[保養] 來自英國搽Nipple又得搽咀又得既東東

你地都知我個咀真係好難服侍,有時坐坐下都會無啦啦敏感! 正因為佢咁麻煩,就養成我有潤咀膏怪癖,成日見到都想買,睇下邊隻真正啱自己。 雖然我覺得雪花秀無敵好用,但係我都會試其他睇下又無d平價既選擇! 有幾日睇YouTube見到呢枝產品,我覺得個名實在太引我注意喇!!! 我左揾右揾見到有個website有賣同埋免費ship黎香港(哈哈!!)! 好彩我未訂,因為我有朋友已經係英國寄黎俾我!! 好開心丫!! 等我分享下先!!

(English:  As you know my lips are easily irritated, sometimes, I just sit around doing nothing and they can act up!  Since they are so annoyingly difficult, I have been obsessed with trying out different lip balms.  Even though the one from Sulwhasoo is brilliant, I still try out others just in case there is something better and cheaper.  A good few weeks ago, I was watching YouTube and some girls talked about this product, the name just got my attention!!!  So I did some searching trying to locate the product, I found a website which offers free shipping to Hong Kong *Laughs*!!  Luckily, I hadn’t placed my order because my friend got me one from the U.K.!!  Super happy and let me share my thoughts!!)

Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm for Lips



Buy it from: CLICK (free shipping)

Product Information:

“A multi-purpose lip balm that has been passed on from nursing mothers to
make-up artists. Dr Lipp’s ‘Original Nipple Balm for Lips’ is the
ultimate handbag essential that can be used on dry, sensitive skin &
lips, cuticles, burns and abrasions, sore nipples and even baby’s



使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times

用後感:呢個係萬用膏咁! 講下故仔先,你見佢叫自己係Original Nipple Balm,即係話係用黎搽兩點(講到好露骨),係媽媽餵人奶個陣用,因為兩點有機會會好乾。 之後呢,因為佢100% natural而滋潤度高,搽得兩點呢d咁sensitive既地方,即係話都搽得其他地方啦,所以就俾人發現咗黎用係其他部位喇。 佢個質地唧出黎係好實正同杰身,但係都算易推得開! 我多數用係咀咀同埋cuticles(尤其是係腳指附近)。 我覺得佢滋潤度真係好強,我用係cuticles,佢真係幫我軟化得好好! 我用係咀既時候, 我亦都覺得佢好潤,個咀搽完有lipgloss效果,但係又唔會好笠咀!! 仲可以搽lipstick唔會線色添!! 佢有15ml, 但係真係用好少就夠喇,所以應該一枝有排用! 最正當然係我個咀接受佢,一d敏感都無!! 太好喇,我又多個選擇!! 同埋用佢我個咀唔會有白邊。 佢個滋潤效果都好持久,搽咀既話我就真係食完野先要再補,其他時間一d都唔需要。 如果用係身體其他部位,個效果last成日添

呀!! 用完佢一期我覺得我無咩咀紋,真係好掂。 不過有樣野我唔太鍾意,就係佢個氣味喇,因為佢好natural, 所以佢無加咩fragrance,所以聞落有少少膠味,不過唔勁,可以接受,隻味亦都好快散,只不過我係覺得用緊個陣無咩好luxurious既感覺。 係搽咀先聞到jer,搽其他位係聞唔到! 所以如果你好介意d產品唔香既話,我覺得就唔係好啱你。 但係如果你同我一樣,求好用呢,咁你都應該會鍾意呢個產品。 我自己多數會當佢係潤咀膏,如果你想揾價錢唔貴,同埋你同我一樣試咗好多都覺得好一般既話,你可以試下Dr Lipp。 又或者你係nursing moms,我覺得你啲可以入一枝,自己用又得,BB用又得(搽得BB pat pat呀)!再唔係,你有某d位好乾,你都可以用呢個,佢就救咗我d cuticles喇!!! So far我都好滿意,亦都好推介俾有需要既你!! 咁大枝我應該有排用,用完我會唔會買? 會,回購度好高!! 要買睇呢度:CLICK

(English:  Product Review:  This is definitely a multi-purpose balm. 
Let me talk about its story.  You can see that it’s called Original
Nipple Balm, that means it was originally used on nipples and it was
used by nursing moms because those areas could be quite dry at times. 
Then due to the fact that it’s 100% natural and it moisturizes really
well, people started to use it on other areas (coz if it could be used
on the sensitive areas of your body, it could be used elsewhere as
well).  Its texture looks very solid and thick, but it’s quite easy to
blend out.  I mostly use it on my lips and cuticles (especially near my
toes).  I love its excellent moisturizing effect as it helps soften my
cuticles a lot!!  When I use it on my lips, I love how it moisturize my
lips as well as the glossy effect without feeling sticky or heavy!!  I
can still apply lipstick on top without smearing.  It comes in 15ml tube
and only a tiny bit goes a long way, so it would last me a good while. 
And the best part is that my lips love it because they show no signs of
irritation.  This is really nice because I get one more choice now!! 
Plus, it doesn’t leave me a silly white line on my lips!!!  Its
moisturizing effect is quite amazing, I only need to reapply after I
eat.  If I use it on other areas of my body, the moisturizing effect
lasts most of the day!!  After using it for a good few days, I notice no fine lines on my lips!! 
Truly amazing!!!  However, there is one slight improvement to make and
it’s the scent.  Since it’s so natural to the point that it doesn’t
contain any artificial fragrance, it smells a bit like plastic, but it’s
not overwhelming.  It’s acceptable and it fades away really quickly,
but I do feel less luxurious when I apply it.  You can only smell it
when you apply it on the lips, other areas, not so much!  If you really
dislike anything that doesn’t smell good, then I don’ think it’s for
you.  However, if you are like me and more focused on the actual
results, then you will like this product.  I usually use it as a lip
balm, if you have tried many and you like none of those, then you might
want to give this a chance.  Or if you are nursing moms, I would advise
you stock one up because not only you can use it, your baby could be
benefited as well (safe to use on baby’s bottom).  Or if some of your
areas are completely dried out, you can use this too, this actually
saves me from my dry cuticles!  So far, I am really happy with the
product and would like to highly recommend to you if you have a need. 
It would take me a good while to finish this and I would definitely
repurchase when I run out!!  If you are interested, check here: CLICK!!)



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