[穿搭] 新年舊衣新穿的不同配搭 ♥ Old Clothes New Style

因為我禁敗, 所以我無買新衫過年! 其實我好少好特別要買新衫過年(細個唔計啦,mama買), 因為多數要特登買個陣又睇唔啱, 唔想買野個陣又會無啦啦買到野!就係因為咁, 我多數都隨緣啦! 今年就因為禁敗, 所以我連睇都無睇, 反而將全屋既衫拎出嚟再配搭過, 一於舊野新穿啦!! 係係係, 又係啦, 我無model身材, 不過唔等於我成日會話自己肥, 唔著得呢樣唔著得個樣!! 愛靚, 先要愛自己。 我覺得係人著衫, 唔係衫著人。 無自信自愛著幾貴既衫都唔會靚! 好喇, 睇下我新年個幾日著過乜先。 哈哈!!

(English:  Since I am on my spending ban, so I didn’t get any new clothes for Lunar New Year!  Actually, I seldom get new clothes for new year (apart from when I was small coz mom did the job).  It’s because when I deliberately look for something, I usually am not able to get it.  Therefore, I go with the flow!  This year, I am on the ban, so I didn’t even look.  What I did was to pull out all my clothes at home and mix and match them again for the new year.  So it’s more like old clothes but new style!  Yea yea yea, same as before, I don’t have the hot body as the model’s, but it doesn’t mean that I go around all the time calling myself fat and say “I can’t wear this and I can’t wear that!!”  Being a true beauty, I know I have to love myself first.  Besides, we always say it’s us who wear the clothes but not the other way round, right?  Be confident and bring the best out of your clothes!  Cool, let’s take a look at what I did wear for the Lunar New Year!! *Laughs*)

New Year of Snake Lookbook 
年初一/ First Day of New Year

Glasses: around 50 (@Online Store)
Chanel Necklace: HK$1,400 (@Chanel)

Fluffy Vest: around HK$500 (@Boutique, Causeway Bay)

Cardigan: HK$250 (@Boutique, Chai Wan)

Skirt: around HK$500 (@SPY)

Handbag: around HK$200 (@Taobao)

Stockings: around HK$350 (@Wolford)

Brown Heels: HK$400 (@Shu Talk)

我好少著裙,但係今個新年想有新鮮感, 所以揾咗條買咗十年既裙仔出黎著下。 係呀!! 十年喇!! 我屋企有好多衫都跟咗我好耐呀!! 哈哈!!

(English:  I seldom wear skirts but I wanted some freshness for this Lunar New Year, therefore, I dug out one that I got for around 10 years and wore it all over again!!  Yea!!  10 years!!  I do have many clothing items that last me close to/ around a decade!!  *laughs*)

我鍾意呢條裙係因為佢係黃色, 仲要好sharp, 同埋一邊有刺繡!! 新年著就啱啦! 夠醒神!!

(English:  I really love this skirt because of its yellow color, it’s very sharp and it has a stitch pattern across one side!!  Perfect for Lunar New Year!!  Very eye-catching!!)


我係絲襪控!! 但係我唔會咩都買,我買個d全部都要耐用, 好著, 好舒服, 所以價錢唔平啦!! 我超愛Wolford既絲襪, 香港賣成HK$500-HK$600一對(基本款), 有d仲要成千蚊! 但係, 真係超級好著唔易爛!! 上網買會平少少~~ 我遲d拍個video講下佢地啦!! 呢對係Mocha色, 最愛佢背面條線!! 好sexy!!!

(English:  Right, I am a stockings maniac!!  But I don’t just go around and haul every pair of stockings that I see.  The stockings that I pick have to be long-lasting, with good quality and very comfortable, and they usually come with a not very friendly price tag (yea….this is the sad bit)!!  I am really in love with Wolford’s stockings and they are sold in Hong Kong for around HK$500-HK$600/ pair (for some simple style), some even cost over HK$1000 here!!  BUT, they don’t chip easily and they are just so comfortable on the legs!!  Purchasing online should be a bi cheaper~~ Yea, I will shoot a video later to talk about all of them!!  This pair is of Mocha color and I adore the seams at the back – very sexy!!)

呢對係新鞋! 就係我之前講話我用coupon敗(拎)既其中一對鞋喇! 我記得原價過千, 但係折完一論之後變幾百蚊! 抵呀!! 我覺得Shu Talk既鞋唔錯呀! 好足碼同埋著落好舒服!! 大家趁減價都可以去望下!! 我遲少少再講埋另外個三對鞋啦!!呢對應該係我既最愛, 因為我覺得隻色好靚同埋個樣好decent, 返工/斯文look都好好搭!! 仲要個heel唔係瘋狂地高, 一流!!

(English:  This is pair of new shoes.  The ones that I talked about in my previous blog post whereby I got some coupons for them!  I recall the original price was over HK$1000, but they were doing sale, so this pair costed around HK$400!!  Brilliant!!  I really like the shoes I got from Shu Talk because the sizes are good and they are comfy to wear!  If you are interested, I would suggest you go check them out and take advantage of this sale!  I will talk about the other 3 pairs later.  This pair has to be my favorite – the color is very nice and they look very decent for work or even for a date!!  Plus, the heels are not crazily tall – all the more reason to love them!!)

New Year of Snake Lookbook 

年初二/ Second Day of New Year

Glasses: around 50 (@Online Store)

Leopard Top: around HK$300 (@Boutique, Causeway Bay)

Cardigan: HK$250 (@Boutique, Chai Wan)

Shorts: around HK$300 (@River Island, UK)

Handbag: around HK$200 (@Taobao)

Leggings: around HK$350 (@Falke, UK)

Booties: HK$299 (@H&M)

因為年初二我唔洗特別去拜年, 我同Mr Honey去咗睇我最愛既Bruce Willis Die Hard, 所以我著翻自己最愛既causal型look!  講開又講, 我超愛睇動作片! 雖然Bruce Willis都一把年紀, 但係我都係超愛佢既Die Hard!! 其實佢所有動作片我都愛丫!! 遲d要去睇GI Joe, 上個集我都睇咗, 我睇Die Hard有preview, 見又係有Bruce Willis同埋又係打到九彩!! 好期待!! 唉,呢期成日俾人話我內心本身就係一個男人, 睇我既愛好都好難唔認同丫!! 哈哈哈!!

(English:  Since I didn’t have to visit anyone on the second day, I went to see Die Hard (Bruce Willis!!!!!) with Mr Honey, so I just threw on my own causal cool style!  Now that we are on the topic of movies, I really love action movies!!  Even though Bruce Willis is getting “older”, I am still a fan of his Die Hard series!!  Actually, I would say that I love all action movies!!  I will go to see the new GI Joe later.  I have seen the previous one and I saw a previous of it prior to Die Hard.  Yay – Bruce Willis is in it again and it should be fighting fighting and more fighting!!!  I am so looking forward to it!!  Sighs, many people say to me these days that I am a man at heart, well, when you look at my hobbies….can’t really deny that, can I? *Laughs*)

著短褲怕露太多肉, 最好就係裡面著絲襪或者leggings啦!!我新年唔想著實色, 所以揀咗對通花!! 有少少野睇下咁啦!

(English:  Afraid to show too much flesh wearing shorts?  Best approach would be adding a pair of stockings or leggings underneath.  I don’t want to wear something too solid for the new year, so I chose a pair with the pattern on – less boring!!)

呢個包包係淘寶貨, 好實正! 粗用唔錯!! 係呀,係香香玩野款!! 不過我覺得好多時香香玩野款d野都真係幾靚! 平平地過下癮唔錯!!

(English:  This handbag is from Taobao and it’s very solid!!  Good for a simple day.  Yea, it’s sort of like a playful style of the “You-Know-What” brand.  I always feel that the playful style of the “You-Know-What” brand is more fun!!  Not expensive and it acts as a good accessory!!)

呢對係leggings, 兩三年前Mr Honey買俾我。 我記得品牌係Falke, 但係我唔sure而家仲有無呢個款!! 呢個品牌都好著呀, 雖然唔平, 但係質量好好, 唔易爛(係,我遲d會整幾條片講下我收藏既絲襪!!)!!

(English:  Mr Honey got me this pair of leggings 2-3 years ago.  The brand should be Falke but I am not sure if it’s still available now.  I love this brand too, even though its price is on the higher side, the quality is very good.  It doesn’t chip easily (yea, I will make a few videos to talk about my stockings collection)!)

H&M鞋! 佢都幾高下, 但係就好好行!! 我好愛佢既色同佢高得黎好行呀!! 又唔貴!! 愛!!

(English:  Booties from H&M!  The heels are quite high but they are very comfortable and easy to walk in!  I love its color and its practicality!!  Not expensive again!!  Love!!)

仲有我第一次整既包包頭, 我無整到好高, 因為我想要個種感覺係亂亂地, 好causal feel, 所以你見我頭髮都有少少散, 我特登架!! 第一次整算係咁, 但係我好愛個效果呀!! 愛愛愛!!!

(English: My first time attempt to create this messy bun.  I didn’t put it up higher because I wanted the messy, causal mood.  So you see my hair is kinda flying everywhere – that’s my intention!!  It’s quite good with my first attempt and I love how it turns out!!!  Love love LOVE!!!)

影到唔知擺咩pose好, 哈哈哈, 通常我影影下就忍唔住開始擺白痴pose丫!!! 

(English:  Not sure how to pose after a while…*laughs*….yea….I usually can’t resist silly pose when my mind goes blank with posing!!!)


Photographed by MJ Photography


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