Osaka One Day Outfit Ft. Korean Top, Celine Trio and Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flats

去旅行既One Day Outfit我都係第一次寫,所以特別有新鮮感。上次去法國有全身鏡,所以我好易可以將outfit放埋入Vlog,但係今次去個全身鏡唔就位,所以我覺得放落blog度大家睇得真d易睇d會好d。 唔洗心急呀,聽日開始就有大阪自由行Vlog睇喇,今日望下套outfit先丫!

(English:  It’s my first time to write about One Day Outfit while I travel, so I am very excited.  Last time when I was in Paris, there was a full body mirror in the hotel room, so I could easily incorporate the outfit into the Vlogs.  However this time, the mirror wasn’t at a convenient location, so I might just as well record my outfit here in the blog, I guess this way it’s easier for you to see and I could really “talk” about each outfit.  No worries, my Osaka Vlogs will start to go up on YouTube tomorrow onwards, today let’s focus on the outfit first.)

有人問我大阪天氣點樣,除咗第一日落大雨,其餘都係好天,所以我都好好彩。 室外氣溫通常係17, 18度左右,不過室耐有d店舖或者餐廳會熱到25, 26度(開暖氣),所以如果唔怕凍既話真係唔洗著好多衫,唔係會熱死。 如果怕凍,我覺得帶件薄jacket,入到室內可以除。

(English: Some people ask me about the Osaka weather.  I was quite lucky in the sense that apart the heavy rain storm on the first day, others were pretty much sunny and nice.  The outside temperature was around 17-18 Degree, while inside some stores or restaurants, the temperature could go up to 25-26 Degree (they have heater on).  So if you are not afraid of cold, then you definitely don’t need to wear much, otherwise you could be really hot and bothered.  If you are afraid of cold, then I suggest to bring a lightweight jacket, at least you can take it off inside.)

Top: Korean Top HK$289 (link, now only blue T015 and purple T014 available)
Jeans: New Look Jeans (similar here)
Bag: Celine Trio – Large Size HK$9,700
Boots: Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flats HK$2,380 (detailed blog post)
Bracelet: Hermes Bracelet (detailed blog post)
Watch:  Apple Watch


(English:  I have been praising this bag recently and it’s perfect for travel.  If you have missed my previous review on this Celine Trio, you need to go to visit this link and understand how great this is, then you will understand why you see it so many times.)

影套outfit個日我著咗呢對Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flats,我本身都有帶對Chloe Susanna Boots,但係我知可能要行上山,所以都係平底安全d。我覺得呢對鞋係舒服之選!

(English:  When I shot this, I wore Tory Burch Minnie Travel Ballet Flats.  I did bring my Chloe Susanna Boots but I knew I might need to walk up the hill, so I opted for flats because they were the safer choice.  Also, I do think these are the most comfortable choice as well!)

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