My Perfume Favourites and Absolute Picks

香水我有好多,大家之前都見我買好多。不過上年近年尾開始我少咗入手! 原因係我唔係香水collector,我想用左我買咗嗰d先。 都係個句,放咁多係度唔用或者用唔哂我又係覺得好嘥。上年自從停買咗香水之後,已經成功清咗好多,我相信應該半年到我就可以同Mr Honey清哂存貨,到時再買其他又可以同大家再分享一d新發現!

(English: I have so many fragrances and I am sure you all see me hauling them in YouTube videos.  By end of last year, I made a decision of reducing my fragrance purchase!  The reason was simply because I didn’t want to just collect fragrances, I wanted to use them.  Again, if something just sits in my house and I am not able to use them, I would consider that as money wasted.  The day I stopped buying fragrances, I was so concentrated on using them up.  I think given another 6 months, Mr Honey and I would be able to clear the majority.  By then I will haul some new ones and share my thoughts with you again!)

今個blog post想同大家recap下,係我屋企有既香水裡面,邊幾隻係我大愛,見佢地都唔係用左好多既原因係因為太愛,所以反而少噴。 我強逼自己先用無咁鍾意個d先,咁先會用得完。 如果唔係,我只會用我鍾意既,用完又會再回購。 無咁鍾意個d反而仲會坐係我屋企!好喇,分享下邊d係我大愛先!

(English:  I kinda want to recap what my favourites so far in this blog post.  As you can see, they are not used that much.  It is simply because I really love them and I have to force myself to use up the less-favourites first.  Otherwise, I am sure I will be using these up and repurchasing these instead of giving any attention to the ones that need to move!  Right, let’s get onto the favourites!)

Chanel Gabrielle: 呢隻係比較新入手既Chanel香水,本身無諗住買。但係聞完之後又覺得好得,所以入咗手。 佢係一隻好花香既味道,唔甜唔濃,清清地,所以好易carry,比人感覺都係較清新。唔會覺得好女人亦唔會覺得好成熟。 唔錯,春夏我覺得好唔錯。

(English:  This is my new Chanel fragrance addition.  I didn’t think I would get this but then I surrendered after sniffing it.  It’s definitely floral scent, it’s not sweet and it’s not strong.  It’s quite light and airy, so it’s super easy to carry.  It gives me a quite fresh feeling.  This definitely is young and fun!  Nice, I love this for Spring and Summer.)

Chanel No.5 Eau Premiere: OMG!呢隻係我多年fav! 真係無得頂! 都係No.5系列,但係無正中No.5咁濃烈,我知有好多人接受唔到No.5好濃。 呢隻算係tune down版,比正中No.5輕型。 佢絕對唔屬於淡,只係無No.5咁濃。 我秋冬或者夜晚食fancy飯先會噴佢,如果day time或者春夏用,我都會覺得誇張咗!如果你好想擁有一枝No.5系列既話,我個人喺成個系列最鍾意呢枝!我都好鼓勵你地去聞下。

(English:  OMG!  This is my beloved for so many years!  It’s wonderful.  It’s within the No.5 range but it’s not as strong (classic) as the original No.5.  I know many of you find the classic a wee bit too strong.  I would regard this one as the tuned down version, it’s definitely lighter than the classic.  But mind you, it’s not light by all means, it’s just not that strong when you compare it with the classic.  I only use this in Autumn/ Winter or fancy evening dinner.  For a typical day time in Spring or Summer, I would find it way too over the top.  If you are looking to own a fragrance in the No.5 series, my personal favourite is this one!  I highly encourage you to go and do the sniff test for yourself!)

Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet: 最新入屋既一枝,係Dior既禮物。 其實我自己唔會買Miss Dior,因為好耐之前Miss Dior啱啱出個陣,因為當時既我覺得個樽好靚,所以買咗,噴完之後覺得勁甜,所以嚇怕咗,從此之後,我無再入手過Miss Dior。本身收到個陣唔係好敢噴,諗住放係樹裝飾下算。 有日,無聊噴咗兩下,好花香! 可能因為佢係Blooming Bouquet有關。 佢俾我個感覺好似Chanel Gabrielle,都係清清地花香。 如果你喜歡花香,我建議你兩隻都聞下睇下你又覺得點。

(English:  Another new addition and it’s from Dior as gift.  Indeed, I won’t purchase any scent from Miss Dior range.  I did buy Miss Dior when it first got released.  At that time, I simply thought the bottle looked amazing.  Then I started spraying at home and I found it way too sweet for my liking. I got turned off and I had never bought anything Miss Dior ever since.  So when I received this, I didn’t quite want to use it, I planned to use this as a decoration in my cupboard.  But then one day, I got curious and I did a couple sprays!  Nice – very floral!  I think it’s because this is “Blooming Bouquet”.  It gives me a feeling which is very similar to Chanel Gabrielle.  If you like floral, I think you should sniff both!)

Jo Malone Nutmeg & Ginger Cologne:  秋冬好愛既一枝香水,但係好可惜已經停產。 好心碎,因為我之前都用完幾枝,呢枝係回購再回購。 我鍾意佢係因為佢fresh得黎有少少spicy,唔係一般花花或者woody味道,所以我覺得幾特別。 同埋佢好易carry,好清,咩場合都用得到! 真係好可惜呀唔出!

(English:  This is my absolute favourite in Autumn and Winter, however, Jo Malone had stopped producing this.  My heart was broken.  I was so in love that this was my X bottle, I kept using it up and then repurchasing it.  I love it because it’s fresh but it has a hint of spicy, it’s not your normal floral or woody scent and I find it very special.  It’s easy to carry, light and suits all occasions!  What a shame that it’s been discontinued.)

Jo Malone Basil & Neroli Cologne: 另一個無敵大愛,噴親個個都問我係乜味,Mr Honey都會放哂光同我講好香。 我呢枝有好多枝存貨,亦都用完好多枝!橙花同埋Basil一齊,所以唔會超級花味,反而係清新既花味。 我發覺呢枝野男人女人都會覺得香! 好推呀! 係我春夏必用香水呀!

(English:  Another absolute favourite!  Whenever I use this, people would definitely ask me what I use.  Mr Honey highly praises this scent as well.  I have stocked up many bottles of this and I also used up so many bottles of this.  Neroli and Basil together – so it’s not too floral, it’s a light floral with a hint of green!  I think both men and women would love this, such an easy scent!  I highly recommend this for Spring and Summer!)

Jo Malone Orange Bitters Cologne: 呢枝Orange Bitters係聖誕限定,呢枝係我2016年聖誕入手,今年聖誕我都見佢再出。 個味就係同佢個名一樣Orange Bitters呀! 第一下好勁橙味,之後慢慢有少少苦苦地味道。 雖然講橙味聽落唔吸引,但係其實聞耐d真係好好聞好舒服!

(English: This Orange Bitters one is a X’mas edition.  I got this in X’mas 2016 and I noticed it came back again during X’mas 2017.  The scent is exactly what it suggests – Orange Bitters!  At first, you will notice a pure orange smell, give it a few seconds, it starts to fade and turns a bit bitter.  I know when I describe it as an orange, it doesn’t sound so fancy, however, the longer I sniff it, the better it smells!  Somehow it’s quite comforting for me!)

好喇,分享住咁多先。 遲d再有特別既再同大家分享啦。

(English: Right, that’s it for today and I will of course let you know if I find any other scent that I like!)

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