之前你睇過我個video都知道我用緊以下既卸妝產品. 以前就淨係係Sasa/ Bonjour先買到, 但係而家係Mannings都買到喇.
(English: If you have watched my previous video, you should have noticed the following product. It was only available in Sasa/ Bonjour before, but now it’s available at Mannings:)
Shiseido Perfect Gel:
價錢 (Price): HK$69/ 160g
既然係落妝產品, 而家就睇下佢落得乾唔乾淨先. 先係手上畫d顏色先. 一樣啦, 有foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner…etc.
(English: It’s a makeup remover product, so let’s see if it cleans really well. I have some colors on my hand including foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner…etc.)
使用次數 (No. of Usage): around 1 month
用後感: 我覺得呢枝野唔錯, 落化妝品落得唔錯, 你地都睇到佢係落得幾乾淨下. 同埋佢唔係油, 係gel狀, 唔鍾意/ 唔用得卸妝油既sister可以諗下. 但係用佢落完妝之後一定要用洗面野洗面, 如果唔係會覺得仲有d野係塊面到. 仲有另一樣野係陣味都幾勁下,未必人人接受到. 我自己唔算好鍾意用, 原因係佢會留d野係塊面到, 雖然我用咩落妝都一定都會用洗面野, 但係佢比唔到一種好乾淨既感覺比我同埋佢隻味勁左少少. 成個感覺唔算perfect! 我用完就應該唔會再買黎用喇.
(English: After-use Comment: It’s a quite nice product. As you can see, it removes makeup quite effectively and nicely. Also, it’s not oil, it’s a gel, so it’s suitable for those people who doesn’t like or cannot use cleansing oil. However, after using this makeup remover, facial wash must be used to wash away the residue on face. Also, it has quite a strong scent, so if you don’t enjoy using anything with scent on your face, you definitely are not going to like this. Well, I am not particular in love with this product. The main reason is that it leaves a residue on skin. Even though I use facial wash after any type of makeup remover, I don’t think this gel gives me a totally clean feeling. And, I don’t really enjoy the scent, it’s a bit too strong for me. Therefore I have no choice but to say the whole experience isn’t that perfect. I don’t think it will be on my repurchasing list.)