[保養] Peter Thomas Roth Viz-1000保濕精華

之前同Peter Thomas Roth合作拎咗呢枝保濕精華試用,但係我係12月出個video個陣未試得真,所以而家補翻個blog post俾大家!

(English:  I did have a collaboration with Peter Thomas Roth before and I got this serum to try, however, since I didn’t quite get a consolidated comment when I was releasing the video in December, I said I would do a blog post on this instead and here it comes!!)

Peter Thomas Roth Viz-1000 Hydrating Serum

價錢(Price):HK$680/ 30ml

Product Information:

“Intense hydration in a super concentrated 75% hyaluronic acid serum
helps keep the skin hydrated all day/night with an invisible veil of
moisture. Achieves hydration by attracting up to 1000 times its weight
in water from the moisture in the air. Helps replenish the moisture
content of aging and environmentally damaged skin and restore youthful
radiance. Helps increase the skin’s ability to retain moisture and
smoothes out the look of fine lines and a rough texture. ”


Before Blending




使用次數(No. of Usage):20 times

用後感: 佢個質地好輕身,好易推得開,推開咗好似見到有水珠,亦都非常快吸收! 我初初就咁用佢之後再搽cream,但係我發覺用落我度,佢保濕力真係唔夠。 我第二日起身個鼻甩皮丫(用自己個d無咁既狀況)。 試咗幾日都係咁,之後我要搽完佢再加Wellmaxx紫色隻精華再加cream,咁就OK! 就我呢個情況,我感覺係,如果你皮膚係乾有鼻敏感(成日要用tissue抹鼻),咁呢枝產品對你黎講係唔夠力! 你一搽個下會覺得好保濕,但係過咗一陣會覺得個感覺唔見咗,亦都唔能夠幫你夜晚保濕保到第二日! 所以,如果你係乾性皮膚,我唔會建議你買,因為如果你搽咗佢,仲要加另一d精華先夠力,咁我覺得失去咗個原意。 如果你係combination skin,想搵d保濕精華,因為你面部都應該係乾,所以我覺得呢隻可能對你黎講都會唔夠。 但係如果你係好油既皮膚,要搽d好清爽既保濕精華先得既話,我覺得你可以諗諗呢隻。 用到皮膚無咁油個陣,就可以轉d質感厚少少既,咁你皮膚會意適應同埋唔會負擔太大! 因為我皮膚好乾啦,所以我覺得呢枝產品對我黎講係好一般,以佢既價錢,我expect多d,但係我自己就覺得唔夠力喇!!

(English:  Product Review: The texture is super light, very blendable and it seems like there are water drops once you start blending.  It also gets absorbed very easily!!  When I first used this, I skipped all serums, so basically I just applied this and then my cream.  However, I feel that its hydrating power is somewhat not enough for me because I noticed when I woke up the next day, I got flakes of skin on my nose (when I use my own stuff, I don’t have this issue).  After trying this for a few days and situation hadn’t got better, I needed to add the Wellmaxx purple serum after applying this and then followed with a cream.  Based on my experience, my thoughts are: if you have dry skin and nose allergies (that means you are best friend with your tissue wiping your nose), then this is not enough for you!  When you first apply it, you would feel that instant hydration, but soon that will disappear and it cannot hydrate your skin overnight!  So, if you have dry skin, I don’t recommend this for you simply because you need to add another serum on top and it really defeats the purpose!!  And if you have combination skin and you are looking for a hydrating serum, since your face is mostly to be dry, I don’t think this is enough for you either!  On the other hand, if you have super oily skin and you need something really light, then you might want to give this a thought!  You can actually use this till your skin is not as oily before you change to something with a thicker texture, then your skin might feel easier to adapt and it won’t create too much burden to your skin!  Well well well, my conclusion is that since my skin is quite dry, I feel this is an average product for me.  Taking its price into consideration, I have quite a high expectation and I don’t think it delivers wonder on my skin!)


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