The Perfect Straw Bag That I Got from Taobao

我知我知,我地而家涼涼地,講乜鬼藤籃包包,應該下年春夏先再講! 不過我怕無貨同埋我真係覺得雖然我係video講完佢,但係我覺得佢值得我再寫多一個blog表揚下佢,或者你地會去亞熱帶地方旅行呢! 哈哈。

(English:  I know I know, the weather has cooled down already and why am I still talking about straw bag?  I should probably talk about it next Spring and Summer!  Well, I am afraid they won’t have the same style by then and also I truly feel like it deserves its blog post though I have raved about it on YouTube already.  Maybe you will need one to go somewhere in the Tropicals? *Laughs*)


巴厘岛太阳花藤编包波西米亚风草编包度假手工斜挎包圆形搭扣 (Taobao Link)

Taobao Straw Bag

Taobao Straw Bag

呢個藤籃包包我係淘寶買。 我咁多年黎都想揾一個夏天包(藤籃包包),不過我揾黎揾去都唔啱心水,太大我又唔啱,無拉鍊或者個袋中門打開我又唔啱。直至今年去泰國清邁前比我揾到佢,超開心! 手工好,實正,而且仲要容量好大。 我好滿意。 連Mr Honey都讚我個包包好實用又好睇!就係因為用完好impressed,所以同大家再三分享一下(我怕你感受唔到我既喜悅呀)! 呢個包我有感覺將來會同我一齊去東南亞其他地方同埋佢應該會係我未來日子既summer bag!!

(English:  I got this straw bag from Taobao.  Indeed, I had been looking for a summer bag (aka straw bag) for years, but nothing came close to what I wanted.  I didn’t want it too big, and I didn’t want anything without a closure.  Finally, just before I headed to Chiang Mai, Thailand this year, I found this – super happy!  The bag is well made, solid and very practical (can hold quite a lot of stuff).  I am very happy with it.  Even Mr Honey praised it a few times saying that it’s practical yet it looks good.  Well, because I am THIS impressed so I have to tell you on different platforms a few times (I am afraid that you couldn’t feel how happy I am if I just talk about it once).  I think this straw bag will become my travel buddy to other South East Asia countries and also it’s going to be my future Summer Bag!!)


Taobao Straw Bag

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