On My Radar | Jan 2016

呢個月暫時有幾樣產品都係我既偵測範圍以內。 其實除咗化妝品護膚品,今年我都想分享多d生活上既野,一齊研究下丫。

(English:  For this month particularly, these few things are on my radar.  Apart from skincare and makeup, I wish to share more on other aspects of life this year.  Let’s investigate.)

1. Philips Mini Blender: 大家記唔記得我之前淘寶淘過類似既東東? 可可惜我第一次用就用到有燶味(絕對有可能係我個人既問題),所以我唔敢再用。點知俾我上網望望下見到Philips有出呢個Mini Blender,好心動。 新一年我除咗逼自己飲多d水之外都希望生活健康d,有健康既身體先可以全力去做自己想做既事! 所以我諗我會研究下d recipe,如果好多我都有興趣又易既話,我諗我會入手呢個Mini Blender(講真:太麻煩既話邊個會有興趣?)! 講開,Philips都做得唔錯,佢地每個產品都分享埋recipe等大家可以知道每部產品可以大概做到咩食品同飲品(Mini Blender Recipes

2. YSL Instant Moisture Glow: 新品! 見到個名覺得佢好吸引。 上網查咗下,佢係化妝底霜,話保濕效果可以達到72小時(邊個會72小時唔洗面?)同埋佢有柔膚功效,令你皮膚望落細緻d。 我諗我行開counter試下個質感再決定入唔入手啦。 我諗佢要令我覺得好有驚喜我先會入手,因為暫時呢個天氣我都仲係非常愛我枝By Terry Hyaluronic Hydra-Primer

3. Philips Airfryer: 另外一個我好有興趣既炸籃! 呢部係炸,烤,焗都得! 好吸引呀! 大家如果有呢部東東就要同我分享下究竟係好唔好用! 我有研究過佢d recipes,我覺得好似好簡單同容易,超心動!! 新一年我希望玩多d煮飯仔(Airfryer Recipes

4. Monica Vinader Alphabet Pendant J Rose Gold: 我一向都好想買條字母鍊。 見到MV有仲要係玫瑰金,個心即刻火燒。 但係我一直都係上網睇未見過實物,唔肯定會唔會粒字母會唔會太大。 同埋雖然佢係玫瑰金,但係我覺得個字形又好似太整齊,我覺得如果有另一個字形係草草既應該會型d! 我知銅鑼灣Sogo 2/F有MV個counter,我諗我要揾日試上頸再決定。

5. Monica Vinader Ziggy Round Pendant Rose Gold: 呢個我係諗住如果萬一我唔鍾意上面粒字母既話,咁呢個就係我另一個選擇! 因為呢個都係玫瑰金同埋可以刻字! 我唔肯定香港counter有無呢個服務,但係無既話,佢官網都送香港。 我見佢刻既字款係可以刻草草字型,刻粒星都好似得! 如果我刻唔知可唔可以刻草草J加細細粒星呢。

(English: 1. Philips Mini Blender:  Not sure if you remember but I did get something similar from Taobao awhile back.  However the sad thing was that I used it one time and it smelled like burning (well, it could well be my problem), therefore, I wasn’t comfortable to use it again due to safety reason.  Then I was browsing online and saw Philips released this Mini Blender, I had to admit that I was well tempted.  For the new year, apart from forcing myself to drink more water, I hope I lead a better and healthier lifestyle as well.  At the end of the day, a healthy body allows me to focus on doing what I want to do!  So I guess my next step is to investigate the recipes, if there are many which suit my taste and are simple to accomplish, then hell yea, I will buy that (honestly, how can be bothered by complicated recipes?)!  While I am on this subject, I have to say that Philips does a good job in the sense that they offer you different recipes associated with their products so you have an idea of what they can do (Mini Blender Recipes)

2. YSL Instant Moisture Glow: New release!  The name definitely catches my attention.  I did a search online and found that this is a makeup base, which offers hydration for up to 72 hours (who wouldn’t wash their faces within 72 hours?) plus it offers blurring function which means your skin will look more “flawless” after application.  I think I need to give this a go at the counter to have a feel of what the texture is like before any decision.  The one thing that I am sure is that I have to be extremely impressed to go for this because right now (for this crazy weather), I am still greatly in love with my By Terry Hyaluronic Hydra-Primer

3. Philips Airfryer: Another item that interests me greatly!  It can do roast, bake, fry and grill!  Very tempting, isn’t it?  If you have this, you need to share your experience with me!  I have taken a look at their recipes as well and it seems to me that they are very nice and simple!  Hm.  I do wish to cook more in the new year(Airfryer Recipes

4. Monica Vinader Alphabet Pendant J Rose Gold: I have been wanting to get a necklace with my initial on for awhile.  This one is very tempting in the sense that it’s in rose gold.  I haven’t seen the real deal yet so I am not really sure if the initial would be too big or too small on neck.  Though it’s rose gold, there is one thing that I am not entirely convinced, it’s the font!  I feel that this font is somewhat very tidy.  If they have another font which is more in the italic version, that might suit me better.  Anyway, there is a MV counter on 2/F Sogo, Causeway Bay and I guess I would know if it’s a yay or nay when I try this on my neck.

5.  Monica Vinader Ziggy Round Pendant Rose Gold: This is more like a backup just in case I don’t fall in love with the initial pendant above.  This is still in rose gold colour and it can be engraved!  I am not sure if this service is available at the counter in Hong Kong, if not, I could always order online and their official site ships to Hong Kong anyway.  I can get an Italic font to be engraved and I am pretty sure I can do a star as well!  Now it gets me thinking: should I engrave an italic J with a small star as the dot?)

Photos are from the products’ official websites linked above

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