[保養] Pond’s卸妝Towelettes

我開始發覺我同呢d卸妝wipes都係無咩緣份,我都唔明係咪我太過挑剔,所以用黎用去都無咩特別滿意! 前兩日行開Mannings見到呢隻wipes,見佢平平地我又買黎玩下,不過又係失望收場!! 我見外國d YouTuber話Simple同Olay都好用,但係我地香港就唔見有,所以我真係無得比較!! 有機會我真係要買埋呢兩隻黎睇下,我好想知係咪真係咁正!! 唔好講咁遠,等我同大家分享咗Pond’s呢隻先:

(English:  I start to think that I don’t have any luck with these cleansing towelettes, not sure if I am just too picky or what, everyone that I’ve come across seem to have sucked!!  A couple days ago, I went to Mannings and saw this, I thought I would give this a chance, but again I ended up disappointing myself!!  I have seen other US/ UK YouTubers saying that the towelettes from Simple/ Olay are nice, but since they are not available in Hong Kong, so I can’t really compare.  I will definitely try out those if I have the chance as I really want to know how good they are!  Right, let’s deal with this Pond’s towelettes first:)

Pond’s Original Fresh Wet Cleansing Towelettes


價錢(Price):HK$44.9/ 30pcs @ Mannings

Product Information:

“Removes all traces of makeup for fresh, clean skin
Perfectly clean & fresh in an instant. No other leading towelette is better at removing impurities and gently lifting away makeup than these soft, textured cleansing cloths. Infused with Vitamin E and a Triple Anti-Oxidant complex, they revitalize skin while leaving it perfectly clean and makeup free.

Essential Features

  •     Soft, textured cloths work gently without drying skin
  •     Dermatologist tested
  •     Hypoallergenic
  •     Safe for contact lens wearers

Key Ingredients

  • Vitamin E – Known to prevent water loss from skin and help promote overall skin health
  • Triple Anti-Oxidant complex – Helps to revitalize and refresh skin.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:我覺得我之前用既落妝wipes都係比較乾身一d(好似Nivea個隻都係,我之前都講過),所以抹既時候真係好易拉到皮膚! 我見呢隻講明話wet,所以買黎睇下佢有幾wet! 講真佢係比我之前用過既wipes係濕d,但係如果話夠唔夠濕呢,我個人都覺得仲係差少少,再濕多少少就應該會好唔錯! 佢既卸妝功效真係好麻麻,佢張wipe都算係大張,我兩邊都會用。 我落塊面用兩張都仲未乾淨(淨係落面!!!)。 我有次用到第三張,個感覺都係覺得唔係好乾淨,之後再用Bioderma抹,真係仲有好多殘跡下~~ 唔掂!! 我落面都咁喇,唔好講落眼啦,眼妝佢淨係落到eyeshadow,眼線mascara個d都係唔得!! 我真係覺得佢既卸妝力唔夠!! 你話如果你當係洗面產品,我覺得都仲可以既(不過佢唔係特別好用),但係如果你想買佢返黎落妝,我就真係十個唔建議!! 雷呀!!! 我都唔明張wipe做濕d,清潔力強d好難咩? 我就一定唔會回購喇~~~一路用一路個心諗:嘩! 唔掂!!

(English:  Product Review: The towelettes that I used before were a bit too dry (like the Nivea one which I have talked about before), so when I rubbed them on my skin, I almost felt like I was constantly pulling my skin!  This Pond’s one says “wet” on the packaging, so I wanted to get my hands on them and see how wet they are!  Right, they are a bit more wet than the previous ones that I used, however, personally, I still feel that it’s NOT wet enough.  A bit wetter would be good!!  Its cleansing power is not so good.  The towelette itself is quite decent in size and I usually use both sides.  I use it on my face and my makeup is still not entirely removed after 2 pieces of towelettes!!  One time, I used 3, still, I didn’t feel that my face was completely clean, so I used my Bioderma afterwards and guess what?  There was still quite a bit of makeup on my face!!  Not impressive!!  OMG, for the eyes, it could only remove eyeshadows but for eyeliners and mascara, not a chance!! I honestly think that its cleansing power is just too weak.  If you use it as a facial cleanser (but I don’t find it particularly wonderful), it’s fine; but if you want to use it as a makeup remover, I give it 10 thumbs down.  I really don’t understand how difficult it is to make the towelettes a bit more wetter and the cleansing power a bit strong?  I will never repurchase this product again as I was thinking to myself each time I was using it, “OMG!!!  It sucks so bad!!!”

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.ponds.com)



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