Myluxbox ♥ Sept (Trial Version)

你地呢期都知我中左Myluxbox毒啦, 如果你唔知我講緊咩, 你可以睇翻我之前呢個post –> Myluxbox.  佢地係星期四已經開張大吉喇.  我都即時上左去佢地既website 訂左佢地個3 month special launch offer, 即係我俾HK$150就會有3個月既Myluxbox喇.  本身我想訂一年既 (HK$800/ 12 months), 但係我計過3個月既special launch offer抵d, 所以我就訂左3個月先, 等3個月完左之後我就會訂12個月既.

(English:  You all know that I have been poisoned (in a good way) by Myluxbox these days, if you are not sure what I am talking about, please visit my previous post –> Myluxbox.  They have already launched on Thursday and I have already immediately gone on their website and registered their 3 month special launch offer.  That means I pay HK$150 for 3 months’ Myluxbox.  Originally I wanted to get HK$800/ 12 months, however, when I did my math, the 3-month one turned out to be the best, so I got it for now and switched to my membership later to a 12-month one.)

原本我係度諗而家訂應該要10月先收到, 係我好心急之際, Myluxbox email我邀請我試下佢地既trial version.  嘩, 當然好有興趣啦!!  我知道你地都struggle緊order唔order同埋唔知俾左既錢係咪真係會值回票價.  我記得我答應過你地如果我一收到, 我就會share等你地可以俾我燒下 (哈哈!!).  我尋日收到喇, 今日第一時間share俾你地睇丫 (係咪好乖呢??).

(English:  At first I was thinking I would get the first Myluxbox in Oct, however, I got an email one day from them asking me if I wanted to have their trial version!  Of course!!!  I understand that some of you are struggling to order or not and you are probably not sure if the items received are going to be worth the monthly fee.  I recalled that I promised to share mine once I have received it (I could tempt you all *laughs*).  Perfect timing, I got mine yesterday and now I am sharing the mysterious details (I am such a good girl haha!!):)

盒中有盒 Box inside the box:


SKII Facial Treatment Mask x 1 pcDiorsnow White Reveal Fresh Creame x 15mlLancome Bi-facil Non-oily Sensitive Eyes Instant Cleanser x 30mlKerastase Reflection Luminous Softening Shampoo x 30ml
Kerastase Reflection Luminous Softening Treatment Masque x 30ml
Shiseido Revital Whitening Lotion Ex II x 7ml
Shiseido Revital Whitening Moisturizer Ex II x 7ml


(English:  Let’s take a look at each item in the video as well):

其實我最驚喜係見到張SKII Facial Treatment Mask, 呢張野都要HK$68@, 所以你話呢個Myluxbox係咪物有所值?  哈哈, 另一驚喜就係見到Kerastase既產品, 你地都知佢d頭髮野個價錢都唔係好親民啦, 其實我想試佢d野好耐喇, 但係幾百蚊買翻黎如果唔suit我, 我就真係喊都無謂喇.  Yay!!  而家可以試左先, 呵呵~~

(English:  Actually the most surprising item should be SKII Facial Treatment Mask.  This one alone costs HK$68@, so now you understand you probably get more than what you pay for.  Haha, another surprise would be Kerastase’s products.  It’s pretty well-known that their prices are on the high-end side.  Indeed, I have been wanting to try their products, but I couldn’t get over the price factor.  Now at least I could give it a try before deciding to buy their full size or not!! *Grins*.)

好開心呀!!  我覺得真係抵呀, 同埋個感覺好得意, 好似自己個個月買禮物俾自己, 但係要等自己收到個陣先有驚喜.  正!! 

(English:  Very excited and happy still!  It’s worth the price.  The feeling is quite funny as well, it’s like you are buying gifts for yourself but you don’t know what you are going to get until you see it!  Brilliant idea!)

我未來收到既Myluxbox我都會出blog同拍片, 我睇佢個website話d Myluxbox唔係個個一樣, 因為要因翻你既膚質喜好咁, 所以如果你都訂左既話, 歡迎你地留言比我睇下大家既Myluxbox有咩唔同啦.  當然, 除左update入面有咩之外, 我都會share翻我對入面產品既comments啦.

(English:  I am going to do blog pieces and videos regarding my future Myluxbox.  I read their website and it says that they customize the Myluxbox to everyone, so we all may not get the same products (even more fun!).  If you have ordered, please feel free to drop me a line to tell me what’s the difference.  Of course, I am going to review the products inside as well, not just an update of what’s inside!)

P.S.  我見佢special launch offer已經sold out左喇 (真係快…), 而家register有兩個plan揀 – 1. HK$80/ month (can cancel anytime) & 2. HK$800/ 12 months (呢個平d, 同埋membership可以transfer俾其他人), 如果你地有興趣, 你地可以click呢樹登記啦 –> Myluxbox

(English:  P.S.  Sadly, their special launch offer is sold out (pretty quickly).  If you register now, they have two plans for you to choose from: – 1. HK$80/ month (can cancel anytime) & 2. HK$800/ 12 months (this is cheaper and the membership can be transferred to others).  If you are interested, you can register by –> clicking Myluxbox)

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