[美甲] 斯文大方Nude色款

近期熱愛裸色嘅程度簡直係有增無減!! 連手指都要nude埋!!! 通常我都係咁。 如果鍾意一樣野, 嗰期會超鍾意! 直至我悶死自己為止(笑)!

(English:  I am so in LOVE with nude colors these day and my nails have to go nude as well!  Typical me – if I like something, I would have loads of similar things/ colors till I get really bored with it *laughs*!)

我都知當你地見到呢對手嘅時候, 你係唔會覺得對手係屬於我嘅(你地見慣我bling麻!)。 初初整甲師同我整個陣, 連佢都講話唔似整緊我對手(咁就知我嘅型象係幾咁深入民心啦)!

(English:  I know when you see this, you would have a feeling that the hands don’t belong to mine (I usually go bling bling).  Actually, the nail artist was saying the same thing when she was working on my nails as well (now I start to wonder if my style is really that distinctive?)!)

係咪好唔同呢? 其實我初初都唔慣! 但係睇睇又覺得好順眼! 好彩試下jer!

(English:  So different?  Yea – I wasn’t used to it at first but now I am in love with it!!  Lucky that I insisted to try!)

 d lace唔係貼紙, 係印印嚟㗎!

(English:  The lace pattern is actually a stamp!!)

另外就加左少少細石, 等望落有少少華麗嘅感覺!

(English:  The nail artist also added some smaller blings to my nails so that they look more elegant and grand!)

好鍾意今次呢個轉變呀! 好有新鮮感! 其實我而家每個月都好期待去整甲, 因為又可以發揮無限創意! 我未諗到下個月會整咩, 整完靚靚先去日本(好開心)!

(English:  I really love this change – feel so fresh!!  Indeed, I quite look forward to having my nails done everytime as we could exercise our creativity!!  I haven’t come up with my next nail style yet, but I should be getting it done before I head off to Japan (sooooo happy)!!)

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