先前出咗一堆台灣失心瘋敗家文之後, 而家都好應該試下d化妝品顏色憊大家睇下。 又係逐樣嚟啦, 唔係真係會打死我呀(咁就無人燒你地喇。。。嗚嗚。。。)。 先講一講Nars先, 因為我自從出左嗰篇敗家文之後, 最多好評就係NARS嘅東東(回顧按此):
(English: So many hauling blog posts from Taiwan before, now I’m done with it, I should move onto some swatches. Let me do it one by one, otherwise it probably kills me to write an extremely long post. Let me talk about Nars products first since they got the most attention after I posted my blog piece (refresh memory):)
Nars Makeup Your Mind: Express Your Eyes Palette
顏色都好大路。 睇出嚟嘅色同上皮膚嘅色好接近, 象真度好高。 以下嘅試色圖我無用primer打底丫, 你地睇下d色有幾出喇。
(English: The colors are very user-friendly! What you see (the color) is what you get (on skin)! I haven’t used any eyeshadow primer in the following swatches and you can see how pigmented the colors are.)
個啡色真係正得好緊要! 超出色呀!
(English: The brown is really NICE!! Super pigmented!!)
Nars Larger Than Life Eyeliner
買咗三枝jar, 其他色都賣光喇。 好恐怖!
(English: Just got 3 since others were all sold out – horrible!!)
Rue Bonaparte 8056
我唔好鍾意用白色eyeliner, 真係太覺眼, 同埋我又唔係去登台, 真係無幾可要咁誇。 所以我買左呢隻色, 我覺得會自然d, 等我試下再同大家分享丫。
(English: I don’t like using white eyeliner as I think the effect is too over the top! Usually I don’t need something that’s that eye-catching. Therefore, I got this one and it’s more of a beige color, I feel its effect would look more natural. Let me try and see how it goes!)
Abbey Road 8054
仲咩買呢隻色? 我都唔知丫, 走火入魔咁。 不過我覺得夏天當係下眼線都會幾靚。 買咗就一定有方法用左佢。
(English: Why do I get this color? I don’t know *laughs*!! I think someone did cast a spell on me when I was there! Anyway, I think this color would look nice on the waterline in the Summer.)

呢隻上眼遠睇都唔覺係藍色, 有d似黑色。 哈哈, 我買唔到黑色麻, 呢個頂住先。
(English: When it’s applied on eyes and you look from a distance, it doesn’t look that blue, it could be a fake black *laughs*! Since I couldn’t get the black one, I could use this as a substitute for now.)
好啦,聽日再講啦。 眼線筆我用左一日, 我用多幾日再分享。 我真係超級多野要分享。 本身我想出sa試色文先, 但係我又好想分享我用緊d野wor! 可能我都分享咗樣正野先再繼續出試色文啦。
(English: So much for now and let’s talk again tomorrow! I have only used the eyeliner for a day, let me use it for a few more days before reviewing. Actually, I have many products I want to share my comments with you these days, however, I feel like I should bring a closure to all the swatches first. I am kinda struggling – well, I think I should really share my comments on a recent product which I find spectacular with you first before continuing with my swatches – swatches can wait *laughs*.)