Osaka One Day Outfit Ft. Zara Jeans Jacket, Only Top and Celine Trio

今個星期都係好日本大阪既一個星期,實在有太多野想同大家分享! 今日分享一下我係大阪另一日既穿搭,其實如果天氣許可,我真係會日日咁著,簡直係由頭到腳都係好我既一套衫! 哈哈~~~

This week is another week of Japan/ Osaka week, well, I just have too much to talk about!  Today I am going to share another One Day Outfit in Osaka.  If the truth to be known, I would wear this every single day (if the weather permits of course).  This outfit just screams “so me” inside and out!!)

Jacket: Zara Jeans Oversize Jacket HK$599 (similar here)
Jeans: New Look Coated Jeans (similar here)
Bag: Celine Trio – Large Size HK$9,700 (video review here)
Boots: Chloe Susanna Boots HK$7,600 (link)

Watch: Apple Watch

真係好我既一套衫! 呢件牛仔褸我記得我之前買衫video分享過,本身佢係oversize,但係我個人太大件,著oversize仲大件,所以無咁好睇。 我見佢個cutting好好,所以我買咗XS碼,著落啱啱好,反而係顯瘦。 如果你瘦,可以盡著oversize,但係如果有d肉地,不防好似我咁試真d oversize唔同既size睇下有無驚喜。 我呢件係上季款,所以而家無喇,不過大家可以去望下上面條link有類似既款。

(English:  This is so me, isn’t it?  I remember I did talk about this jacket in one of my clothing haul videos.  It originally is Oversize, however, I am not the slimmest girl on earth, anything oversize would indeed make me look HUGE!  I love the cutting, so I opted for XS and it fits perfectly, not to mention somehow I look slimmer in it (yes, illusion).  If you are slim, experiment with Oversize items, they could be fun and exciting.  However if you are on the other side, then why don’t you try out the different sizes and see if they would give you any surprises.  Mine is from last season, so it’s not available anymore, but I have inserted a link above for similar style and you can check it out if you are tempted.)

Top: Only Button Back Jersey Tunic £24.00 (link)

之後就到呢件好薄既Top,但係唔洗打底都唔透。 我好愛佢,因為佢長長地可以遮pat pat之餘,佢後面係button down,所以簡單得黎有少少detail。 仲要個袖幫你車左少少摺位,又有多d野睇!呢件衫我覺得著得好舒服好自在~

(English:  Then moving onto this very thin top.  I really love this because it’s a good length to cover my bump and also on the back, it’s button down design, so it adds a bit of detail.  The most perfect thing is that the sleeves are sewed up and it does give that sophisticated look!  I really love how comfortable it is~)

最後,我應該唔洗再講呢對Chloe Susanna Boots。講真,鞋我都投資唔少,因為我都係愛鞋之人(係係係,我仲欠大家一個Shoe Collection Video,我記得㗎),但係買完會成日著既真係唔多,所以呢對我真係100%覺得自己無投資錯。

Last but not least, I really don’t have to bore you again with how much I love these Chloe Susanna Boots.  Honestly, I do invest quite a lot in shoes just simply because I love looking at them and I love how they elevate your whole outfit (yes yes yes I still owe you the Shoe Collection Video, I hadn’t forgotten).  However, it’s rare to me to invest in something and then wear them constantly (due to comfort factor), so I really have to say again I have made the right choice to purchase these.)

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