How Often Do We Need to Use Face Masks? Honestly.

寫咗blog咁耐我經常都會收到一個問題,咩咩面膜日日用得唔得。 其實無話唔得,但係我反而會問有無需要。 我成日覺得敷面膜同食補品個道理係一樣,如果補品都唔會日日食怕太補,咁面膜都應該係一樣。 皮膚係有自癒能力,成日逼佢食補品,久而久之會喪失自瘉能力,到時就做咩都好似無咩用喇。我咁多年對敷面膜呢樣野都有以下既睇法,我咁多年都係用呢個pratice,不如我同大家分享一下,等你地多個參考丫。

(English:  One of the most frequently asked questions during my blogging years is “can this face mask be used everyday?”  Well, it’s not impossible, but my question is “is it necessary?”  Applying face mask is a treat, if you give a treat to someone everyday, you are just going to spoil him/ her, aren’t you?  So it’s similar in this case.  Skin can heal and adapt to surroundings itself, if you give it treat everyday, you are going to take away its adaptability and adjustability.  Then you will find your skin really hard to deal with and your skin will be so spoiled to the point that nothing seems to work.  Over the years, I have the following thoughts and recommendations regarding the frequency of using face masks.  Maybe I should share them here officially and hopefully you will have some reference.)

深層清潔面膜:人人都要,因為香港太多廢氣,同埋自己每日用既清潔產品未必做得足做得乾淨,所以無論你咩膚質都需要深層清潔,幫你清理毛孔入面既東東。 油性皮膚,一個星期可以兩次。 混合/中性皮膚,一星期一次全面,另外T字位一星期做多一次。 乾性皮膚,一星期一次夠喇。 深層清潔產品通常都會乾一d,所以唔洗做得好密。

(English:  Deep Cleansing Mask:  Everyone needs this because it’s just so polluted in Hong Kong, and you might not have done well enough with your daily cleanser (without even knowing it), so regardless of your skin types, everyone needs to deep cleanse their pores from time to time.  For oily skin, my suggestion is twice per week.  For combination/ normal skin type, once per week for the whole face and then add one more round for the T zone area.  For dry skin, once per week is good enough.  Deep cleansing products have the tendency to be more drying on skin, so you really don’t need to overdose.)

保濕面膜:呢個最常俾人問可唔可以日日敷。 如果你要日日敷保濕面膜既話,即係你日常保樣品唔夠唔啱,我寧願你轉左唔適合你既產品。 日日用既產品好緊要,你每日用幾分鐘搽野last一晚係一個皮膚健唔健康既關鍵,唔係你敷幾多面膜。 面膜係treatment,應該係每個星期pamper day用黎補一補加強你現有保養品既效果。 保濕人人都要,仲要係好緊要既一環,揀一兩款啱你膚質既保濕面膜,一星期咩膚質都好,兩至三次,其中一次係你敷完深層清潔面膜之後(咁你唔洗分開好多日同埋你敷完深層清潔面膜個下毛孔好乾淨,可以趁機俾佢飲飽水)。 我除非好特別既情況,否則我係唔會日日敷保濕面膜。

(English:  Hydrating/ Moisturising Mask:  People always ask me whether some moisturising mask can be used everyday.  If you need to use a hydrating face mask everyday, then that implies to me that your daily care products are not hydrating enough.  I would rather you change your daily routine products instead.  Your everyday skincare products, in my eyes, are the most crucial products leading to whether you have healthy skin or not, not how many face masks you apply.  Face masks are additional treatment, which means these are supposed to be used in the sense that you want to boost the hydration further in addition to your daily routine.  Everyone needs hydration!  No matter what your skin type is, pick something that works for your skin, and then use it 2-3 times a week.  Make sure one of those times is right behind your deep cleansing mask (when the pores are clean, it’s the best time to plump up the hydration).  Unless it’s special occasion, I won’t be applying hydrating face mask everyday.)

其他面膜:抗老,美白等等,如果有需要用呢類型既產品,我會建議減少保濕面膜既次數。 例如,我想加抗老面膜入我既保養routine度,我平日一星期敷三次保濕面膜,我會減一次保濕面膜,而加一次抗老面膜入去個routine度。 咁可以照顧我需要既功效但係又唔會搞到我日日都敷唔同既面膜。

(English:  Other Masks:  Anti-aging, Whitening/ Brightening etc.  If you have special needs for these types of masks, then I would suggest to minus 1 hydrating mask time and add this in.  For example, I want to add anti-aging mask into my mask routine and I usually do 3 hydrating mask per week.  Then I would do 2 hydrating mask per week and add in 1 time of anti-aging mask.  Then this would take care of my specific needs, but I don’t need to apply different types of masks everyday.)

當然啦,呢個係我自己既general rule同recommendation,我成日都話要睇皮膚既需要。 如果你係好dirty既地方做野,咁有機會你既深層清潔面膜次數要增加。 如果轉天氣或者你突然覺得你皮膚好乾,你可以增加保濕面膜既次數,什至乎日日敷一星期,但係皮膚一正常就可以減少等皮膚自己再去調節。 如果你夏天想美白或者你覺得皮膚比較鬆要抗老再增加次數,減少保濕次數,如果你日常保養品都夠保濕,減少一兩次保濕面膜既次數問題應該唔大。

(English:  Of course, this is my general rule and recommendation.  I have always said that you need to pay attention to your skin and see what it needs from time to time.  If you work in dusty or dirty places, then you might want to up your game on the deep cleansing mask; if it’s weather change or your skin suddenly turns really dry, then you will have to up your hydrating mask game, maybe you will constantly apply hydrating mask everyday for a week, but remember to slow down after your skin becomes stable, so it can pick up its healing ability again.  If it’s Summer, you want to brighten your skin or you feel like your skin needs a little something on the anti-aging side, then feel free to diminish the frequency of the hydrating masks and add in the speciality masks that you want.  If your daily care products are hydrating enough, using less hydrating masks should not be a problem.)


(English:  Whatever your routine is, remember you don’t need to apply some kind of face mask everyday.  Long term speaking, using face masks everyday does more harm than good to your skin (because you constantly spoil it).  If you take away its healing power, imagine how your skin would react when you skip a face mask.)

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