Pony Memebox Eyeshadow Palette Shine Easy Glam 3 in 03 Orange Bloom

之前行過Sasa見我無試過Pony Memebox既出品,我買左一部份諗住慢慢同大家分享一下。 價錢我揾唔翻,無記錯既話應該係百令蚊。 我記得佢呢款有兩個定四個唔同顏色組合,我鍾意呢個顏色組合多d,同埋呢個tone我會用多d,所以買咗呢個!

(English:  I passed by Sasa earlier and suddenly it dawned on me that I didn’t tried any of the Pony Memebox products, so I got some and thought I could share my thoughts on them from time to time.  I couldn’t find the receipt so I am not too sure of the exact price, but I remember it was around HK$1xx.  This is not the only one in the collection, I can’t remember if there are 2 or 4 within the range, but it doesn’t matter, I like this one the best so I got this.)


Pony Memebox Eyeshadow Palette Shine Easy Glam 3 in 03 Orange Bloom

Pony Memebox Eyeshadow


Pony Memebox Eyeshadow



Pony Memebox Eyeshadow

質地好唔錯,摸落好滑,出色,上眼好易blend無一達達。呢盒個顏色組盒我覺得好好又好實用,有蜜桃色又有橙金色又有個深啡色,好好搭! 右上個金粉出黎效果係薄d,就算日常都好易用到又唔會覺得太誇張。 我好滿意,有時無咁好心機,我就咁用左下係成個眼蓋就算,望落都好精神。 如果好心機,我會用埋其他顏色黎mix and match。 我覺得就算化妝新手都唔會點錯,好好用。 如果你鍾意呢類顏色又唔鍾意太大盒既palette,絕對可以去望下!!

(English:  The powder texture is really nice, it’s smooth to touch and it’s pigmented.  When I apply it on my eyes, it’s easy to blend and doesn’t go patchy.  I really like this little palette and I find it very practical too.  It comes with a peach, a gold with orange undertone and a dark brown – perfect combination!  The upper right one is a shimmer, the finish is more sheer, I find it nice even during the day without looking like a disco ball.  I am happy with this.  Sometimes when I don’t have much patience, I would just use the bottom left one on my whole eyelids, they add some life back into me.  Other times, when I have more time (or mood), I would mix and match all colours.  I don’t think you can go wrong with this, even if you are a makeup newbie.  Very good.  If you like these colours and you don’t want a big palette, I think you should go check this out!)

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