[時尚] Rabeanco 手袋 Wish List

幾年前我已經用過Rabeanco既袋, 因為我個時成日去買衫既店有入,所以我成日都會接觸到佢既袋! 我記得個時我覺得佢d皮好好, 我仲買咗個俾媽媽, 佢用到而家添!

(English:  A few years ago I had a few Rabeanco bags because at that time there were available at the boutique where I went clothes shopping.  I recalled that my comments on the bags were the leather was really great and I even got one for my beloved mama and she has been using that Rabeanco bag till now!)

呢期我又想買個袋, 所以又記起呢個品牌, 原因係佢呢期有好多好colorful既包包, 我被d顏色吸引! 我買野都幾古怪, 我買衫就好鍾意買d好低調既顏色, 但係我買袋買鞋就好鍾意d好colorful既顏色! 哈哈! 強烈對比呀!

(English:  These days, I have been wanting to get new bags, and this brand suddenly came to mind.  I got attracted to Rabeanco again because they offer many colorful handbags/ items.  I have a pretty strange buying habit, for clothes, I usually go for very low-key colors, but for bags and shoes, I usually go for the sharpest colors I could get!  Right!!  Sharp contrast!!)

我上網睇左幾個心水, 其實三個我都好想要, 不過敗哂又好似好誇張, 所以我而家仲係思考當中, 但係我都想講下, 等我有個抒發既機會, 唔係我諗我真係會敗哂三個返黎! 哈哈!!

(English:  I have been browsing online and there are 3 of their bags that get my attention.  I can’t quite justify hauling them all, so I am in the process of assessing and analyzing.  But I still want to talk about them so that I can release some of the “pressure” (of hauling them all) that I got!!  Otherwise, I think I could end up with 3 new bags *laughs*!!)


(English:  The first one is….the photo is pretty cool eh?)



初步睇佢有三個色(可能店會有更多), 雖然我鍾意紅色, 但係我覺得呢個款黎講, 我覺得黑色同黃色個效果好sharp好靚!

(English:  At first glance, it seem that they have 3 colors to choose from (maybe there are other colors in stores).  Even though I love red, I feel that the yellow and black goes together very nicely and it’s very eye-catching!)

我好鍾意織皮, 將唔同顏色既皮織埋一齊個效果好豐富! 簡單得黎又sophisticated!

(English: I really like this “knitting leather” style, mixing a bunch of colors together offers a really rich visual effect.  Simple yet sophisticated!!)

佢個型我都好鍾意呀! 大小適中, 可以放到好多野(呢個對我都好緊要)。

(English:  I love its shape and the size as well!  I believe I could throw quite a few stuff in (very important to me)!)

D details都做得好好! 我個人低調個袋高調就啱喇!

(English:  The details really very refined!  I am very low-profile but my bag can be very high-profile!!)

Day Clutch


無啦啦會睇clutch係因為我好想揾一個clutch好耐喇!! 我想要型既款, 但係我唔想要bling bling,因為靚係靚, 但係好難拎。 有好多時我去消遣(飲酒), 我就好想輕便d, 唔想拎個咁大既袋! 我睇左真係無敵耐, 俾我見到呢個, 我越睇越鍾意, 同埋唔貴, 我諗我要揾日去睇下個真身先!

(English:  OMG!!  I have been looking for a nice clutch for quite some time!  I really want one that looks quite cool but not too girly.  And I don’t want bling bling because that could be not practical (quite hard to hold).  Many times when I go out drinking, I really want to “travel light” and a clutch would come in handy!  I have been looking forever, and now this one seems to meet my criteria!  It’s not that expensive as well, I think I should really go check out the real thing!!)

我最鍾意灰色呀! 有少少舊舊既味道! 一個靚既灰色包包真係好難以揾, 要有少少vintage味道先好feel! 我要去佢專門店呀!! 我要搵日落Langham Place先得, 嗰間新開應該會多野睇d, 同埋我上網睇好似話因為佢新開, 所以有折同gift!! 唔知做到幾時呢(你知我好懶過海!)??

(English:  I love the gray one the most!!  It feels a bit “old”!  A nice gray handbag is really hard to find because in my opinion it only looks good when it has that vintage touch!  I really need to go to their store!  Let me drop by Langham Place some time, I heard that there is a new store and it should have more items.  When I checked online, people said that it offered discount and gift as well, not sure till when though (you know I am kinda lazy to go all the way to the other side!!)….)


價錢(Price):HK$2,000 – HK$2,850

最後睇中呢個係佢最新出既! 佢有兩個size, 一個大一個細, 我諗如果我要買,我會買大既! 佢仲有好多色揀!! 好燒呀, 呢個型真係實用!返工唔太formal, causal又得!! 講講下真係好燒添!

(English:  Last but not least, this is the one from their newest collection!  They are available in 2 sizes, one bigger and one smaller.  If I am going to get this, I would definitely get the big one!  They come in quite a few colors as well!  Soooooo tempting as it has a high usability!!! Not to formal to go to work with and perfect for a causal day!!  Well…now I am really tempted!!)

哈哈, 我諗你睇到呢張想你應該知道我諗緊咩! 我買會買shocking pink呢個呀!! 真係夠哂sharp!! 哈哈!!

(English:  *Laughs*  I think you probably know what I am thinking right now when  you see this picture right – if I buy I would buy the shocking pink one!  Super sharp!! *Grins*)

好靚丫!! 又自焚一輪!! 買邊個好呢, 我三個都好鍾意呀! 好難揀!! 我要好好冷靜一下先…再見(要去沖個凍水涼!!)!

(English:  Nice stuff!!  Now I have seriously tempted myself again!  Which one should I get?  I love all 3 and it’s really hard to choose!  OKOK, I need to calm down now…See ya (I need a cold shower!!)!!)

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