[保養] 中西合壁的新進護膚品牌Osiao

前一陣子接到邀請試用一個品牌Osiao, 我收到email個陣笑咗出黎。 因為我未收到email前兩日, 我行過Lane Crawford, 見到呢個品牌既counter, 我心諗:新野, 揾日要試下先得! 點知就收到email, 所以我好開心咁答應咗! 哈哈!! 當係心想事成!!  正因為呢個品牌個concept有d complex, 所以佢地約咗我落去做consultation同埋同我講解下佢地品牌, 之後再揀啱我既產品俾我試用(我係個consultation係玩哂所有產品, 一陣好簡單講下我有咩覺得值得推介丫!)。 係我未講佢產品用後感之前, 我想先簡單講一講佢個品牌(新野麻), 明咗佢地個concept, 你地先會知我後面講緊咩!

(English:  Awhile ago, I got an invitation to try out the brand Osiao and when I received the email, I burst out a smile!  Prior to the invitation, I walked pass Lane Crawford and saw the brand, I thought to myself, “new stuff?  I have to try it!”  Then I got the email, therefore, I happily accepted the invite!!  *Laughs*  It’s a kind of wish come true I guess!!  Due to the complexity of the brand, I attended a consultation with them at the store so that they could explain the brand philosophy and the products to me in greater details.  Then they would offer me the products that they thought were suitable for me (BTW, I played with almost all their products at the counter and I will briefly let you know my thoughts).  Before I talked about the comments on the product, let me spend some time to talk about their brand first (new brand deserves some mention).  Once you get an idea of their concept, you will understand my review better.)


一見到佢地既counter, 我本身以為佢地係韓國品牌, 原來唔係呀! 佢地其實係under Estee Lauder group既一個新品牌, 佢地係target亞洲市場,產品係Made in Japan! 係咪好驚喜呢? 我落到去要做個consultation, 但係唔係好似其他品牌做皮膚機黎睇你肌膚狀況,反而係問你好多生活上既細節, 同埋望你皮膚既狀態, 呢一部份都好似你去睇中醫咁。 我覺得都好啱, 因為平時既生活習慣都好影響你皮膚質素! 答完哂問題, 佢地就會睇到你皮膚屬於佢地肌膚內觀5環既邊一環喇(好似平時話你皮膚屬於比較油丫, 中性丫定係乾性咁, 只不過係佢地既5環係更加深入, 因為係講緊你既細胞活躍度)。 我覺得最得意係5環都有自己既特色,所用既護膚品雖然個樣係一樣, 但係入面既ingredients會有唔同, 我就係4, 即係話我皮膚細胞異常活躍(嗚嗚), 所以我用既產品入面主要係靈芝, 就係用黎calm down翻我細胞既活躍度。 如果你個結果係1/2號, 主要成份會係紅景天, 加速翻你既細胞活躍度。 如果你係3呢, 主要成份會變成冬蟲夏草喇。 係咪好得意? 所以我話中西合壁就係咁解喇, 佢係用中藥既成份同埋concept, 但係就用西方既科技將所有產品做到用4星期就有明顯效果(亞洲人都係 鍾意快靚正麻!!)。 我自己聽完個concept真係覺得好新鮮, 所以雖然我知大家唔鍾意睇好多字,但係我一定要講, 唔係你去到就買錯哂野喇。 記得呀, 如果你去到, 一定要做consultation, 唔係你就唔會買到啱你既產品喇。

(English:  When I first saw their counter, I thought it was a Korean brand but I was wrong!  Osiao is a new brand under Estee Lauder group and their main target is Asia market.  Their products are made in Japan!  Surprised?  When I arrived at the counter for the consultation, it’s not like the other brands – whereby the skin testing machine will tell you what’s good and what’s bad.  They actually ask you a bunch of questions relating to your daily routine and habits, very similar to when you go see a Chinese doctor.  I find this rather amusing and effective somehow, because I do believe everything you do, that would reflect on the skin.  After answering all the questions, your “type” can be determined for the Skin Constitutions (similar to when you say your skin type is oily, normal or dry, but on a way deeper level, their Skin Constitutions are talking about how active your cell is).  The most interesting thing is that each of the 5 types has its own characteristics, even though the bottles of the products for each type might look the same, indeed, the ingredients inside are different.  I am a No. 4 meaning my cell is a bit hyper *cries*.  So the ingredient used in the product for No. 4 is Ganoderma lucidum Karsten to calm down my cell activity.  If you are a No. 1/2, then the ingredient is Rhodiola to accelerate your cell activity.  If you are No. 3, Caterpillar fungus will is used in the product!  Very fascinating right?  Therefore I said it has both Chinese and Western touch in the brand.  The brand is using Chinese medicine concept and ingredients, with the blend in of Western technology to ensure the products are effective within 4 weeks’ usage (Asian people are impatient and want fast results).  I love the concept.  Even though I understand some of you do not like many words, I feel that I should explain, otherwise, you might get all the wrong products at the counter.  Remember, if you go check out their counter, make sure you do the consultation, otherwise, you have no way to pick up the right product!)

好喇, 我用咗個好簡單既方法講咗個故仔, 而家講下我用咗佢地產品既感想, 同埋有咩推介丫。 個日我收到佢地既toner同精華, 佢地再俾咗個乳液sample我。 不如我逐一講下, 先講toner:

(English:  Right, I try to explain the brand in simple terms and now it’s time for me to share my comments on their products and what my recommendation would be.  That day, I received a toner and a serum.  They also gave me an emulsion sample.  Why don’t I talk about them one by one?)

Osiao Inner Radiance Essence Lotion

價錢(Price):HK$980/ 150ml

Product Information:

“此為亮化肌膚的決定性首步。水漾輕盈的精萃露,透過獨有的融合發酵技術, 糅合精選高效中草藥及西方醫藥成分,帶來均衡適中的水分保濕,讓肌膚柔滑飽滿,透現嶄新的炫亮光芒。


    肌膚水分提升 60%
    光芒增加 26%
    4 星期內,過剩油脂分泌減少達 19﹪


    顯著通透光芒提升 92%
    更覺水潤 96%
    更見細緻 96%”

(English: “The
process of transforming skin begins with this critical first step. A
water-light lotion and rich in select herbs that are powerfully united
with Western ingredients through the exclusive Fusion-Fermentation
Process. It brings back fundamental moisture, leaving it sumptuously
soft and supple, preparing it to reveal newfound radiance.

  • See a 60% improvement in skin’s moisture and 26% more radiance

After just 4 weeks:

  • 92% experience greater radiance and luminosity
  • 96% feel hydrated
  • 96% observe the look of refinement
  • 19% excess oil reduction”)


(English:  Both No. 4 & 5 use this toner!)


使用次數(No. of Usage):20 times

用後感: 我覺得佢唔只係一般toner, 佢係Osiao品牌既神仙水。 佢個質感好水, 有好大陣中藥味, 我覺得好好聞呀, 感覺好天然, 但係唔會臭。 基本上搽完上面都無咗味喇。 我覺得因為佢有靈芝成份, 所以搽上面個陣有少少涼涼地, 感覺好清新舒服。 同埋佢好快被吸收呀, 吸完之後感覺皮膚好夠水好有彈性!! 好鍾意個質感同效果呀!! 我有時好乾仲拎佢黎濕敷, 敷完真係咩乾都無哂, 皮膚仲有有光澤添!! 掂呀!!! 我覺得佢效果都快同明顯, 如果你想揾枝神仙水, 可以諗下呢枝喎!!  哈哈!! 呢枝我自己回購度超高(不過要等本小姐用哂屋企d水先)!! 超愛!!

(English:  Product Review:  It’s not just a toner, it’s an essence toner.  The texture is very watery and contains a strong Chinese herbal scent.  I really like the scent though because I feel it smells so natural!!  After putting it on the skin, the scent disappears.  I think because of Ganoderma lucidum ingredient in my product, it has a cooling effect on my skin.  It’s very refreshing and comfortable.  Also, it’s extremely easy to absorb.  After it gets into the skin, skin instantly feels hydrated and elastic!!!  I really love the texture and the effect!!  When I feel a certain part of my face is dried out, I use it to do my point hydration, after like 5 minutes, all the dryness would be gone and skin looks quite radiant!!  Brilliant!!  I love the fact that its effective is quick and visible!!  If you are looking for an essence toner, you could consider this one!! *Laughs*  I would definitely repurchase this (have to wait till I finish all the toner at home first)!!!  Super in love!!)


Osiao Inner Radiance Concentrate

價錢(Price):HK$1,480/ 50ml

Product Information:



  • 肌膚水分提升 65%
  • 光芒增加 32%
  • 4 星期內,過剩油脂分泌減少達 20﹪


  • 光芒提升 90%
  • 水潤度提升 92%
  • 更覺柔軟亮滑 98%
  • 彈性及緊緻度提升 92%
  • 用後緩和舒適 94%”

    (English: “This Inner Radiance Concentrate is the critical step toward skin imbued
    with energy and light. It is customized to address individual skin
    concerns, and features select essential herbs and Western ingredients
    brought together by an exclusive Fusion-Fermentation process. Not only
    does it help regenerate and give radiance to skin, but it deeply
    hydrates firms and smoothes. Fine lines appear minimized and skin’s
    natural luminosity is renewed.

    • See a 65% improvement in skin’s moisture and 32% more radiance

    After just 4 weeks:

    • 90% experience greater luminosity
    • 92% feel hydrated
    • 98% feel softness and smoothness
    • 92% observe improvement in firmness and elasticity
    • 94% describe a calming and soothing effect
    • 20% excess oil reduction”


    (English:  This one is for No. 4!)



    使用次數(No. of Usage):20 times

    用後感: 呢枝我真係超級impress!! 佢都係有個陣signature既中藥味!  佢個texture係lotion狀, 超易推開同埋超易吸收!! 吸完之後你會覺得皮膚好夠水同潤, 但係表面完全唔會痴!! 好掂!! 超愛呢個texture!! 搽完即時個下覺得皮膚好柔軟同埋好水潤。 過咗兩三分鐘, 會覺得個面有少少緊緊地, 正呀!! 你知我超愛緊緻效果啦!! 我覺得佢最掂係用咗一個星期就見皮膚明亮咗, 係好有radiance個種, 係健康皮膚好靚個種radiance!! 好開心呀!! 真係快靚正呀!! 呢個產品我真係超級推~~ 好掂!!

    (English:  Product Review:  I am super impressed with this concentrate (serum kinda thing).  Again it has its signature Chinese herbal scent!!  Its texture is in lotion form, super easy to blend and absorb!!  After it gets absorbed, I feel my skin is very hydrated and moisturized, without feeling any greasiness.  Great texture!!  I really love this kind of texture!!  Instantly skin feels soft and supple.  After 2-3 minutes, I feel a tightening effect on skin!!  Amazing!!  You know how much I love tightening effect!!!  The most impressing point is that after 1 week’s usage, skin is brightened up, it’s very radiant and it’s the kind of radiance when skin looks healthy!!  Very happy about this product!!  The results come really quickly!!  I highly recommend this product – wonderful!!)

    Osiao Rejuvenating Essence Emulsion

    價錢(Price):HK$1,260/ 50ml


    使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

    用後感: 我呢個係sample, 唔係用到好多日。 所以睇唔到有咩長效功能。 但係我發現呢, 而家既天然搽完Essence Lotion同Concentrate, 一定要加個乳液或者cream先得, 唔係會好乾呀! 我覺得呢個乳液最好既地方都係好易被吸收!! 搽完過一小陣, 就吸哂落面呀!! 我有少少覺得唔夠, 我覺得我用既話要用佢地個cream應該會好d(記得係counter試過, 個texture都係超易吸收), 但係如果比較油少少既朋友, 如果唔鍾意用乳液用cream既原因係唔鍾意痴笠笠個感覺, 咁你一定要去試呢個品牌既乳液喇, 真係搽完可以吸哂。 哈哈!!

    (English:  Product Review:  I got this in sample size and it doesn’t last too long, so I can’t really comment on the long-term effect!  However, I discover that for the weather now, skin feels dry after using the Essence Lotion and Concentrate, so an emulsion or cream might be added after to retain the moisture.  The best about this emulsion is it gets absorbed totally.  After a little while, it’s totally absorbed into skin!  Hmmm… I need some more moisture than an emulsion, so for me, I think the moisturizing cream would be better for me (tried it at the counter and the texture is again brilliant).  But for those who have more oily skin types than me and you don’t feel like using emulsion or cream because you find them sticky, then you really have to check this out, you will be amazed when it gets totally absorbed into your skin *winks*!!)

    好喇!! 講完用後感, 我覺得overall個感覺真係好正!! 我去counter都玩過佢其他產品, 雖然都係試係手一次, 但係我成日試咁多野, 我個直覺都唔差得去邊, 哈哈!! 等我都簡單講下啦!! 下面呢個係我下次去會買既產品丫(無咁快, 我而家好努力用野, 希望快d用完同類既產品就去敗呢堆野翻屋企!!):

    (English:  Good!!  So much about my comments on the products above!  Overall speaking, I love this brand and find their products really good!!  When I was at the counter, I tried other items on my hand as well.  Even though I wasn’t trying them on my face or for a longer period, with my vast experience in trying out beauty products, my intuition shouldn’t be too far off!!  Let me talk about them briefly and these are probably the items that I would haul next time when I visit the store (not too soon though because I have been clearing up some of the stuff at home and hope to haul some new skincare items soon)!!)

    Osiao Gentle Foaming Cleanser

    價錢我唔記得問! 但係呢個洗完真係超級無敵滑呀!! 我好掛住呢個感覺!! 但係我屋企有3枝洗面產品, 所以我忍住先!! 我直覺覺得佢仲滑過SKII Facial Treatment Cleanser(本身都係我最愛呀), 所以好燒!! 等我!! 我敗咗會再同大家分享!!

    (English:  I forgot to ask the price!!  This cleanser is just amazing, skin feels sooooooo smooth afterwards!!!  I really miss the effect!!  But since I have 3 cleansers at home, I have to wait!  My intuition tells me that it’s better than my all time favourite – SKII Facial Treatment Cleanser, so I am really tempted!!  Wait for me!!  I will definitely share my comments after getting my hands on it!!)

    Osiao Rejuvenating Moisturizing Cream

    價錢(Price):HK$1,260/ 50ml

    頭先講過, 我覺得個乳液唔夠, 所以我想試過cream, 佢有兩隻, 另一隻再潤d。 我自己想試呢隻啦, 因為我試過都好好推好易吸收麻!! 哈哈!!

    (English:  Just like I mentioned above, emulsion is a bit too light for me, so I want to try the cream.  It has two kinds, the other one is more moisturizing.  I want to try this one first because I remember it’s very easy to blend and absorb!! *Smiles*)


    Oasio Revitalizing Clay Mask

    價錢(Price):HK$520/ 125ml

    呢個係clay mask, 但係話有deep cleansing同埋保濕功效, 我覺得一枝有兩個function好方便。 同埋我係counter試個陣個見我敷完隻手白淨咗同埋無紋, 所以超燒!! 又係啦,我用埋自己屋企既野會去敗。 咁會無咁guilty!! 哈哈!!

    (English:  Next is the clay mask!  It’s said to have both deep cleansing and hydrating functions.  If that’s really the case, then it would be super convenient!!  When I tried it at the counter, my hand was definitely whiter and the fine lines were gone, so I have been seriously tempted!!  Again, I have a couple items to use up at home (to feel less guilty)!!)

    Osiao Inner Radiance Beauty Tablets

    價錢(Price):HK$620/ 120 pcs

    哈哈!! 我初初以為呢個係藥丸feel supplement, 所以我完全無興趣(所有藥丸feel既野我都唔係好感興趣)。 後尾講講下先知原來佢好似糖丫! 唔洗用水吞, 放入口趙就得! 我係counter食咗一粒, 個feel好似甘枚片(唔知點寫), 幾好味呀!! 哈哈!! 5環每環食既都唔同!! 我好想睇下食咗有咩好, 不竟我下星期生日, 即係又大一歲, 要好好保養抗老呢!! 要試要試! 但係我想同其他野一次過敗(開心d!!)!!

    (English:  *Laughs*  At first, I thought it was some kind of medicine type thing, so I wasn’t interested at all as I am not interested in anything that’s looking like pills.  Then I found out it’s actually like sweets.  You don’t have to use water to swallow it and you can just put it in your mouth and chew on it!!  I ate one at the counter and it reminds me of some Chinese candy, quite nice!!  There are 5 different kinds for the 5 types.  I really want to try to see what’s good about this.  I will have my birthday next week and somehow it means one year older (or wiser?), so I have to really work on anti-aging and taking care of myself!!  Have to try and I will haul this with the others (much happier to do a big haul!!)!!!)

    好啦!! 好長氣呀!! 講咗好多野!!! 希望幫到想試呢個品牌既你地啦!!

    (English:  Great!!  Very long-winded!!!  Have been typing quite a few things and hopefully it helps you to understand more about the Osiao brand and its products!!)

    (the above product information is extracted from http://www.osiao.com.hk)

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