[保養] 真係會白既美白Overnight面膜

哈哈! 我呢期真係成日都講美白, 不過我諗你地應該會好想知我覺得邊d好邊d無咁好, 等你地未夏天就可以去買下新產品做下美白抗戰既準備! 早前我收到我朋友送俾我既fresh產品, 我真係開心到暈! 你知啦, 我超愛fresh既產品, 我用過咁多樣野,好多樣我都好愛!! 哈哈!! 今日我想分享一下呢個Overnight Mask, 又係大驚喜既一個產品!

(English:  *Laughs*  Since when I am a whitening product maniac?  Well considering that many of you would be interested to see what I would recommend or not recommend for whitening stuff, I definitely want to go deeper into the topic before Summer actually arrives (then you can better prepare yourself for the whitening battle!).  Awhile ago, my friend got me this fresh product and I was ecstatic!!  As you know, I heart fresh products and out of all the things that I have tried, none comes across as a disappointment (amazing since my standard is quite high *grins*)!! Right, today I want to talk about this Overnight Mask from fresh because it’s a really good surprise!!)

fresh Peony Whitening Night Treatment Mask


價錢(Price):HK$400/ 50ml

Product Information:




• 氨基酸有效緊緻肌膚及撫平皺紋

• 青瓜萃取為肌膚補充水分,鎮靜肌膚”

(English: Peony Whitening Night Treatment Mask is an innovative treatment formula that’s proven to dramatically lighten the appearance of dark spots, correct uneven skin tone, and significantly brighten the complexion. The secret to this product’s skin-perfecting properties is an exclusive whitening complex derived from peony and licorice root extracts as well as vitamin C glucoside that’s proven to inhibit the production of melanin, reduce and prevent dark spots, and even skin tone.

As Fresh’s first overnight mask, this concentrated formula replenishes the skin while you sleep. It is proven to preserve hydration for 24 hours, smooth the skin’s texture, and plump the complexion. Simply apply a thin, even layer to your face before bed once or twice a week, and you’ll awake the next morning with youthful, luminous skin.

Key Ingredients

• An exclusive whitening complex derived from peony and licorice root extracts and vitamin C glucoside is proven to inhibit the production of melanin, reduce and prevent dark spots, and even skin tone.

• Amino acids help to firm and smooth wrinkles.

• Cucumber extract is notable for its hydrating and calming properties.)

我初初未開見佢個tube以為佢係唧既,點知係泵既! 唔錯喎!!

(English:  At first I saw the tube and I thought you had to squeeze the product out, ha, it turns out that it has a pump – NICE!)


Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:佢個texture有少少係gel cream狀,超級好推亦都推得好開,即係話用少少已經可以搽哂成面。 同埋佢超快被吸收,唔會有笠痴痴既感覺,真係好好好啱呢個濕濕地又熱熱地既天氣使用。 同埋佢有淡淡既花香,所以搽個陣真係一個享受,可以放鬆心情!! 當然啦,我最buy佢係佢既使用方法真係超級方便,完全符合我地繁忙人既生活模式! 我通常都係好夜返屋企,唔想用九萬樣產品係面(要快手去瞓覺麻),我就會洗完面連toner都唔用就搽呢隻Overnight Mask去瞓! 哈哈!! 第二日起身唔只個樣一d都唔殘,仲要真係白白淨氣色好丫!!!! 好好好掂呀!!! 通常用美白產品皮膚都會好乾,用佢又唔會呀!! 我覺得佢都做到保濕!! 好正呀!!! 好好好愛!!! 我真係覺得佢個效果好強!! 一星期建議用兩三次,我就留係我會夜歸又唔想第二日殘樣既日子去用。 真係太方便喇,唔洗等又唔洗洗面,淨係搽完去瞓第二日就有白淨好氣色既皮膚,簡直係懶惰時候既極品!! 超推丫!! 我覺得好啱好多人用!! 講真,如果你睇緊又鍾意用美白產品,我覺得你都要去玩下買翻枝係屋企!! 幾勤力既女生都有懶惰時候,咁呢枝就一定用得著!! 嘻嘻!!

(English:  Product Review:  Its texture is a bit like gel-cream, it’s super blendable which means only a tiny bit goes a long way!  Also, it gets absorbed extremely easily, so it’s perfect for this insane (hot and humid) weather.  Plus, it has a very light floral scent, I do feel luxuriously relaxed whenever I apply it to my face (more like soothing for the mind)!  Of course, the most amazing thing is that its usage is ridiculously convenient, which suits the lifestyle of the general busy folks.  I usually use it when I arrive home late and I don’t want to use tens and thousands (might be exaggerating) of products on my face (yea have to save time to jump into bed).  After washing my face, I skip everything and just use this Overnight Mask directly on my face and have my beauty sleep. *Laughs*  Not only I wake up the next day without having a “shit” face, but also I find my skin to be brightened up and evened out!!  What’s more amazing is that in general whitening products are not hydrating enough, but this is the exception!  It does quite well in hydrating skin as well.  Brilliant and I have absolutely no reason not to fall in with this this.  I feel strongly that it works very effectively and is worth every penny!  It’s suggested to use twice to three times a week and I kinda save it as my secret weapon!  I save it for the nights when I would come home late but don’t want to have a tired/ dreadful face the next day.  It’s super convenient and perfect for those lazy nights!!  Highly x 100 recommended!!  I feel that it suits many different skin types.  So, if you are ready this and you are into whitening products, honestly, please go to the counter, play around with it and get one for yourself.  Even the most hard-working gals would have those lazy nights whereby skincare might not be a priority (but sleep is)!! *Winks*)


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(the above product information is extracted from http://www.fresh-hk.com)

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