[化妝] 夏日必備定妝Pressed Powder

點解香港無得買Rimmel呢? 我成日都好想買Rimmel既產品但係就要外國先有!!連馬拉都有,香港都無,真係激死人!!不過唔緊要,好彩有d英國網站都有得買,好過無啦!!其實我屋企係爆多粉狀既東東,不過我都係以下呢個產品係有原因!! 我呢期成日見外國YouTuber用呢個粉,又見佢話Stay Matte,同埋價錢唔貴,所以我就買啦!! 都用咗好一段時間喇,分享下先:

(English: Why isn’t Rimmel available in Hong Kong? I have always wanted to get my hands on Rimmel’s products but they are only available elsewhere!! They are even available in Malaysia, but not Hong Kong!! Urgh!! Well, luckily some UK websites carry Rimmel products and I could still get something! Actually, I have so many powdery products at home and it’s not even funny. I still get the following because I have been seeing quite a few YouTubers using this and it says Stay Matte on the packaging, plus the price is very friendly, so I got one to try! I have been trying this for quite some time now and it’s time for me to share my thoughts:)

Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder

Feelunique Price: £3.99 (free shipping worldwide) at Product Link

Product Information:

“Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder controls shine for up to 12 hours. It
minimises the appearance of pores with a natural, matte finish. You
won’t go out without it!”

使用次數(No. of Usage):20 times

用後感:呢個Stay Matte Powder我係買咗透明色(佢有四個色揀),因為我唔想佢變咗我foundation既色。 我初初摸落既時候覺得有少少失望,因為摸落唔係特別滑。 我用過有d pressed powder真係一摸落去係好滑。 但係都照用啦!! 而家又熱又濕拎黎試呢d Stay Matte產品就最好,因為可以睇到佢夠唔夠定力!! 我用用下又覺得幾正喎(雖然我都係覺得如果滑d就再好d),佢正係正在用咗佢之後塊面無出咁多油!! 平時如果好濕熱既天氣,塊面d油應該可以用黎煎蛋,但係用咗佢明顯係少好多油。當然唔會完全0油啦,但係起碼唔會出到變咗令面!! 正呀!! 我覺得佢個staying powder都好強,keep一日都無咩問題! 加上用咗佢連foundation都無溶得咁快, 真係正野!!仲要佢個價錢超平民,真係去邊度揾!! 唯一係拎出街補妝唔係好方便,因為佢係無跟puff/掃。如果要拎佢出街就要自備喇!! So far,我覺得個效果都好滿意!! 如果你想要隻比較控油既碎粉或者pressed powder,我會推呢個俾你!! 正呀!! 你係我未來既makeup tutorial裡面都應該會成日見到佢出現!!哈哈!! 有興趣可以去呢度買啦:Click Link!!

(English: Product Review: I got the translucent color (there are 4 colors to choose from) because I don’t want it to distort my foundation color. At first, when I touched it, I was a bit disappointed because it didn’t feel too smooth on the hand. I have used others which are a lot smoother, well, I still gave it a go since there wasn’t any point of wasting money. Now it’s the perfect weather to test out the product because it’s quite hot and humid here and I could definitely test its staying power! After a few times of usage, I started to like it (again if it’s smoother, it would be way more appealing to me). The best point about this powder is that my skin secretes a lot less oil after application! For a hot and humid day, usually my skin would secrete so much oil that it would probably be enough to fry an egg. But after using this, skin has less oil! Of course, it doesn’t stop oil secretion entirely, but at least I don’t have a shiny face! Brilliant!! I also feel that its staying power is really strong, and it lasts for a day without any issue! Another good thing is that it keeps my foundation and makeup intact!! Wonderful!! Also, its price is very friendly and I don’t think I have anything much to complain about its quality. I guess the only down side is that it doesn’t come with a puff/ brush, so if you want to take it out for retouch, you have to bring your own tools for application. So far, I love the results!! If you want to look for a loose powder/ pressed powder with oil control function, I would highly recommend this to you!! It works!!! And you will probably see I am using this a lot in my future makeup tutorials!! *Laughs*  If you are interested, you can purchase here: Click Link!!) 



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