Recap Instagram Outfits

如果你有follow我Instagram (@iamhakme) 既話,你大概見到我久唔久會分享一下我當日嘅穿搭。 雖然我覺得Instagram分享相片真係好方便同埋有好多其他唔同功能同大家玩得好開心,不過如果要分享穿搭資料係有啲唔就手,我都試過將資料放係Stories,但係24小時後會自動消失,所以如果你唔得閒嘅話,你又唔會揾得翻。 我諗諗下就覺得不如試下係blog呢邊整理下每週recap,我又可以一次過俾晒資料大家,大家如果唔得閒即時睇,遲啲先睇都無咩所謂。 我唔知有無用,不過可以試下,大家可以俾啲feedback我。 同埋我知有啲朋友無Instagram,咁起碼都可以係呢度望啲穿搭。

If you have followed me on Instagram (@iamhakme), you probably see my outfit photos from time to time.  Though I think Instagram is brilliant for sharing photos and there are other functions to talk to you all, it’s a bit inconvenient when it comes to sharing outfit details.  I tried putting the information on Stories before, but since they disappear after 24 hours, if you are not free to check the details immediately, you won’t be able to find it after.  Therefore, I think it might be a good idea to recap my weekly Instagram outfit here, because I can share all the information and links with you all.  If you don’t have time to read now, you can definitely read it later.  I am not sure if it’s helpful but let’s try.  Please give me some feedback as well.  Plus I know some of you don’t have Instagram, then at least you can see my outfits here, right?

Chanel Boy Bag New Medium

Outfit Details:-

Top: ba&sh Liz Top Black (link)
Jeans: Paige Hoxton Ankle Skinny Jeans in Alessio Destructed (link)
Shoes: Chloe Susanna Boots (link 1, link 2, link 3)
Handbag: Chanel Boy Bag in New Medium (review)
Glasses: Tom Ford Model No. 4293 001
Necklace: Mantra Luck Talisman Pendant (link)
Necklace: VendomeAoyama Diamond Necklace (link)
Bracelet: Cartier Love Bracelet SM (link)
Bracelet: DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (link)
Watch: Panerai 1000
Ring: Dior (not available)

好耐無用過個Chanel Boy,所以見之前有啲涼涼哋,我又可以襯到成身rockstar咁出現。 件衫我喺法國個陣買,係一個叫ba&sh嘅品牌!我好似係Times Square見到佢開咗舖頭。 我件衫近睇係有豹紋底,質地比較厚少少,個cutting又唔太貼。 黑色超易襯!對Chloe Susanna Boots唔洗我多講啦, 大家應該見過我著咗9千9萬次。 有啲人就覺得好悶,但係我就覺得貴買平著啊!

(English:  It’s been a long time since I last used the Chanel Boy, so when it was cooler before, I got it out and matched it with a rockstar look.  I got the top from France and it is from a French brand called ba&sh!  I believe they just opened up a new store in Times Square.  When looking at the top closely, there is leopard print.  The fabric is heavier than a regular blouse and I love the cutting being a bit loose.  It’s black so it matches with everything!  Hmmmm… Of course the Chloe Susanna Boots had to come into play and I don’t think I need to talk about them again because you all have seen me wearing them probably for the millionth time!  Some might find me boring, but in my opinion, I need to wear them often to get the cost per wear down!)

Chanel Tote Bag


Outfit Details:-

Top: Korean Top from Anything.Bobo (facebook)
White Top Underneath: Victoria, The Victoria Cotton-Jersey T-shirt (link)
Jeans: Paige Hoxton Ankle Skinny Jeans in Alessio Destructed (link)
Shoes: Chloe Susanna Boots (link 1, link 2, link 3)
Handbag: Chanel (borrowed from Shop Manager)
Glasses: Tom Ford Model No. 4293 001
Bracelet: Dinh Van Bracelet Sur Cordon Menottes R10 Or Rose (link)
Bracelet: Cartier Love Bracelet SM (link)
Bracelet: DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (link)
Watch: Panerai 1000

之前同大家喺YouTube分享過我敗咗一堆韓國衫亦試埋上身俾大家睇 (video)。 呢件top就係其中一件喇,我覺得呢件top好特別,因為有兩款唔同布料,前面有冷,後面係襯衫,所以而家暖暖哋著就啱啱好。 手袋係借店長當日用緊既手袋, 我覺得呢個袋好靚好襯佢,但係我自己就少用呢類tote bag,所以我借黎影相就算,唔會買! 哈哈,咁啱當日我哋兩個都覺得佢個袋好襯我套衫!

(English:  I did do a Korean Clothes haul and try on on YouTube a couple weeks ago (video).  This top is one of them, I think this top is really special in the sense that it is made of 2 very different fabric – jumper material on the front and shirt material on the back.  So this is actually perfect for this type of warm weather.  The Chanel Bag is Shop Manager’s, I like the bag and I think it suits her really well, but I seldom use a tote bag, so I had great fun borrowing it but I won’t be buying it!  *Laughs*, we both feel that her bag suited my outfit really well that day!

Vanessa Bruno Cabas Bag

Outfit Details:-

Top: Black Jumper from Mo.&Co. (last year)
Jacket: Leather Jacket from Rococco (2-3 years ago)
Jeans: Paige Hoxton Ankle Skinny Jeans in Alessio Destructed (link)
Shoes: Golden Goose Deluxe Brand Glitter Embellished Superstar Sneakers (link)
Handbag: Vanessa Bruno Cabas Tote Bag with Pony Leopard (link)
Glasses: Tom Ford Model No. 4293 001

有時如果我知道嗰日要四圍走嘅話,套衫最緊要舒服同埋一定要可以行得好快! 呢日就係嗰啲日子喇,我當日應該係搭咗3次的士,一轉巴士,一轉地鐵搞轉香港島同九龍,我都差啲無命咁濟,所以你見我著sneakers! 我手上既tote bag係法國品牌Vanessa Bruno,嗰日好多文件同其他野拎,所以要個輕身同埋夠大既袋! 我喺法國買,你哋會喺1月8號嘅敗家片入面見到佢。

(English:  Sometimes if I know I need to be in quite a few places within 1 day, then practicality and comfort come first when I dress myself, and of course I need a pair of shoes that would allow me to walk really fast!  This is one of those days.  I think I got 3 taxi trips, 1 bus trip and 1 MTR trip that day messing around HK Island and Kowloon, I was EXHAUSTED, so you see I opted for sneakers!  The bag that I was carrying is a tote bag from the French brand called Vanessa Bruno.  I had quite a few documents and other shit to take with me, so I needed something light and big!  I got this in France and you will see it in the haul video which will be live on Jan 8th, 2019!


Golden Goose Deluxe Brand Glitter Embellished Superstar Sneakers (link)

Golden Goose

呢對係新入手嘅Golden Goose,好多人問我足唔足碼。 其實Golden Goose啲鞋好闊唔窄,買細一個碼都得,同埋著著下會鬆! 管家近期入手咗一對,佢就係買細一個碼。 我自己買就會買翻足碼,我鍾意佢有少少鬆鬆地同埋我預夏天腳會漲啲!

(English:  This is my newest pair of Golden Goose, many people have asked me how I felt about their sizing.  Indeed, Golden Goose is wider compared to other sneakers, so you probably find it good to size down 1 size, plus they will loosen up after some time!  The Butler got a pair recently and she sized it down.  For me, I still buy them at my regular size because I like them a bit looser fit and also when it’s summer, my feet will get bigger!!)

Celine Trio Large

Outfit Details:-

Top: Bliss Cashmere Roundneck Jumper in Navy (link)
Jeans: Paige Hoxton Ankle Skinny Jeans in Alessio Destructed (link)
Shoes: Golden Goose Deluxe Brand Glitter Embellished Superstar Sneakers (link)
Handbag: Celine Trio Large in Black (review)
Bracelet: Dinh Van Bracelet Sur Cordon Menottes R10 Or Rose (link)
Bracelet: Cartier Love Bracelet SM (link)
Bracelet: DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (link)
Glasses: Tom Ford Model No. 4293 001

好藍嘅一套衫! 哈哈哈。。。只係出去食飯,無咩特別,所以我套衫都好簡單舒服!

(English:  Quite a blue outfit!  *Laughs*… Nothing special on that day and I was just going for dinner, so I usually wear something easy, simply and comfortable!)

Chanel Classic Flap in Jumbo


Chanel Classic Flap in Jumbo


Chanel Classic Flap in Jumbo

Outfit Details:-

Top: Victoria, The Victoria Cotton-Jersey T-shirt (link)
Jacket: Blazer from Zara (last year)
Jeans: Paige Hoxton Ankle Skinny Jeans in Alessio Destructed (link)
Shoes: Gucci Rhyton Glitter Leather Sneaker (link)
Handbag: Chanel Classic Flap Bag in Jumbo (review)
Bracelet: Dinh Van Bracelet Sur Cordon Menottes R10 Or Rose (link)
Bracelet: Cartier Love Bracelet SM (link)
Bracelet: DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (link)
Glasses: Tom Ford Model No. 4293 001
Watch: Panerai 1000

我最喜歡既穿搭都係西裝褸,牛仔褲, 波鞋,有少少正式感但係又唔會要做野個陣唔方便。 我當日落去舖頭望下,所以好多時如果有貨到,我都要落手落腳幫手。 呢類穿搭簡直啱哂我,望得下,但係要做野個陣又唔會郁唔到! 因為對鞋係老爸鞋同埋我套衫都幾中性,所以我用Chanel Classic Flap Jumbo去中和一下!!

(English:  My favourite outfit is still Blazer + Jeans + Sneakers, it gives me that bit of formality but I can still be hands on if I have to.  That day, I dropped b the store, so if stock comes in, I still get hands on myself.  This type of outfit is perfect for me in this sense because it looks good but it’s still super practical (at least I can move lol)!  Well since I wore Dad Shoes and my outfit was quite unisex, I used the Chanel Classic Flap Bag in Jumbo size to balance it out a bit!!)

好喇,打到我人都癲! 都唔知過咗幾多個鐘頭,唔知大家睇完覺得點呢?有無用?清唔清楚? Comment話我知啦~

(English:  Right, I don’t know how many hours have passed, but all I know is that my fingers are a bit numb *laughs*!  Anyway, what’s your thoughts on this piece of blog post?  Is it somewhat helpful and clear?  You can always comment to let me know~~)

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