Natasha Denona Mini Nude Palette Swatches and Review

Natasha Denona Mini Nude Palette Swatches and Review

話說我想試Natasha Denona的產品都好一陣子,我直到現在才入手。 今日分享一下他家的Mini Nude Palette,小小的一盒5個顏色。大家一齊來看看有沒有驚喜!

I had been wanting to try Natasha Denona’s products for a good while, I finally got them. Today I am going to share my thoughts on their Mini Nude Palette. It’s very compact and it is consisted of 5 colours, let’s take a closer look!

Natasha Denona Mini Nude Palette £22.00
Buy Now Click HERE

試色圖 Swatches

我沒有打燈沒有修圖,我用iPhone拍這些照片就直接放上來。 我亦沒有先用眼影打底膏啦! 對的,照片沒有其他網上的分享那麼美,但我一直都希望跟大家真實分享,畫出來眼見是什麼顏色,我就給你看是什麼顏色。 我的責任不是要令產品熱賣(所以我都不修圖),我的責任是跟你分享這件產品實際是怎樣,那你再決定你喜不喜歡。 圖內的試色,我只畫了一下。 對! 一下,不是兩下,不是三下,只是一下。 你看顏色多飽滿! 這個Mini Nude Palette內有三個閃色,兩個matte色。 全部質地都做得非常好,質感幼滑,容易blend開,而且非常上色。 質量上我是給100分。 顏色配搭上,這個是在他們大的Nude Palette抽出來的幾個顏色,有打底色,有光影色,有中間色,亦有深色可以做配搭,我覺得這盤小小的眼影都可以配到2-3個不同的妝容,而我拿著這個畫都不需要搭其他眼影盤,用它就可以搞定一個完整的眼妝! 當然買小眼影盤就是不想要太花氣力去配襯(要不然就買大的啦),這個我覺得日常用或晚妝都可以,價錢方面也算親民 ,二百多有5個有質數的顏色,不錯!! 如果你想找一個小盤的話,我絕對建議大家入手。 它有其他顏色選擇,大家可以按此揀一個你喜歡的顏色!

While I was shooting these photos, I didn’t use professional lighting nor edit them to death. I just used my iPhone to shoot and put them straight on here. And also, I didn’t use any primer underneath the swatches. Right, the photos don’t look as fancy as other sharing online, but I have always wanted to share the “truth” with you. So, I share what I see, how the colours look on my arm on a normal circumstance with you. My job is never to “sell” you a product, my job has always been sharing what I think about a product – the good, the bad and the indifference; then you can make an informed decision of whether you need that in your life. Getting back to the swatches, they were only from one stroke! Right, only one, not two, not three, but just ONE! See how pigmented the colours are! This Mini Nude Palette offers 3 shimmery and 2 matte colours. The quality is amazing, they are finely milled, easy to blend and very pigmented. Quality-wise, I give full marks. For colour combination, these are some of the colours from their big Nude Palette. It has a base colour, a highlight colour, a middle colour and two darker shades for you to mix and match. These can be used to create 2-3 looks that I can think of and I don’t need to mix in other palettes. I can use this to create a full on eye look! Of course, when I buy a small palette, it means I don’t want to spend my energy in fussing around many colours (otherwise I would get the big version if I want more options), but this can be used for both day time and night time. Price-wise, around HK$2XX for 5 colours, I think it’s very reasonable. If you are looking for something small and handy, I highly recommend this. It also comes in other colours, you can click here to pick the one that catches your eyes.

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