One Day Outfit Ft. Topshop Bomber Jacket, Celine Trio and Chloe Susanna Boots

我近期好想加好多新content落個blog度,其中一項係fashion! 我唔係model亦都唔係時裝達人,但係同大家一樣都鍾意買衫褲鞋襪首飾同袋,平貴通殺,加上一路以黎有好多同我差唔多身型既朋友同我講想我分享多d,咁好啦,一齊分享下都唔錯丫! 我講明先,你睇我穿搭都唔會見到咩好強既時裝達人mode,我只係分享一下我會著或者比較喜歡既服飾,所以大部份分享你可能會覺得好普通(但係出得街囉),哈哈! 唔好話我無warn你~~好,而家望望我呢兩個星期比較喜歡既One Day Outfit丫。

(English:  Recently, I have been wanting to add some new content into my blog, and one of them is fashion!  I am not a model and I am not a fashionista, I am just like you – enjoy trying new clothes, shoes, accessories and bags, regardless of their prices.  Plus, many of you who have similar body types to me have been asking me to share more of my outfits, then I thought, “why bloody not?”  It should be fun!  One thing I have to make myself very clear is that you won’t see any crazy fashionista outfit here, I only share what I actually wear and what I like, so you might feel that they are quite ordinary everything thing (but isn’t that the whole point?).  *Laughs*  Just don’t say I didn’t warn you~~  Now let’s get on with my favourite One Day Outfit for the recent two weeks.)

Jacket: Topshop MA1 Zip Bomber Jacket HK$799 (link)

Top: Zara Sweat Top

Jeans: New Look Ripped Jeans (similar here)

Bag: Celine Trio – Large Size HK$9,700

Boots: Chloe Susanna Boots HK$7,600 (link)

今年興Bomber Jacket,但係我唔理得佢興唔興,我本身就係好愛Bomber Jacket,我覺得佢型得黎好易carry。 但係因為Bomber Jacket本身個板型係比較圓,所以著窄身褲修翻個身好d。 我覺得呢件唔太薄,同埋個型做得靚。 另外,我應該都講過一百次有多,如果有肉地既女仔買唔到褲,一定要去我樓上條link睇New Look既褲,我覺得佢足碼夠彈舒服同埋平。 雖然我覺得佢唔係last到太耐,成日著著到一季啦,但係我覺得佢係值既,起碼唔會著完透唔到氣或者好唔舒服。 我好推介New Look既褲比任何追求舒服但係唔老土既女仔!

(English:  Bomber Jacket is so in trend this season, but I really don’t care, I just love bomber jacket full stop!  I love how simple, edgy and easy to carry it is.  Since bomber jacket is quite rounded, I would highly suggest a skinny jeans/ pants to balance it out.  I love the fact that this one is not super light and it’s quite sturdy.  Oh another thing, I think I have mentioned this like a hundred times or more, if you are not super slim and you find it difficult to buy pants in HK, then you must visit the link above to check out the New Look jeans/ pants.  They are true to size, comfortable, very stretchy and affordable.  Though I think they don’t last very long, if you wear them all the time, they probably last a season, I still think they are totally worth it, because you still can breathe in them and they still look quite trendy.  I highly recommend New Look pants to all ladies who are in search for comfort with a hint of style!)

Chloe Susanna Boots係我近期入手但係大家聽我講過無數次我覺得佢非常好著。 其實我本身一眼已經覺得好靚好我,但係我唔肯定佢好唔好著所以遲遲無入手。 點知我見有位YouTuber講shoe collection個陣講到佢好舒服,我就即刻心火燒要入手啦。 我著完一個星期之後仲twitter多謝個YouTuber既分享。 真係唔係講笑! 夏天唔係非常熱襯短褲或者短裙都好有feel~

(English:  Chloe Susanna Boots have to be my biggest favourite and you must have heard me saying a million times how comfortable they are.  Indeed, I loved them at first sight because they were just so me, however I wasn’t sure if they were comfortable.  One day, I watched a YouTuber’s shoe collection and she mentioned that these were absolutely comfortable, and guess what, I had to get them.  After wearing them for a week, I sent her a tweet to thank her for the recommendation.  I am not joking, they are seriously stylish and comfortable.  These could be paired with shorts or skirts even in the summer (provided it’s not extremely hot)~)

唇膏我用緊近期入手既Giorgio Amarni既新色200。 初步感覺係幾舒服唔乾,用多幾日再分享。

(English:  For lipstick, I am wearing my new item – Giorgio Amarni No. 200, my first reaction is that they feel quite comfortable on lips and not drying.  I will give it a few more goes and share my detailed thoughts with you.)

Earrings: Korean Earrings HK$55 (link)


(English:  I am so in love with this type of earrings recently, there is something special about them and there are many colours to choose from.  It offers sophistication but it doesn’t scream over the top, well, no one wants to be a Christmas tree, right?)

Celine Trio,關於呢個袋我有太多野要同大家分享,所以我要留係video裡面同大家好好傾下。 我會好勤力地四月頭出片同埋講埋我另外係法國入手左另外兩個Celine,大家等我!!

(English:  Celine Trio, I have just too much to share about this bag, so I have to save the conversation in my next video.  I will shoot it and promise to post it in early April, and I think in that video, I will talk about the other two Celines that I got from Paris.  Hang in there!)

From Left to Right:

Korean Purple Bracelet HK$55 (link)

點睛店 Circle Diamond Bracelet

Korean Red Bracelet HK$45 (link)

Tiffany T Bracelet


(English:  I love wearing quite a few teeny tiny bracelet together and I think the best part of that is to mix the affordable ones with the high end ones.)

Ring from Diamanti Per Tutti HK$3,500


(English:  Many people have asked me about the ring.  It’s actually from a Belgian brand, and they are made of loose diamonds, and this particular one has 50 loose diamonds on it.)

希望大家覺得今日呢個post有少少新鮮感啦。 我就好期待未來多一d呢類型既blog post。 我自己寫得好開心。 未來逐步多一d同大家分享生活上既其他點滴啦。

(English:  I hope this is quite refreshing to you.  I am actually looking forward to more posts like this because I honestly feel happy working on this piece.  Going forward, I really hope to share more in other aspects of life with you.)

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