[時尚] Pandora Let’s Make Each Moment Matter

個多月前, 收到Mr Honey既一份禮物! 係丹麥品牌Pandora既手鍊!!佢知我想要, 所以買咗送俾我! 好好笑, 佢仲同我好詳細解釋話條鍊佢專登買大咗少少, 因為等穿滿d charms既時候應該個size會啱啱好(讚!!)。

(English:  Around a month and a half ago, I received a surprise from Mr Honey!  It’s a bracelet from Pandora, a renowned Danish brand!!  He knew that I had been wanting it, therefore he got it for me!! The very funny thing was that he explained to me in great details that he got a slightly larger bracelet because he felt that after getting all the charms, the bracelet would fit just right (*grins*).)

暫時得兩個charms, 因為我想慢慢儲! 有咩特別野就買一個俾自己, 我覺得咁樣好有意思! Let’s Make Each Moment Matter!

(English:  I got two charms for now because I want to complete my collection slowly.  I want to record every special moment by getting one charm for myself – isn’t this a sweet idea?  Let’s make each moment matter!!)

呢個皇冠真係我大愛!! 手功好精細!! 好靚!! 女仔有邊個唔憧憬自己係公主? 價錢仲超親民!! HK$299!! 每次見到呢個皇冠就會覺得自己雖然獨立, 但係偶爾做下公主都唔錯丫!

(English:  OMG!!  I am so so so in love with this crown!!  The craftsmanship is delicately done!!  Very romantic!!  Which girl doesn’t dream of being a princess at some point?  The price is dead friendly as well, only HK$299!!  Every time when I see this crown, I remind myself that even though I am a very independent person, sometime being a princess is fun too!!)

呢粒charm有閃石, 所以好難影相, 因為佢太閃, 我部相機俾佢閃到!! 呢粒我都好愛! 顏色有d古典, 閃得黎又好優雅! 唔知點解佢令我諗起埃及, 可能係同d pattern有關! HK$699(唔知有無記錯)!

(English:  This charm has rhinestone and it’s so sparkling that it’s hard to take a good picture!  I really love this one too, the color is a bit vintage and the sparkle makes it look elegant and modern!  I am not sure what it is, I think Egypt when I see this particular charm, maybe it’s associated with the pattern.  HK$699 (if I remember right!).)


呢個係條鍊個扣, 但係亦都好有心思做到一個charm型!!

(English:  This is the bracelet lock and they are so thoughtful that they make this into a charm-looking lock!!)

自從有咗條Pandora手鍊之後, 我就一直留意佢地既資訊, 睇下我下一個目標會係邊粒。 原來九月既時候, 佢地出左黑色瑪瑙系列:

(English:  After having this Pandora bracelet, I have been researching their information and different collection (yea for my next target!!).  Oh, they released a black Agate collection back in September:)

我覺得呢條頸鍊好靚! 黑色既心心好特別得黎又好襯秋冬既氣氛(我下次要去望下先)。

(English:  I think this necklace is so pretty!!  Black heart goes really well with the Autumn and Winter mood (have to check it out next time)!)


Ring: HK$829


Ear-rings: HK$829

Necklace: HK$1,099

Charm: HK$609

條頸鍊同個charm都好靚! 如果睇厭咗紅色既心心, 黑色既夠特別! Pandora亦就快會出X’mas系列, 我已經睇中咗一兩個charm, 你呢?

(English:  I personally love the necklace and charm!! If you are tired of looking at red heart, black heart seems to be more mysterious and special!  Pandora is releasing its X’mas collection really soon!  I got a couple in mind that I want to get, what about you?

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