[保養] 真真假假韓國Pobling納米震動潔面器

分真假野分上癮! 哈哈~~~ 我之前講咗theBalm真真假假Vol. 1之後接到fullmask.com.hk既邀請問我有無興趣同大家分享下Pobling納米震動潔面器既真假!! 當然有,因為我之前都係Bonjour入手咗一部,所以我都想睇下自己個部真定假,同埋我記得我post左部機係Facebook個陣好多人都話佢地個部用左一兩個星期就神咗(但係我部野用左兩個月都無事)所以我諗會唔會係因為假野所以咁快神丫!! Fullmask寄左佢地部機同埋佢地係市面上買到既假機俾我睇(呢兩部我影完會還翻俾佢地喇,因為我自己都有一部),咁我再加埋我自己個部Bonjour貨一齊比較下。 所以今日唔review部機住,同大家分享左點分真假先!!

(English:  I love spotting the difference especially because the real deal and the fake stuff!!  *Laughs*~~ After I released the post of theBalm real stuff vs. fake stuff Vol. 1, I got an invitation from to fullmask.com.hk see if I am interested to share my findings on the real Pobling Pore Sonic Cleanser and the fake one with all of you.  Of course, because I got one of those machine from Bonjour awhile back and I really want to see if mine is the real deal or fake one as well.  Plus I remember when I posted the picture on Facebook, many of you said that yours were not working just after 1-2 weeks’ usage (mine still works after 2 months) so I wonder if the short lifespan was due to the fact that it was fake as well.  Fullmask sent me their version and the fake one that they got from the market (I will return these two because I have got one myself already), together with mine, I can really make the comparison.  Therefore, today let’s forget about the reviews, let me share how to tell the difference first!!)

Pobling Pore Sonic Cleanser


(English:  On your left hand side, it’s the real deal from Fullmask and on your right hand side, it’s the fake stuff available in the market.)

由packaging開始先。 頂頂個位有花花圍住個產品名,你望下d花花! 真貨係有層次感,有深淺效果;但係假野就冇層次,就咁一堆顏色!

(English:  Let’s start from the packaging.  On the top of the box, there is a flower wrapping up the name of the product.  Look closer at the flower!  The real one has layering and darker and lighter shades; but the fake one doesn’t, it seems that it’s just a bunch of colors pretending to be a flower!)

盒邊都有唔同。 真貨既盒係癡得好整齊無膠水印;假貨就明顯見到有膠水印!

(English:  There is a difference on the side of the box as well!  You can see the clean edge of the real stuff and there is no traces of glue; for the fake stuff, you can see the glue tracks very obviously!)


(English:  PET is printed on the real deal whilst PP is printed on the fake one!)

OK! 咁加埋我部Bonjour貨一齊睇。 最左邊係真貨,中間係假貨,而最右邊係Bonjour貨!

(English:  Ok!  Now add in mine from Bonjour as well.  So the one on the left is the real one, the one in the middle is the fake one and the one on the right is from Bonjour!)

毛有唔同呀!! 睇下close up!!

(English:  The bristles are different, let’s look at the close up!!)

真貨d毛既表面係平架,係平面。 而假貨d毛既表面係少少圓拱型,唔係平架!

(English:  The bristles on the real one is a flat surface, while the bristles on the fake one is more like doom shaped.)


(English:  The bristles on the Bonjour one are flat as well.)


(English:  Comes to the switch~~)


(English:  See, there is a white line surrounding the switch on the fake one but there is none on the real and Bonjour one!!)


(English:  Comes to the bottom~~)

Pobling個字型唔同,同埋假貨無左個serial number~你可以去官網 http://www.pobling.kr/ check翻個serial number咁就可以make sure係正貨,同埋就算你換個brush head,brush head都會有個serial number,你一樣可以去官網check翻! 

(English:  The font of “Pobling” is different and the fake one doesn’t have the serial number~~  For the serial number, you can check it on the official website http://www.pobling.kr/ and make sure it’s a genuine product, also if you change the brush head, it also comes with a serial number and again you can check the official website to make sure it’s real! )


(English:  What about the back?)


(English:  The matching sign is missing from the fake one!)

就算入電個位都係唔同丫!! 你見真貨同Bonjour貨都係好平滑,而假貨就做得好粗糙喇!

(English:  For the inside, there is a difference as well!  The finish is smooth on the real one and the Bonjour one while the fake one has a rough finish.)

好! 又係個句,你地去邊度買都唔緊要,但係千萬唔好一味貪平,買左假野得不常失啦!! 希望幫到大家!! 遲d再review呢部機丫!!

(English:  Right again, it’s your choice to pick the location to buy, but please don’t just got for cheap cheap cheap!!  If you spend and get the fake stuff, it’s a pure waste of money in my eyes!!  Hope it helps and I will review this machine at a later stage!!)


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