[美甲] 甲色甲油大串燒 ♥ Nail Colors & Review on Different Brands

自從無整gel甲, 我又回歸油甲油既行列! 過往幾個月, 我都添置咗唔同品牌既甲油, 我每次用新色都post上Facebook同大家分享, 可能你都睇過某d顏色! 今日我想集埋一篇同大家分享下我對佢地各品牌既感覺(咁多d野睇呀!!)!

(English:  I said bye to gel nails earlier and I am back to using nail polishes!  For the past few months, I have been hauling nail polishes from different brands.  Whenever I use a new color, I basically Facebook it or Twitter it, maybe you have seen some of the followings but today’s purpose is reviewing each brand!!)

UNT Nail Lacquer
Color: NL030

UNT Nail Lacquer
Color: NL015

UNT Nail Lacquer
Color: NL075

價錢(Price):HK$69@ (available online)

用後感: 我見d台灣blogger好推呢個品牌既甲油, 我見佢地都ship international, 所以上網訂咗幾枝! 真係唔錯!顯色度高, 好易油, 快乾, 夠薄, 唔貴,個掃仲要夠大同埋少少圓圓地, 照顧到d邊位! 掂呀!! 又夠持久, 我最勁個次係last 10日!! 哈哈!! 超愛!! 回購度100%! 超推!!

鍾愛程度:♥♥♥♥♥ (5粒心心為滿分)

(English:  Product Review:  I saw many Taiwanese bloggers recommending this brand’s nail polish and the good thing is that they ship to HK as well, so I went online and ordered a few!  Brilliant!  Color shows up really well; it’s easy to apply, quick to dry; it dries thinly and it’s very reasonably-priced.  Also the brush has a slight curve and it takes care of the edges as well!  Thums-up!!  It’s very long-lasting and its best duration was 10 days!! *laughs*  Super in love with it and I will definitely get other colors!  Highly recommended!!)

How Much I Love This:♥♥♥♥♥ (5 hearts are full score)

Revlon Colorstay Longwear Nail Enamel
Color: 110 Marmalade


用後感: 呢個系列有好多顏色出咗, 好多都好靚! 我自己敗咗呢隻珊瑚色, 我覺得真係好靚! 佢都顯色, 快乾, 易油! 佢都last到大概7日,都唔錯! 唯一係我覺得佢陣味真係過大,哄得太埋油就真係有d頂唔住! 呢點我覺得要改善下!

鍾愛程度:♥♥♥ (5粒心心為滿分)

(English:  Product Review: There are quite a few different colors within this range and many of them look gorgeous!  I got this coral color and I really love it!  Color shows up well, quick to dry and easy to apply!  It lasts for around 7 days – so far so good!  The only thing I have hesitation on is the distinctive smell of the nail polish, it’s so strong that it makes me uncomfortable sometimes – if this is improved, it’d be better!)

How Much I Love This:♥♥♥ (5 hearts are full score)

Lancome Nail Polish
Color: 154M


用後感: Lancome既甲油我好幾年前都係用家, 大品牌黎講佢唔算貴, 但係就quality幾好! 顯色(深色既搽一層都可以), 好易油, 快乾同埋夠薄! 個掃都係圓圓地,邊位都可以照顧到! 持久度就邊邊個d唔太持久, 過兩三日會有少少白邊既情況出現! 係呢點扣咗少少分!

鍾愛程度:♥♥♥♥ (5粒心心為滿分)

(English:  Product Review: I did use Lancome’s nail polishes for quite some time before!  For a big brand, their nail polishes are not that pricey and they are of good quality!  Color shows up well (one layer is fine for deeper colors); it’s easy to apply, quick to dry and it dries thin!  The brush is again is somehow curved so as to take care of the edges of the nails.  However, it’s not the most long-lasting nail polish on earth, the colors on the edges fades away within 2-3 days.  This is a tiny bit disappointing!)

How Much I Love This:♥♥♥♥ (5 hearts are full score)

Dior Vernis
Color: 999 Red Royalty

價錢(Price):HK$165@ (?) Can’t remember exactly

用後感:人地話Chanel既甲油好油, 我就覺得Dior都好好油丫!! 顯色快乾唔洗講, 佢既甲油油完係令身, 所以唔洗加top coat都得! 持久度都讚, last 7-10日無問題!個掃都係圓圓地,邊位都可以照顧到! 唯一係價錢少貴啦, 除非隻色好特別/好鍾意, 否則都唔會亂敗!

鍾愛程度:♥♥♥♥♥ (5粒心心為滿分)

(English: People say Chanel has the best nail polish, I personally think Dior has great nail polishes as well!  The color shows up fantastically and it is with a shiny finish, so it’s fine not to add on any top coat!  It’s really long-lasting as well, it can last up to 7-10 days!  Again, the brush is a bit rounded so as to take care of the edges!!  The only downside is that it’s quite expensive, unless the color is fascinating, otherwise I wouldn’t haul aimlessly!)

How Much I Love This:♥♥♥♥♥ (5 hearts are full score)

Illamasqua Nail Varnish
Color: Boosh (Black) & Spartan (Golden Glitter)

價錢(Price):13.5GBP@ (available online)

用後感: 我買個陣呢個係set, 所以平過就咁買! 哈! 我覺得佢既甲油掂呀! 好好油同埋好顯色! 仲要好持久(10日)!! 掂!! 佢d色系就比較誇張同鬼婆, 唔係人人都啱啦(不過啱我呀!!)。佢地有時會有free international shipping, 有興趣可以得閒check下有無promotion! 話時話, 佢個黑色都幾易落, 掂(通常其他黑色落個陣都會變車房手麻)!

鍾愛程度:♥♥♥♥♥ (5粒心心為滿分)

(English: Product Review:  When I got this, it was a set, so it worked out to be cheaper than buying them individually.  Nice nail polish!!  Very easy to apply, color shows up really well and very long lasting (around 10 days) – fantastic!!  Its color collection is more vivid and vibrant, so it might not suit everyone’s taste (suits mine tho).  Sometimes they offer free international shipping, so if you are interested, you can check out their website from time to time to see if there is any promotion!  Right, for the black color in the pic, I am impressed that it can be removed quite easily!!)

How Much I Love This:♥♥♥♥♥ (5 hearts are full score)

Holika Holika Pop Nail Vivid
Color: 34 Gray


用後感: 韓國品牌, 平到笑呀! 其實唔好以為佢平就唔好, 佢都好用呀! 顯色, 易搽, 唔算超快乾, 但係夠long-lasting(7日)。 不過佢顏色唔多, 所以想買多幾隻色都好難買得落手! 如果想要d basic少少既色係可以買呢個品牌呀! 抵用!

鍾愛程度:♥♥♥♥ (5粒心心為滿分)

(English:  Product Review:  Korean brand and it’s with a super friendly price tag!!!  The quality is not bad at all!!!  Color shows up well, easy to apply, dries rather quickly (not super quick tho) and it lasts quite well (7 days)!!  However, the color selection is so so (not many to choose from), if you want some basic colors, then you could try this brand!!! Reasonable!!)

How Much I Love This:♥♥♥♥ (5 hearts are full score)

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