[化妝] 超實用美國眼影palette

美國真係好多深得我心既品牌,希望有一日我會可以將佢地入哂落黑咪小店。 哈哈!! 呢個palette係之前我個朋友係美國Sephora幫我買,雖然大家未必買得到,但係我都想同大家分享,如果你有朋友係美國而你又對呢個palette有興趣,你可以麻煩佢! 哈哈!

(English:  There are so many brands in the states that got my heart, I hope one day, I would be able to introduce them all into Hakme’s Store.  Haha!!  I got this palette because a friend helped me to get this from US Sephora before, I know not everyone could get their hands on this, I still want to share my thoughts with you.  If you have friends in the states and you are interested in this product, then you might want to bother them!  Haha!!)

Lorac PRO Palette


價錢(Price):USD42 (@Sephora US)



簡單用後感: 超實用! 佢上面個行係matte眼影,下面個行係閃眼影。 我覺得兩隻粉質都做得好好,好幼好滑又唔會有嚴重飛粉既情況出現! 掂!! 同埋佢個質感都好creamy好易blend! 我覺得如果你愛smokey eyes又愛natural妝容既話,呢個palette真係好值得投資。 講真市面上做得好既matte眼影係唔多選擇,我超impressed Lorac連matte眼影既質感都做得好好!! 我自己就好推呢個palette喇! 變化多得黎,質量好而又唔貴!! 掂!!

(English:  Quick Product Review: Super practical!  The upper row is all matte eyeshadows whereas the lower row is all shimmery eyeshadows!  I feel that the quality of both matte and shimmery eyeshadows is very good, very fine, smooth and doesn’t create much flyaway!  Nice!!  Plus its texture is very creamy and easy to blend.  If you are in love with smokey eyes, or natural eye look, this is worth investing!  Honestly, I don’t think many brands have got the formula right for matte eyeshadows, so there aren’t much choices.  I am super impressed with Lorac because the matte eyeshadows are fine extremely good quality!  I personally would highly recommend this palette!  You can create many different looks with it, and its quality is supreme!  Plus, the price is not ridiculous!  Wonderful!)

黑咪小店/ Hakme’s Store: HERE


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