實在太美了: Natasha Denona Hyper Natural Face Palette

身為Natasha Denona 眼影的大粉絲,當然我已經收下了她家非常多的眼影盤。 但我不得不承認,她們每次出的新款都有截然不同的感覺, 這點蠻驚喜的,因為每次都會給粉絲一個可以入手的大藉口。她們之前出了兩個face palette,因為入面有cream狀產品,我自己比較少用,所以沒有買下。但今次這個Hyper Natural Face Palette全面的彩妝盤,全部顏色都是粉狀,而且我覺得配色非常美麗,所以果斷買下,現在跟大家試色分享一下. 

It’s not a secret that I am a huge fan of Natasha Denona eyeshadows, I have collected many of their palettes over the years.  However, each time when they come out with a new palette, it still gives me excitement because of the color combination.  They released a couple face palettes before, I didn’t get them due to the fact that I am not too fond of the cream products inside.  So when I saw this Hyper Natural Face Palette is consisted of all powder colours, I bought it immediately.  Let me swatch them for you now.

Natasha Denona Hyper Natural Face Palette HK$495 LINK

Natasha Denona Hyper Natural Face Palette

這盤Natasha Denona Hyper Natural Face Palette 有bronzer/ 陰影色(不閃)、胭脂(不閃)和五個眼影色(閃色)。 所有顏色的粉質都非常好,幼滑細緻,容易暈染,顯色度非常高。香港比較少人用bronzer,因為大部份大家都喜歡白白的膚色,就很少將自己化得比較健康膚色。我覺得bronzer的顏色在我膚色上如果當作是陰影的話,就比較啡了一點點,我自己喜歡帶灰一點的陰影色因為我覺得顯瘦度會明顯一點。 但我覺得這幾個啡色用來當作眼影也非常好,因為可以配合那五個閃色眼影營造不同效果。

Natasha Denona Hyper Natural Face Palette comes with bronzer/ contour shades (matte), blush (matte) and 5 eyeshadows (shimmery).  All of the colours are finely milled, smooth to touch, easy to blend and with high pigmentation.  There are not many people using bronzer here in Hong Kong since most love to have fair skin.  I tried to use them as contour but I think it looks a wee bit brown on me, I enjoy the contour colours with a hint of grey because I think it gives a more prominent slimming effect. Anyway, these can be used as eyeshadows and it works nicely with the 5 eyeshadow shades.



For the blush, it’s a bit bright, but if you don’t use a lot, the result is fine.  The highlight of the palette is the 5 shadows, they are so pretty!  They offer more variety to the look.  If you want a more natural eye makeup, you can use the bronzer as the base and use one of these deeper shadow shades as the eyeliner, the finish would be simple elegance; or if you want to be more eye-catching, you can always mix and match the different colours, so convenient!  I personally love this palette and if you are interested, go check it out at Sephora!  

Natasha Denona Hyper Natural Face Palette
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