[化妝] NARS Voulex-Vous Coucher Avec Moi Ce Soir Palette

今年聖誕都算係買左好多野,你地有睇video既話,你地都有見我講過呢個palette! 好耐都無買NARS既產品,難得今次見到呢個palette覺得個組合都唔錯,所以就買黎同大家分享下喇!

(English: I hauled quite a bit this X’mas.  If you have watched my video, you have seen this palette somewhere there!  It’s been quite awhile since I last bought any NARS product, so when I saw this and thought the colors were nice, I got one so that I could review it for you!)

NARS Voulex-Vous Coucher Avec Moi, Ce Soir? Palette


入面有四隻眼影(Lima, Antananarivo, Tasmania and Lhasa ),兩隻胭脂(Throat and Dolce Vita)!

(English:  It comes with 4 eyeshadows (Lima, Antananarivo, Tasmania and Lhasa) and 2 blushes(Throat andDolce Vita)!


試色圖/ Swatches

簡單用後感:NARS化妝品既質量好多人都知好好,但係我有好多朋友都話就咁去買一粒眼影或者胭脂真係有d貴,唔係好捨得! 我覺得呢個palette有4個實用既眼影同2隻胭脂色,如果你想入手NARS既產品但又唔想單買,呢盒palette都係一個好好既選擇! 我覺得佢既粉質好幼洗同好易上色,重點係佢走比較務實既路線,無佢平時出既顏色咁誇張,唔係日日都用到! 如果你想買盒有胭脂有眼影既palette既話,我今次就推呢個喇!

(English:  Quick Review: Many people know that NARS has very good quality, however many of my friends think their singles are quite expensive, so they didn’t want to even try the products!  This palette comes with 4 very pragmatic eyeshadows and 2 very pretty blushes.  If you want to get your hands on some NARS products but got scared by the price tag, this could be a good choice!  I feel that the powder is very fine and it’s pigmented, the most important thing is that, the colors are very practical (not those crazy colors that you often see at the counter)!  So, if you want to get a palette with both eyeshadows and blushes, my choice for this year would be this palette!)



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