Nars x Man Ray Love Game Palette

原本仲以為聖誕limited collection會一早賣哂,點知之前聖誕行過Nars counter見佢仲有呢個Love Game眼影,見顏色唔錯又好耐無玩過佢既眼影,所以入咗手。 雖然而家未必仲有,但係分享下當係資訊,如果再出差唔多既野又可以有個參考!

(English:  I thought any Christmas limited edition items would be long gone, to my surprise, when I walked pass Nars during Christmas, I saw this Nars x Man Ray Love Game Palette.  It’s been awhile since I tried their eyeshadows, so I got this one to play with.  Though I think it’s definitely all gone now, I believe you can treat this as a reference.  When they release something similar again, this blog post would be handy!)


Nars x Man Ray Love Game Palette (Limited) HK$550

Nars x Man Ray Love Game Palette

Nars x Man Ray Love Game Palette


Nars x Man Ray Love Game Palette

Nars x Man Ray Love Game Palette

12色眼影HK$550,我覺得以佢個品牌黎講係好合理。 我覺得眼影粉質摸落唔係特別幼細,但係除左有幾隻顏色之外,其他係非常出色。 圖一全部顏色都好出好好blend,無跌到成面都係。 但係我發覺圖二當中打咗星星個幾隻色唔係咁出色,以個寶藍色最嚴重。 個藍色望落好靚,但係一摸落就好散,散開到一粒粒,上皮膚一達達,要用好耐時間去blend,仲跌到我成面都係。其他打星星既都係比較唔出色同埋粉質散少少,畫多幾下都OK既,無藍色咁誇張。 正因為咁,我諗到一樣野,如果我地去買眼影盤,通常都會試自己覺得最吸引同埋成日會用既顏色,未必個個顏色都會試下。 如果呢個palette黎講,最吸引我既係圖一既顏色,圖二我覺得有都好,可以變化下,但係當要用既時候就發現某一d顏色個效果未如理想喇。 講真個藍色我真係唔會成日用,所以我都覺得可以啦,其他顏色都好用既,我係有少少失望啫。 如果下次你對Nars既眼影盤有興趣,記得個個色都試下,自己接受到先買呀!

(English:  A palette with 12 colours costs HK$550, I think for Nars, it’s reasonable.  I don’t think the eyeshadows are particularly smooth to touch, but they are very pigmented, apart from some.  The colours in Photo 1 are all great; they are all very pigmented and easy to blend.  They don’t really have a lot of fall out.  However, the colours in Photo 2 with ** are the ones that are not pigmented, especially the navy one.  I love how the navy looks in the pan, but when I start touching it, the powder simply fall apart and it looks quite patchy on skin, I need to use extra time to blend it, not to mention, I do have a lot of fall out on my face.  The other ones with the ** are less pigmented and the powder seem to be looser than its counterparts, with a few strokes and blending, they do work fine, not as bad as the navy one.  Due to this incident, I suddenly have a thought: when we head out to buy an eyeshadow palette, we tend to try the colours that are most attracted to us, we do not necessarily swatch every one of the colour.  In this palette, the most attractive colours for me are the ones in Photo 1 and the ones in Photo 2 are just “nice-to-have” shades.  Then when I start using the palette and find some of the colours do not perform as well as the others.  Hm.  Honestly, I wouldn’t use the navy that much anyway, so this is still acceptable to me, I guess I am just a bit disappointed, that’s all.  So, if you are interested in any Nars palette, make sure you take the time and swatch every colour to see if they live up to your standard before you make that decision!)


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