[敗家] PrivateSales x Comvita 開箱文

之前同大家講過話我係PrivateSales買左野,上個星期我收到d產品喇,雖然之前都話過俾大家聽我買左咩,但係都好想俾大家望一望實物(加上我一開箱就natural high)!! 如果你無睇我之前PrivateSales既分享,你可以望翻下面條link丫!

(English:  I have talked about my haul at PrivateSales before and I got the products last week!  Even though I have shared what I got previously, I still wanted to shoot these products for you to see (plus I am usually natural high when I unwrap something)!!!  If you haven’t read my previous blog post about PrivateSale, you might want to check out the following link!)

[敗家] 網上敗半價天然品牌Comvita護膚產品

Comvita Haul

Nature’s Pack
Original Price: HK$319 and Discounted: HK$159.5

Pack Include:
Deep Cleansing Bar
Nourishing Bar
Gentle Beauty Bar  

呢個其實係買俾Mr Honey丫,因為佢鍾意用soap,所以買幾舊俾佢玩下!! 我發覺好多男人都係鍾意用soap丫!!

(English:  I got these for Mr Honey since he likes using soap, so I thought I would get him some!  Ha, so many men like using soaps!!)

 Travel Set 2
Original Price: HK$499 and Discounted: HK$249.5

Set Include:
Gentle Smoothing Cleanser 30ml
Replenishing Night Moisturiser 15ml
Intensive Hydrating Mask 15ml
Nourishing Hand & Nail Cream 30ml

 呢set呢,我就對入面既cleanser同埋mask好有興趣,唔知好唔好用呢! 我見佢原價都貴貴地,所以我特別襯佢有promo先買呢set,咁就可以試幾樣產品同大家分享喇!!

(English: For this set, I am specifically interested in the cleanser and the face mask, not sure if they are good or bad!  Their original price was a bit on the high side, so I deliberately bought them during this promotion, so I could give a few things a try and share my comments with you all!!)

 Travel Set 3
Original Price: HK$439 and Discounted: HK$219.5

 Set Include:
Olive White™ Brightening Cleansing Lotion 30ml
Olive White™ Brightening Hydrating Lotion 15ml
Olive White™ Brightening Night Lotion 15ml
Nourishing Hand & Nail Cream 30ml

呢set就係美白既! 其實我唔係特別愛美白既人,但係想睇下佢天然得黎有無效果。 當然,有效同無效都會照分享啦!!  我而家就開咗佢既美白用,遲少少再報告啦!!

(English:  This set is associated with whitening.  I am not a huge fan of whitening products but I really want to see if this works (as it claims to be natural).  Of course, I will share my thoughts no matter if they are good or bad!!  I just opened this set and I will certainly report my findings later!!)

我覺得佢d set都唔錯,唔係特別細枝,都應該可以用一陣子,夠時間分析佢地有無用!  我而家對d set特別有興趣,因為有時太大枝產品我真係用唔哂(你地都知我個人最唔得閒就係塊面),反而細細枝無咩pressure又可以同大家分享多d產品!! 好,用左再傾丫!

(English:  I quite like the sets because they are not ridiculously small and I could use them for a good while and have enough time to see if they work or not.  I am quite interested in different sets lately because sometimes the full sized products give me pressure (yea of using them up) whilst for the smaller sized tubes, I don’t have to have huge commitment!!!!)



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