NEW! Benefit Cosmetics 紅粉菲菲新年美妝套裝

農曆新年一月尾就到達,大家紛紛出動拜年,衣著已經好Sharp醒,與其再化一個大紅妝容,險著更顯老套兼嚇走人的危機,倒不如化一個醒神甜美的妝容,把重點放於具水亮感的無瑕肌膚及清新的粉紅色調,予人感覺精神好氣色又不會顯得老套。Benefit Cosmetics最新推出的農曆新年限量版Brows & New Beginnings! 紅粉菲菲美妝套裝,集齊4款新年Sharp醒妝容必備產品,只要簡單幾個步驟,就能幫你蓋過因年三十晚玩通宵的倦氣,新年一早起床無難道!

Chinese New Year is coming soon in late Jan and when you pay your relatives a visit with a sharp outfit, instead of wearing a red tone makeup and being recognized as a face with heavy makeup, how about an adorable pink makeup look? Focusing on the glowing and radiant skin with a hint of baby-pink on the face helps you to look more healthy and energetic definitely, which is the only thing you need to gain the first good fortune in the year of the Rat! Benefit Cosmetic’s limited edition CNY makeup set, Brows & New Beginnings contains 4 basic cosmetics items for a glowing new year makeup, all you need is only a few minutes, and follow the below steps, you will get a perfect makeup to look awake and bright even you had a late sleep at the night before the 1st day of CNY!


完成你早上的護膚步驟後,先用指腹在全面塗上珍珠粉色光調的The POREfessional: Pearl Primer毛孔細緻提亮底霜,它幼細的光澤粒子能瞬間修飾毛孔之餘更為肌膚去黃。重複塗抹可為妝容增添柔和光澤感,肌膚顯得絲滑細膩而不油亮。

Step 1: Brighten up your skin first

After your morning skin routine, start your morning on the bright side by smoothing The POREfessional: Pearl Primer all over face with fingertips. This soft-radiance face primer minimizes the look of pores, as well as helps skin look bright, boosted and awake with the oil-free, layer for added brightening.


使用Precisely, My Brow立體塑形眉筆,從眉底開始,沿著眉毛生長方向一筆一筆向上畫出幼細的眉毛。1.47mm極緻幼細的筆尖能勾勒出一根根恍如真實的眉毛,簡易塑造出細緻及濃密的眉妝。

Step 2: Secret weapon for awake eye look

Hold the Precisely, My Brow Pencil by the custom control grip. Start at the base of the brow and use tiny hair-like flicks…light, short, upward strokes…to draw in the direction of your natural hair growth. 

The ultra-fine eyebrow pencil draws incredibly natural-looking, hair-like strokes, which is the basic brows’look for attracting good luck according to traditional Chinese cultures.

第三步︰增添紅潤感 締造精神氣息


Step 3: Create your lucky glowing pink 

Sweep the dandelion on the apples of your cheeks for a soft blush, adding a hint of ballerina-pink and shimmer to your face, create an instantly brighter complexion

第四步︰為雙唇添上紅色 打造迷人櫻唇


Step 4: Fiery-red lip for CNY

Glide the Lovetint onto lips, layering to build intensity. Or Wear it under lipstick or gloss for kissable colour that lasts all day.

Brows & New Beginnings! 紅粉菲菲新年美妝套裝 售價HK$300(價值HK$590)

/The POREfessional: Pearl Primer毛孔細緻提亮底霜/ 迷你裝(7.5毫升)
/Precisely, My Brow立體塑形眉筆/ 3號暖系淺啡色 ; 迷你裝(7.5毫升)
/dandelion蒲公英胭脂蜜粉/ 迷你裝(3.5克)
/Lovetint心動胭脂水/ 旅行裝(2毫升)


Brows & New Beginnings! Limited edition makeup set for the year of Rat Price HK$300
(Total products’ value: HK$590)

/The POREfessional: Pearl Primer/ mini size (7.5 ml)
/ Precisely, My Brow Pencil /shade3 mini size (0.04g)
/ Dandelion Brightening Finishing Powder/ mini size (3.5g)
/ Lovetint Cheek & Lip Stain / fun size (2 ml)

Available from Jan 1, 2020

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