Swatches: Natasha Denona Xenon Palette

Natasha Denona的眼影在我心目中是眼影界的天花板! 之前收了一盤Bronze Palette跟幾盤小的都非常喜歡。 我覺得他們的眼影盤配色用心,質量各方面表現平均,價錢相比大牌可以接受。 早幾日見到他們IG發行了最新出的Xenon Palette,我徹徹底底被焚燒了,立即要跑到Sephora入手一盒。 現在立刻跟大家試色!

In my own mind, Natasha Denona’s eyeshadows are the best!  I got a Bronze palette and a few other mini ones before, I love them.  The colour combination of their eye shadow palettes is coherent, the quality is wonderful and the price is acceptable.  A few days ago, I saw they released the Xenon Palette on their instagram and I was in love.  I had to get one from Sephora and now I am swatching them for you.

Natasha Denona Xenon Palette HK$570 LINK

Natasha Denona Xenon Palette


這盒Xenon Palette以smokey+冷調為主,有15個顏色當中包含霧面、閃底跟閃片這三類不同質感的眼影。 這三款眼影的質感非常好,不飛粉,顯色度高(畫一至兩下出圖中的顏色),手感細滑! 顏色亦以黑白灰為主打,我一看到這個組合的時候,我就覺得很有萬聖節/ Rockstar的味道! 我覺得這個眼影盤不會是我最常用的一組,因為正常日子我比較喜歡大地暖色系,但是這個Xenon Palette我都必定收一盒,因為想浮誇搶眼型格的日子,我必定會用它! 

This Xenon Palette is cool toned with a lot of smokey colours.  It comes with 15 shades including mattes, shimmers and foils.  All of them are of great quality – no flyaways, highly-pigmented (one to two strokes brings out the intensity in the photos), smooth to touch!  Colours are mostly, greys, whites and blacks.  When I first saw it, it reminded me of Halloween or rockstar!  I don’t think this is going to be one of my most used palettes, because for a normal day, I enjoy my warm and earthy colours; however, I still love the idea of this palette for a more all-out and glam day!  

Natasha Denona Xenon Palette
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