OK la Product – 我的美麗日記水蜜桃蘇打水眼唇卸妝

之前敗左我的美麗日記眼唇卸妝, 我用完左我枝Maybelline之後即刻開黎用, 唔經唔覺我已經用左一陣, 又係時候share下我既comment喇:

(English:  I hauled My Beauty Diary Makeup Remover a little while back.  I finished the Maybelline one and I started using it immediately.  Well, I have been using it enough to make a comment now:)

我的美麗日記水蜜桃蘇打水眼唇卸妝 My Beauty Diary Peach Soda Eye & Lip Makeup Remover

價錢 (Price): HK$69/ 130ml

Product Information:


(English:  It is of a gentle formula.  It removes stubborn mascara, eye and lip makeup.  It also soothes and moisturizes skin.)


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 7 times

用後感:  呢枝野個texture唔油, 感覺幾清爽. 但係我覺得用佢黎落眼妝既時間真係耐左少少 (唔知係咪我d eyemakeup真係超防水), 如果同Maybelline比, Maybelline真係落得快好多.  呢隻野如果落一般既mascara, eyeshadow, lipstick都無問題, 但係如果落超防水防油eyeliner就真係唔係好得, 落得唔乾淨 (我之後要用Swiss Balance再落過).  我覺得佢Ok La (好似個title咁), 我唔覺得佢特別好lor (又唔算特別廢).  如果你唔係用好多防水產品, 我覺得你都可以試下呢枝野.  但係如果你好似我咁, 成日都用防水防油野, 我就覺得呢枝野未必suit你喇.

(English:  After-use Comment:  Its texture is not oily, it feels really light.  I personally think it takes a bit too long to remove the eye makeup (not sure if it’s because all my eye makeup is waterproof).  If I have to compare this with Maybelline’s, I would say Maybelline’s cleans faster.  This makeup remover removes normal mascara, eyeshadows and lipsticks nicely, however, it doesn’t remove waterproof/ oilproof eyeliner that well (I have to use Swiss Balance to remove the eyeliner again).  I think it’s a ok-la product, not particularly good, not particularly bad.  If you don’t use a lot of waterproof products, you could give this a try, if you want.  However, if you love using waterproof products like me, I don’t think it’s suitable for you!)
(the above product information is extracted from http://www.fashionguide.com.tw)

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