested in this series, you can read my previous blog posts (*Signs*  the photos are gone though, these pieces were moved from Yahoo to Blogger before and I guess it was quite awhile ago, so the pictures are gone!  Anyway, the words are still there *laughs*!!!)

Product Review: Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser

Product Review: Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Toner

Product Review: Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream

近排上ProfessionalHauler見有sis話呢期用Laneige, 仲要話皮膚好咗, 之後見到我個firiend, 佢又話佢用Laneige, 覺得唔錯!! 哈!! 我諗諗下又真係一樣Laneige既產品都無用過, 所以又去搞下佢個品牌喇!

(English:  When I hanged around in ProfessionalHauler, I saw that a sis mentioned that she had been using Laneige and she saw improvement in her skin.  Then I met my friend and she said the same!!  *Laughs*  Right, I haven’t really tried anything from Laneige and I think now is the time!)

Laneige Water Bank Eye Gel Cream/ HK$290
Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_Ex/ HK$195


未用過佢d野, 我都好好奇!! 個Eye Gel Cream我諗住用係當係eye mask, 我執野都唔知執到d eye masks唔見哂, 但係我唔係好好眼paper masks, 而tube既eye masks又難揾, 見呢隻野個texture唔錯, 拎黎當eye mask!! 而個Sleeping Pack_Ex係皇牌, 所以試埋呢個! 我屋企有Too Cool For School既Sleeping Pack, 遲少少做下比拼先!!

(English:  I am quite curious since I haven’t tried their stuff!!!  I will use the Eye Gel Cream as eye mask because I am not sure where all my eye masks are gone. I don’t like using paper masks, and for some reason, eye masks in tube format i quite hard to find.  So, when I see this and find the texture to be quite nice, I decide that I will use it as an eye mask!  As for the Sleeping Pack_Ex, I got it because it’s been one of the star items!!  Oh, I got Too Cool For School Sleep Pack at home, I could probably do a comparison!!!)

另外又心血來潮想敗一隻好紅同一隻好紫既甲油! 睇睇下入手Lancome同Chanel喇!

(English:  Then suddenly, I want to get a nail polish in red and a nail polish in deep purple!  After some browsing, I got some nail polishes from Lancome and Chanel!!)

Lancome Vernis In Love (Color: 154M)/ HK$140

Chanel Le Vernis Nail Color (Color: 483 Vendetta)/ HK$190

兩隻都好聖誕呀!! 用完再同大家分享下丫!

(English:  Both are X’mas colors!!! I will share my comments after using them!!)

哈哈!! 自從我敗左一對Vivienne Westwood x Melissa之後, 我就覺得佢地真係太好著啦! 俾我行行下, 又見到好野!!

(English:  *Laughs*!!!  I have been in love with Melissa flats after getting that Vivienne Westwood x Melissa pair.  I find them to be very comfortable!!)

Melissa Flats/ HK$650
Vivienne Westwood x Melissa Flats/ HK$990

好靚呀!! 好著, 方便唔怕濕水又唔會腳臭!! 掂呀!! 不過第一兩次著會有少少捽同埋會捽到要痴膠布, 但係過咗兩次就好舒服喇!

(English:  Very pretty!!!  They are comfortable, convenient, water-resistant and feet-odor-proof!!!  Brilliant!!  When you wear it for the first two times, it would be best to have some band-its on, because they would hurt your feet, however, after a couple times, they are great and comfortable!!!)

誠品都係我敗家好地方! 一個唔覺意又敗咗幾本!!

(English:  Elite is one of my favourite hauling place!!!  See….)

其中一本之前同大家分享咗呀! 睇埋其餘個兩本再同大家分享呀!

(English:  I talked about one of them in my recent blog posts.  I will talk about the rest after reading them!!)

嘩!! 兩個星期都敗咗好多野!!! 要收手喇~~~呢堆野都好夠我玩一期喇!!

(English:  LOL!!!  Two weeks and I hauled that many stuff!!!  I should really stop!!!  All these could last me for a while!!)

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