[新年] New Year Resolutions

話咁快又過一年喇! 先祝大家新年快樂, 開開心心!! 話說我新年前抽左d時間去執下野。 一來睇下自己有d咩,二來睇下有無咩比我遺忘左(笑)。

(English:  Wow another brand new year again!  Wish you a Happy New Year!!  Before New Year, I tidied up my shelves hoping to get my memory refreshed on what I  got and also to check and see if there was anything being left forgotten.)
執完連我自己都覺得好勁。 真真正正係full house呀! 係我沉醉於我嘅戰績之際, 我口痕同Mr Honey有以下一斷對話:

(English:  When I was done tidying up, I was amazed with the “full house” scene!  When I was consumed in my hauling victory, I had the following conversation with Mr. Honey:)

我: 呀! 其實我有咁多野, 我嘅New Year Resolution係咪應該要係未來一年都唔買化妝品護膚品呢?
(Me: Ah!  I have many things indeed, do you think I should have a New Year Resolution of “not hauling anything in the coming year”?)

H: 吓! 我覺得無可能wor!
(H: Hmmm…that’s impossible!)

我: 你真係了解我! 唔買野唔知我個blog有無得寫落去呢(搵藉口當中)?
(Me: You understand me really well.  If I don’t haul anything, I wonder if I have anything to write on my blog *finding excuses*.)

H: 哈哈。 你d野應該寫一年都未寫得完(好老實)!
(H: *laughs* With the stuff that you have got now, I think you could continue writing your blog for another year – no problem!)

我: 係咩? 今我就放心喇。 咁我一年唔買野都寫到好多篇文就得啦(開心中)!
(Me: Really?  Then I have nothing to worry, as long as I have stuff to write about *smiles*!)

H: 唔。。。我覺得一年對你嚟講真係好難, 不如你下個月大敗一輪先啦, 之後先半年唔買野, 半年試下先啦。
(H: Hmmmm… well I think 1 year is too much for you, how about you do some serious hauling next month first?  Then you TRY not hauling for 6 months?)

我: 吓? 買完先唔買? 半年好似正常d(心動當中)。 不過如果我真係用完一樣野又無代替品, 要買算唔算?
(Me: Ha…..?? Haul before stop hauling?  The theory doesn’t sound right!  I do like the 6 months tho….but what if I need to replenish something that I don’t have spare?  Does that count?)

(H: Nah.)

我: 嘻嘻, 好丫好丫。 等我就用呢個嚟做New Year Resolution先, 睇下我最長可以捱幾耐丫! 不過我生日如果買化妝品俾自己唔計wor!
(Me: Yay!!!  Good good good!!!  Let me use this as my New Year Resolution!  I am curious to see how long I could last without hauling!  Ohhh…. me buying myself cosmetics as birthday present doesn’t count!!)

嗱, 而家執好sa個樣就係咁嘅(呢度唔係全部野啦, 有好多喺bathroom呀!):

(English:  Yay, this is the finished look for my boudoir for now (not everything are in here, I have quite a few things in the bathroom):)

唔知半年後會點呢? 希望唔會多過而家啦! 哈哈! 如果真係半年都唔點敗家(買翻要用嘅野唔算啦), 我諗我都應該清到好多野。一於係咁啦(加油)! 你地新一年又有咩resolution?

(English:  Not sure how it would look like after 6 months!  Hopefully I won’t be adding more stuff on!  *laughs*  If I can stop hauling (well repurchasing particular items doesn’t count) for 6 months, I think I could use up many products!  Let me work towards my goal (I am curious)!  So what about you?  What’s your New Year Resolution?)

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