[時尚] 愛上 Pandora 的童話世界 + 介子

你地都記得之前Mr Honey送咗條Pandora俾我(回顧按此), 佢問我做咩唔帶, 我話因為買條鍊個陣預咗係滿charm, 所以買長咗, 而家得兩個charm條鍊有少少鬆。 咁佢就係咁意問下我下次會買咩charm, 我就話我鍾意佢Fairy Tale個d charms, 我想我呢條專係儲Fairy Tale既! 之後我都無理咁多, 橫掂禁敗又咩都唔買得, 所以我無特別諗d咩! 哈哈!! 點知有日返屋企就見到我條Pandora滿咗一半呀!! Mr Honey話因為佢唔覺得我好乖可以禁敗咁耐, 雖然禁敗未完, 但係佢覺得我都好值得被獎勵一下(笑)!! 超開心丫!!! 等我快d同大家分享下先:

(English:  Do you remember that Mr Honey gave me a Pandora bracelet as a gift before (refresh memory)?  He recently asked me why I hadn’t been wearing the bracelet.  I said that the bracelet felt loose because it had only 2 charms.  Then he asked very causally which charm I would get next, and I replied causally that I was very interested in their Fairy Tale charms because I wanted to have a theme for my bracelet and it’s going to be Fairy Tale related.  Then I didn’t think too much of our conversation because I have been on spending ban anyway!  *Laughs*  OMG!!  Guess what!!!  When I went back home one day, my Pandora bracelet was filled half way!!!  Mr Honey complimented that it was surprising for him to see me doing really well during my spending ban, even though it’s not finished, he felt the need to encourage me further *grins*!!!  Super happy!!!)

My Pandora Bracelet

滿咗一半條鍊即刻無咁寂寞呀! 仲有另一半要慢慢儲, 我想呢條係特別儲Fairy Tale/一d浪漫d既charm, 之後我想儲另一條係關於travel既!! 係, 我好貪心, 一條未儲完我已經想儲另一條!! 呢d charm既idea真係殺死人!!

(English:  My bracelet now looks less lonely!!  This bracelet should be dedicated for Fairy Tale/ Romance related charms.  After this, I want another one with a travel theme!!  Yea, I am very greedy *winks*!!  Whoever that came up with the idea of charms should be praised for his/ her brilliant commercial sense!!)


(English:  Let me share each of the “new” charm with you:)


Pandora Twinkle Twinkle Clip


Mr Honey見我無clip, 所以揀咗呢個! 佢記得我之前好鍾意呢粒星星呀!! 唔知點解我覺得星星好浪漫同埋我成日都覺得佢同童話故事好有關係丫!

(English:  Mr Honey saw that I didn’t have any clip, so he picked this one as he remembered I really liked this one before!!  I just love anything related to stars – so romantic!!)


Pandora Cabochon Amethyst Charm


Sales姐姐同佢講話加多d色係條鍊好唔好, 因為望落好似好銀色, 多d色開心d。

(English:  Sales lady asked him to add more colors to the bracelet so it looks more lively.)

Pandora Castle & Crown Charm


超級愛呢個城堡呀!! 個底仲有個皇冠添!! 靚死人啦!!

(English:  Extremely in love with this castle!!  There is a crown on the bottom – insanely beautiful!!)

Pandora Purple Hearts Charm


呢粒都係為咗加多d顏色落條鍊度!! 紫色心心好搶眼丫!!

(English:  Another one of those charms which is used to add more color to the bracelet!!  I love the purple hearts!!)


Pandora My Princess Charm


呢個我一眼愛上!! 邊個女仔唔想做公主丫(唔係公主病個隻)!! 好靚呀!! 個tiara真係超靚, 所以放係中間!! 

(English:  I fell in love with this almost instantly!!  Who doesn’t want to be a princess eh?  Very pretty and I love the details of the tiara!!)

Pandora Royal Carriage Charm


有城堡點會無南瓜車? 呢個唔洗問又係勁鍾意!! 車頂又有皇冠呀!! 好夢幻!

(English:  Castle cannot go without royal carriage!!  OMG!!!  There is a crown on the top of the carriage!!  So fancy!!)

Pandora Cherry Blossom Clip


呢粒係新出既櫻花系列! Mr Honey貪佢有淡粉紅色同埋佢夠浪漫!! 哈哈!!

(English:  This is from the newly released Cherry Blossom line!!!  Mr Honey thought it would go really well with the theme *laughs*!!)

而家帶上手好豐富呀!! 好開心!! 多謝Mr Honey!!!  >3<

(English:  Now it looks really good and fun on the wrist!!  Yay!!!  Thank you Mr Honey!! >3<)


咦! 不過故事未完!! 我收完條鍊之後已經開心到彈下彈下! 點知我第二日起身仲有驚喜呀!!

(English:  Ohhh…but the story didn’t just end there.  I woke up the next day and there were more surprises…)

Pandora Silver Ring, 14k, Cubic Zirconia


好靚呀!! 我好愛呢個款!! 最特別係中間有金色個圈圈!! 勁靚!! 收到後已經變成每日都帶既accessories喇!! 就咁帶又得, 同其他rings pair up又得!!

(English:  Another pretty little thing!!  I really love this style!!  The design is so unique with the golden ring in the central!!  Brilliant!!  It has just become my every day accessory!!  It can be worn alone or paired up with other rings!!)


Pandora Silver Ring, Cubic Zirconia



呢隻都好靚呀!! 好簡單, 但係就好timeless!! 最緊要timeless!!

(English:  Another pretty little thing!!  It’s simple but timeless – yea timeless is the key!!)

你睇下! 兩隻一齊帶都好襯呀!! 好靚!! 十個靚!!

(English:  Two of the pretty little things together!!!  Brilliant eh?)

多謝哂Mr Honey!! 真係太驚喜喇!!! 我會乖乖地完成埋個spending ban喇!!! 哈哈!! >3<  男生想送禮物俾女生, 都可以諗下Pandora!!  你睇我收到開心到咁就知無衰丫!! 我暫時無一個girlfriend唔鍾意Pandora呀!  哈哈!!

(English:  Thank you Mr Honey!!!  I am so pleasantly surprised!!  I will commit to the rest of my spending ban!!!  *Laughs* >3<  Oh, I think Pandora is a perfect gift if you are looking for something for your special someone!!  You can feel my happiness in getting these gifts and so far as I know, all of my girlfriends love Pandora!!! *Laughs*!!!)


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