[化妝] 好紅的Naked Palette 2

喺香港要買Urban Decay嘅野真係好花心思,但係我又真係太愛呢個品牌,所以點困難我都會去揾方法去敗佢既產品。我之前都分享咗一個方法點可以係美國買野,如果你未睇, 可以去下面條Link重溫一下。

(English:  It takes a bit of thought and it takes some tricks to get Urban Decay products when you are in Hong Kong.  However, I really love the brand, therefore, I am happy to find my way to get their products!  I have shared a method of how you could purchase things online from the states and ship them to Hong Kong, if you haven’t read it yet, please refer to the link below.)


好,我都用左一排Naked Palette 2喇,等我試色同埋同大家分享下我個感覺:

(English:  Right, I have been using Naked Palette 2 for a little while and let me share the swatches and my comments with you:)

Urban Decay Naked Palette 2



使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感:品質就真係唔洗講,顏色又出色又上色。就係因為佢個品質咁好,我先咁鍾意佢既眼影! 佢d顏色組合都好唔錯,有閃既色得嚟又有matte顏色。一盒可以搞掂自然同smokey既眼妝。好正!!最鍾意佢有兩個深色眼影,可以用黎smokey,但係如果唔想咁誇,可以當係眼線都得。我初初見呢個palette唔係跟眼線筆,我真係幾開心,因為次次都係眼線筆都真係有d悶。但係,我覺得佢跟埋嗰個掃係好麻麻地,個質地有少少硬,樣就靚, 但係差咁少少內涵。成個palette唯一一樣野我覺得唔好就係個掃,d眼影我係超級滿意!如果鍾意裸妝或者earth tone系smokey嘅人都好啱用呢個palette。

(English:  Product Review:  No doubt at all on the quality.  The colors are super pigmented.  The main reason why I love this brand so much is because of how pigmented the eyeshadows are!  The combination of colors is really nice, it consists of both shimmery and matte colors.  This palette can offer both natural and smokey look.  I really love the fact that it has two very dark colors and I can use it to create smokey look or if I want to look completely natural, I could use those two colors as eyeliners.  I have to admit that I was quite excited to see this palette didn’t come with an eyeliner (because it gets boring), however, I don’t think the brush that come with it is very good.  It feels a bit hard and rough.  It looks very pretty but I don’t think it’s of that great of a quality.  The only thing that I could complain about the palette is the brush, I am happy with everything else.  If you love nude/ natural makeup look or earth tone smokey eye makeup, you’ll love this palette!)

如果你問我鍾意Naked Palette 1定2多d,我真係會答兩個都好鍾意。原因係我好多時(日常生活)都會搽呢d色,所以我兩個都好常用。我覺得佢地兩個既實用度係一流!但係如果你話你平常好鍾意搽紫呀, 藍呀, 綠呀呢d色,咁我覺得你揀其中一個你比較鍾意Naked Palette就可以喇。

Urban Decay Naked Palette 1

(English:  OK, now you might have a question, “Do you like Naked Palette 1 or 2 better?”  I honestly would say that I LOVE both, it’s simply because I use those kinds of colors a lot, so I could utilize both palettes.  However, if you are different and you tend to enjoy more of a purple/ blue/ green tone, then I think you might just want to get either one of the palettes that you like more.)Urban Decay Naked Palette 1

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