Paul & Joe Pearl Foundation Primer 002 糖球飾底乳

日本出左一日就賣斷既Paul & Joe糖球飾底乳,佢係一款化妝底霜,賣斷原因相信係佢太夢幻喇! 我見到都忍唔住入手! 佢應該係Limited Edition,所以大家而家未必買到,不過我相信咁好賣既野遲少少又會再出翻,如果大家有興趣可以望咗呢個分享先,之後再留意佢地會唔會再出!

(English:  Paul & Joe Pearl Foundation Primer was sold out in Japan within a day of releasing, it’s a makeup base and I do believe that the main reason of sold out was that it looked absolutely adorable!  It got my attention as well, however, I think this is a limited edition so you might not be able to get your hands on it now.  I wouldn’t worry because usually brands do bring good selling items around again, so if you are interested, have a read, and then you can decide if you want to get one later.)

Paul & Joe Pearl Foundation Primer 002 糖球飾底乳





揾唔到張單,唔緊要,我記得好似唔係貴得好誇張,無記錯應該大概HK$350。 唧出黎推開之後d粒粒會爆開,有少少珠光咁,一d都唔誇張,好自然,唔近睇其實唔係好見到d閃粉,同埋我覺得d閃粉係非常疏落,所以唔會令塊面過閃。 如果話用完之後膚色變得紅潤有光澤又有提亮膚色的效果,我就覺得太誇張(或者要用好多)。 我覺得係有少少光感,但係膚色無咩點變。 反而我覺得好易吸收幾保濕得黎又唔笠就真。 雖然質感同我之前講既Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer有唔同,但係吸咗之後既保濕感同埋上妝貼服度係差唔多,當然,呢枝個樣靚好多啦。 買既時候BA提我話用到淨翻d粒粒話,就可以倒佢地出黎推爆d粒粒照用,聽落有少少煩,我用完先再研究啦! So far,我滿意呀,我亦覺得如果佢再出,唔係油性既朋友可以去望下,佢無控油,所以我覺得油肌未必like喇。

(English:  I can’t find my receipt but no worry, I remember it wasn’t mega expensive, if my memory served me well, it was around HK$350.  The rounded particles burst when I start rubbing it on my face, it offers a bit of a glow but it’s not over the top, it’s super natural I would say.  And if you don’t stay close, you wouldn’t be able to see the shimmer.  In my opinion, the shimmer is quite sparse, so that’s why the face is not too much like a disco ball.  Well some magazine says that it offers a blushing tint on skin and it greatly makes skin glow.  I somehow think this phrase is over-promising (or you have to use loads).  I think it gives a little bit of glow but it doesn’t change your skin colour in any way.  The one thumbs-up for me is that I think it is easy to absorb, quite hydrating and not heavy.  Though the texture is somewhat different than Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer, the feeling of after application is very similar – both offer hydrating and makeup adheres better on skin.  Of course, this one is nice to look at as well.  When I got mine, the BA told me when I was done with the gel, there would only be the rounded particles left, all I had to do was to pour them out and burst them to use.  Well, I don’t know if I would bother, I will certainly try to finish the liquid inside because I investigate further.  So far, I am happy with this product.  If it comes around again, I would recommend non-oily skin types to check it out.  It doesn’t do anything in the oil control department, so I don’t think it’s that great for oily skin type.)

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