[保養] 超好用美國Organic潤咀膏

有d產品我都真係認識得太遲! 大家都知我個咀敏感,所以我唔係好敢亂試野! 但係有時太多人話好既產品我都會去試下! 哈哈!!

(English:  I sometimes feel like I have known some of the products “too late”!  You all know that I have lip allergies, so I am quite cautious to try new products!  Well, sometimes when too many people say something is good, I have to get my hands on it as well!! *Laughs*)

HURRAW! Lip Blam 



Buy from: 黑咪小店/ Hakme’s Store or email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com

有咁多枝我就送咗兩枝俾朋友,一枝俾Mama等佢地都幫我中肯地試下!我淨係keep咗下面呢三枝!! 哈哈!!

(English:  I have so many, so I gave a couple to friends and one to mom so that they could help give some feedback as well!  I only keep the following 3!! *Laughs*!)


From left to right: Lime, Grapefruit and Black Cherry


Made in USA


用後感:呢隻lip balm有22款,全部都係唔同味! 我最愛係lime(我未試哂,所以只係暫時最愛),因為本身我好愛lime味,超清新!! 我覺得佢真係超好聞! 當然啦, 味道既野好個人! 我初初用佢都怕敏感,但係完全無事(正!!)! 我覺得佢個texture潤得黎唔係淨係留係個咀既表面,我覺得佢都滲入到咀入面。 佢有滋潤感得黎唔係肥笠笠。 同埋我覺得佢都好long-lasting,唔會搽完幾個鐘就會乾咗令咀皮硬化, 我一日裡面都淨係食完野先會補搽,其他時間我無補搽都覺得夠潤! 我另一個朋友都係咀敏感,但係我同佢敏感既野應該唔一樣,因為我搽Revlon Butter Lip無敏感,但係佢有,我搽Maybelline Baby Lips無敏感佢又有。 我送咗一枝Hurraw! Coconut俾佢,佢試咗,用左一日,佢個咀已經無咁乾,同埋無咗d乾皮,仲要最正係佢無敏感!! 哈哈!!! 我仲好後恢點解唔早d試呢個產品添丫!! 大愛大愛!! 如果你想買潤咀膏,我超級建議你買呢個黎試下,有時送下小禮物俾朋友都開心!

(English:  Product Review: There are 22 lip balm flavours in the line and all of the scents are so different!  My favourite at the moment is lime (well, I haven’t tried them all out yet, so this might only be temporary).  I personally love lime scent very much because I think it’s very refreshing!  It smells really great!!  Of course, again scent is very personal.  At first, I was afraid that I would get allergies on my lips, but nah!  I am completely fine (yay!!)!  I feel that the texture is moisturizng but not greasy, and it does get into the lips.  The moisturizing effect is nice and it’s long-lasting.   It does dry out after a few hours and doesn’t turn your lips into rocks.  I only reapply after eating and I feel that the moisturizing effect is enough!  I have another friend who has sensitive lips, but our allergies are different, because she gets allergies from Revlon Butter Lip and I don’t, and she gets allergies from Maybelline Baby lips and I don’t.  So I gave her a Hurraw! Coconut to try.  She gave it a go and after 1 day, her lips are not that dry anymore and there is no more flaky skin, and the best part is that it doesn’t cause her allergies!!  *Laughs*  Now I ask myself why I didn’t try it earlier!!  It has become my favourite lip balm!!  If you want to buy lip balm, I highly recommend you get this one to try, or even give them to your friends as gifts.)

佢既lip balm系列裡面全部都係無色既,除咗兩款,但係另一款我未有,所以講住下面呢隻先,就係:

(English:  All of their lip balms have no color, apart from two of them.  I haven’t got the other one in my hands, so let me talk about the following one first:)

Black Cherry


佢隻味令我諗起我係美國飲過既Cherry Coke!! 哈哈!! 佢係超淡色,所以啱哂有時唔想搽lipstick,淨係想有少少好自然既顏色! 我覺得如果你唇色淺,你想有多少少好氣色都啱!! 正!!

(English:  The scent reminds me of the Cherry Coke flavour in the states!  *Laughs*  It only has a tiny hint of color, so it’s perfect for the time when we don’t feel like using a lipstick but only want that light tint of color.  If you have light lip colors, and you want to look a bit more healthy, it’s great too!!)

我覺得唔同既味都有自己獨特之處,潤既程度就似乎大家都差唔係好多,所以如果你想買,當然係揀隻你自己鍾意既味啦!! 如果你地有興趣,你地可以睇下我既黑咪小店,遲d我會再入多d其他唔同既味!大家想要email我就可以喇:iamhakme@hotmail.com

(English:  Different scents offer individuality, and I feel that the moisturizing function is quite similar.  So if you want some, of course you can just pick the scent that you like!  If you are interested, you can always check out my Hakme’s Store, I will introduce other scents later!  If you want to get some now, please feel free to email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com)

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