New In: Bottega Veneta, Tory Burch, Khaite and More

好久沒跟大家分享New In,今日看到幾個比較吸睛的單品就簡單跟大家分享一下。 或許會為你轉季帶來多一點點靈感!

It’s been awhile since I last shared some new in items, I have found a few interesting ones, thought it could give you some inspiration for the season change!

New In

Ballerina with a Twist


看看這對Khaite的Marcy平底鞋,比一般的芭蕾舞鞋闊,而且是透明,之前ALAIA都有出過concept類似的款式,我都很喜歡。 芭蕾舞鞋給人感覺女性化一點,但這款我覺得如果打扮喜歡型格一點的話更好看更隨性!

Let’s look at these pair of Khaite flats, they are wider than your normal ballerinas and they are mesh, ALAIA released something similar a good few months back, and I love them! Ballerinas give more of a girly vibe while these ones are more suitable for the causal vibe and the edgy vibe.

Bottega Veneta Bags

我知道Mini Jodie不是新品,但這個新色確實很美! 在我而言,mini真的太小,我正在研究它的teen size當中,因為我始終都覺得Jodie是Bottega Veneta非常有代表性的一個手袋。 然後就到Hop,我有個感覺這款正在熱烈回歸。 如果你不喜歡Jodie的話,可能另外一個好的選擇是Small Hop? 而我近期又看到很多潮人正在用Large Hop,雖然跟不跟潮流走是很個人的事,但是Large Hop看上去確實是實用的一個款式。

I know mini Jodie is not new but you can’t deny this colour is gorgeous! Mini Jodie for me might be a bit small, but I am contemplating its teen size. I still think Jodie is a good classics for Bottega Veneta. Next up are the Hop bags, I somehow have a feeling that they are coming back. If you don’t like the Jodie, maybe Small Hop would be your good alternative? But I have been seeing quite a few fashion people wearing Large Hop, but being trending is one thing, another is Large Hop looks very practical to me on a day-to-day basis.

– click the photos for the links –

Tory Burch
BV 1
Vivenne Westwood
Mini Jordie
Tory Burch
BV 1
Vivenne Westwood
Mini Jordie

Prada Cleo Alternative

Tory Burch

如果你喜歡Prada Cleo但不想付那麼多個零,我猜你會喜歡這個Tory Burch Crescent Brushed Leather Convertible Bag。 我不用再多說了,對吧(笑)! 

If you like the shape of Prada Cleo but you don’t want to pay the hefty price tag, I think this Tory Burch Crescent Brushed Leather Convertible Bag worths your attention. I don’t need to say more LOL!

Something East West

有很多品牌將他們的經典款式變成比較扁身的設計叫做East West。 我覺得Vivienne Westwood Cindy這一個也不錯,至少不會太傷荷包,而且實用到不錯又好看!

Since many brands come out with east west versions of their classics, I think Vivienne Westwood Cindy is a fun version to get on the trend, at least it won’t break the bank, it’s functional and it looks young and fun.

Vivienne Westwood Shirt with Rose Cuffs


all photos used about are from

最後,我用這件Valentino的襯衫為這個blog post做總結。 你看那對玫瑰袖多美多精緻,為平凡的一件恤衫注入了非常春季的一個元素!

Last but not least, I have to end this blog post with something spring but still my vibe! Looks at those rose cuffs on the Valentino shirt! I love that spring twist on a normal boring shirt!

– click the photos for the links –

Tory Burch
BV 1
Vivenne Westwood
Mini Jordie
Tory Burch
BV 1
Vivenne Westwood
Mini Jordie
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